
People Are In Konoha, Starting To Pick Up Attributes from Anbu

Travel across the world of Hokage, become an Anbu Jōnin's Kazuya, and awaken the Divine Grade pickup system. The stronger the ninja you meet, the better the attributes you pick up. [You picked up 100 points of Chakra, and the level was upgraded to Kage-level] 【You have picked up the Blood Successor Boundary: Sharingan】 [You picked up 5000 points of pupil power, Mangekyō Sharingan upgraded to Eternal Mangekyō] 【You picked up 1 Ashura Chakra】 Third Hokage: Kazuya, the person I trust the most is you, so I can only rely on you for the matters of the Uchiha clan! Payne: Feel the pain, this is the power of God! Uchiha Sasuke: I want to seal all Tailed Beasts, kill Gokage, and change the world! Under the mask, Kazuya had a caring expression on his face: "Do you have this symptom today, or did you have it before?"

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Chapter 8

The four Anbu teams quickly followed the clues and started tracking.With a general direction, the difficulty of tracking the enemy is naturally reduced a lot.Along the way, several Anbu ninjas looked at Kazuya with strange colors.Before, the newly appointed sub-captain was very low-key, but he did not expect that he was so cunning that he saw through the conspiracy of Cloud Shinobi Village at a glance.It's amazing!No wonder he can be the team leader, but he is just a Common Anbu ninja!The gap is too big!"Kazuya-kun is still excellent as always!"A gentle smile appeared on the corner of Kurenai's mouth.The marching team formed a triangular formation, moving rapidly through the woods.Kazuya and a Hyuga ninja are in the center, Sarutobi Shinnosuke and Jiraiya lead the team at the front, and if they encounter an enemy, try to kill them as soon as possible....at the same time.Several elite ninjas are rapidly walking through the woods."Ah!"A dark-skinned strong man said coldly: "Konoha's dog nose is so clever, did it smell us?""It's lucky to have your white eyes...""green!"After speaking, his eyes were on a ninja wearing a Kirigakure.That look, no matter how you look at it, is a little weird."Master Raikage!"The ninja named Qing said seriously: "Our common enemy now is Konoha, you don't want to fail this mission, do you?""Of course not."That burly ninja with dark skin was none other than Fourth Raikage Ai! ! !snort!Fourth Raikage snorted coldly.Just roll your eyes, he will have Cloud Shinobi Village sooner or later!However.At this time, Naqing shouted in a low voice: "No, 1000 meters away! Konoha's ninjas are catching up!"in an instant.The invading elite ninja squad all changed their expressions, hid in place, and became vigilant.1000 meters distance!Can't escape!The pursuing Konoha Shinobi must be killed!...the other side."How many people are there?"Jiraiya asked, frowning.Hyuga Jōnin in the center of the team said, "1000 meters away!""There are ten people!""Chakra's strength is extremely high, they should all be Jōnin, no, one of them...""horrible!""That person's Chakra strength definitely exceeds Jōnin's level, he's just like a tailed beast!"At this moment, the Hyuga ninja seemed to have seen something terrifying, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead."A Chakra with a tail like a beast?"Sarutobi Shinnosuke's expression also changed."Nine Jōnin, and one who is...""Kage-level!??"Jiraiya groaned, and her expression became serious.at the same time.All the Anbu ninjas were silent in place, waiting for the next order."Xi Yan, Gai Feng, fight for a while, don't come to the frontal battlefield lightly."Kazuya said coldly."But..."Uzuki Xiyan wanted to say something, but was interrupted directly by Kazuya."This is an order!""yes!"Uzuki Xiyan lowered her head, but her expression was unwilling.She was able to enter Anbu at the age of 12, so she is naturally a genius ninja.At this moment, in the face of the enemy's elite Jōnin, he feels that he is an oil bottle, which makes Uzuki Xiyan, who has always been proud, feel very uncomfortable."If I can survive this time...""I must practice desperately, and I can't let Captain Kazuya look down on me!"Uzuki Xiyan clenched her teeth."Not quite right!"At this moment, the Hyuga ninja suddenly exclaimed in a low voice: "That's white eyes, the other side also has ninjas from the Hyuga clan, they are going to find us!"God!The voice of the Hyuga ninja in charge of the investigation is all wrong.How could the enemy Jōnin have white eyes?Could it be that the Hyuga clan has rebelled?Big event!"Do it!"Jiraiya was very decisive, and said sharply: "Leave the Kage-level enemy to me, and you are responsible for containing the others. If the enemy's strength is too strong, don't bother to fight.""Completing the mission and obtaining information is the top priority!"call out!finished.Jiraiya disappeared instantly."Captain Kazuya, we..."Sarutobi Shinnosuke turned his head and asked Kazuya for advice."I fully agree with Jiraiya-senpai's opinion."Kazuya opened it directly, and it didn't stick to the pan at all."good."Sarutobi Shinnosuke also agrees.The enemy has 9 Jōnin and a Kage-level ninja, and there are more than a dozen Jōnin on his side, and Master Jiraiya is there, occupying an absolute advantage.It is very reasonable to operate steadily and reduce casualties.in an instant.Konoha's Anbu ninjas also followed in an instant.Kazuya glanced at the direction in which Jiraiya disappeared.really!Only the weak play tactical routines, and the real Kage-level ninjas are all taken away by F2A!Playing is a crush!real man!Harder than you and it's over!"pity...""Later, I ran into a tougher Six Paths Penn, and was reversed!"Kazuya sighed.Maybe this is character determines destiny!No matter how powerful you are, can you pass the A! ? ?at the same time.Jiraiya lunges forward.Soon came to the position where the enemy Fang Yin was hiding.He stood on the top of the tree and glanced around.The surroundings were silent, and no enemy could be seen."nobody?"Jiraiya snorted coldly.Want to hide?Then blow you all out! !Fast printing with both hands!"Fire Style. Flame Bomb!"next moment.A fiery sea of ​​flames spewed out from his mouth, burning towards the enemies below.Rumble! Rumble!The flames roared.With the condensed oil of Chakra to support the combustion, the temperature of the sea of ​​fire was terribly frightening.Once it gets on it, it is extremely difficult to put it out, and it will be burned into a scorched corpse in an instant.This is the signature ninjutsu of Jiraiya. During the Ninja World War, it is unknown how many ninjas died in this sea of ​​fire."Enemy attack!""It's Konoha's ninja!""Beware of Fire Style!"Jiraiya's attack immediately made the opponent's ninja exclaim.It's just that those Jōnins reacted extremely quickly. The moment Fire Style appeared, they scattered in place to avoid the attack."Water Style. Water Barrier!"There was a woman's yelling in the field.in an instant.There was a wall of water more than ten meters high rising into the sky, blocking the sea of ​​flames.Water Barrier!Big Flame Technique!boom!The water and fire collided together, making a low roar.next moment.The Water Barrier was evaporated by the sea of ​​fire, forming a sheet of high-temperature water vapor that swept away.laugh! laugh! laugh!The engulfing high-temperature water vapor, like molten iron, directly burned through the surrounding trees, and a few wild boars that could not dodge were directly cooked."It's quite fragrant, no wonder wild pork is so expensive."Kazuya stood in the shadows in the distance, observing secretly: "Ah no, it's not a wild boar, it's this Water Style ninja, quite strong!"Kurenai Yuhi next to him gave Kazuya a white look.She seemed to have heard something outrageous.now.The war begins.Everyone is very nervous.Only Kazuya was as calm as water, watching the brilliant golden lights flying towards him.