
People Are In Konoha, Starting To Pick Up Attributes from Anbu

Travel across the world of Hokage, become an Anbu Jōnin's Kazuya, and awaken the Divine Grade pickup system. The stronger the ninja you meet, the better the attributes you pick up. [You picked up 100 points of Chakra, and the level was upgraded to Kage-level] 【You have picked up the Blood Successor Boundary: Sharingan】 [You picked up 5000 points of pupil power, Mangekyō Sharingan upgraded to Eternal Mangekyō] 【You picked up 1 Ashura Chakra】 Third Hokage: Kazuya, the person I trust the most is you, so I can only rely on you for the matters of the Uchiha clan! Payne: Feel the pain, this is the power of God! Uchiha Sasuke: I want to seal all Tailed Beasts, kill Gokage, and change the world! Under the mask, Kazuya had a caring expression on his face: "Do you have this symptom today, or did you have it before?"

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Chapter 88

in the smoke.Jiraiya stood up in a bit of embarrassment, he laughed and said: "Kazuya-kun, even if you are jealous of my handsomeness, you can't use this kind of trick to deal with your senior!""Hahaha...""However, your talent is really terrifying. In such a short period of time, you have mastered Tsunade's strange power!"Jiraiya patted the dust off her body, but didn't care.In fact.Kazuya's strike just now looked very lethal, but it didn't really take much effort.The effect is so good, the main reason is that Jiraiya's drama addiction came up, and he cooperated with him to perform a wave."It's just Chakra's control.Kazuya smiled slightly: "Senior Tsunade is willing to teach, so I can learn it naturally.""Too."Jiraiya nodded approvingly.In his opinion, Kazuya's talent in ninja seems to be even more Excellent than Minato!Seriously, this is already a very incredible thing!"correct......"Jiraiya's expression suddenly became a little embarrassed, and he asked a little bit embarrassedly: "Well, that Kazuya-kun, how is Tsunade doing recently?""If you want to know, why didn't Senpai Jiraiya go and see for himself?"Kazuya asked innocently."This... It's hard to talk about the things of our older generation. It's probably because we've been rejected a lot, so we can only watch from afar~"Jiraiya scratched her head and said with a rare shy smile."Very good. 927Kazuya said in a genuine tone: "Senior Tsunade is in the country of soup, with Shizune, living a life without worrying about food and clothing, probably living a good life!"tut tut!That should be right!With Tsunade's ability, it's only 60 million. She can find a way by herself and borrow it back!Trust Tsunade!"That's good..."Jiraiya nodded.Kazuya smiles.There is some disdain in my heart.Lick the dog until there is nothing left in the end!Anyway, he didn't intend to let Tsunade go, even if the feelings are not in place, as long as the fists are in place!As long as you are strong enough, nothing is impossible!After returning to the village.The first time, Third Hokage invited Kazuya to Hokage's officein the sun.Kazuya sat on the sofa, basking in the warm sun, feeling a little lazy.However, his expression was very serious, and he was listening to Third Hokage's high-spirited speech seriously."Kazuya ah..."Third Hokage said with great satisfaction: "Your performance in Kirigakure this time was really beyond my expectation, and you won a lot of advantages for the village [especially those Konoha Shinobi who were released."You did very well!"Kazuya said impassionedly: "Master Hokage, these are the things I should do, I can't bear to see those heroes who sacrificed for Konoha, shed blood and tears."right!"Third Hokage nodded and praised: "You are right, you did a good job, and you have lived up to my expectations.""Kazuya ah...""There are still more responsibilities on your shoulders, so you must be mentally prepared.more responsibility...Kazuya was puzzled, but her expression didn't change.At this time, Third Hokage asked again with a serious expression: "How do you think Danzo should be handled? This time, he has lost his bottom line in what he has done.""For the sake of power, I not only attacked the ninjas in the village, but also wanted to assassinate you, the captain of Anbu!""he...""It has become the darkness that hurts Konoha!"Kazuya's eyes showed a thoughtful look, but she was complaining crazily in her heart.Sarutobi Hiruzen ah...What's going to happen to that guy Danzo, don't you have a plan?After returning to Zizi, the ninjas under the root organization were broken up.Some of them were detained by Anbu.Another part was directly taken away by the Interrogation Department.Now, the area around the root organization base is probably already crowded with Anbu and Konoha ninjas everywhere, right?By doing this, Sarutobi Hiruzen obviously made up his mind, and this time he was going to kill his old partner Shimura Danzō.In fact, this is also very normal.Danzo, for the sake of Hokage, wanted to kill Sarutobi Hiruzen several times.If it weren't for the fact that there was no one in the village who could stand up to the banner, Sarutobi Hiruzen would have already committed murder.Now that the ending is already doomed, there is no need to add insult to injury.Kazuya was silent for a moment, and then said with a look of unbearable expression: "I think Elder Danzo is also obsessed with ghosts this time, Mr. Hokage, please send him lightly!""after all...""Over the years, everything Elder Danzo has done for the village has not been credited, but hard work!"tut tut!That's Shimura Danzō!A very high-quality experience package, if you don't max it out for him, you must not go offline easily!well......…Sarutobi(dbfj) Hiruzen sighed, but said with a somewhat relieved expression: "Kazuya, you are just too kind, so let me handle this matter personally!"i'm too kindho!Hokage-sama, your old and dim-sightedness needs to be cured as soon as possible!"...""I just don't want to hurt my fellow villagers.Kazuya stood up from the sofa and said shyly."I really didn't misread you!"Third Hokage patted Kazuya's shoulder with a warm smile on his face.As a boss, when cultivating successors, I worry that the successor will be indecisive and not decisive enough, but I am even more worried that the successor will be too ruthless.55-...After you take the position, what should I do if the liquidation falls on me?As a boss, who doesn't want to have a decent old age!From the perspective of Third Hokage, Kazuya is very good.Externally, the wrist is tough, ruthless, and merciless.It is very good to treat the companions in one's own village with tenderness and tolerance.As a superior person, maintaining balance in all aspects is a very important ability!wwwIn the next few days, Konoha's ninjas could feel that great changes had taken place in the village.On the street, Anbu can be seen patrolling everywhere.Even, in some places, the martial law of the ninja squad appeared.Some news from the upper echelon, saying that the head of the root organization, Shimura Danzō, was wiped out.His Hokage assistant position was removed, and the root organization ninja under him was also disbanded and temporarily incorporated into Anbu.Common ninjas may only hear some rumors.However, those big families or high-level ninjas know the accurate news.The Nara clan.Nara Shijiu, the captain of the Jōnin class: "Shimura Danzō has completely collapsed. Captain Kazuya has begun to take over the power he left behind. From now on, the upper echelon of Konoha will undergo earth-shaking changes."The Uchiha clan.Patriarch Uchiha Fugaku: "According to what Shisui and Itachi said, Captain Kazuya is a person who is gentle with his fellow villagers. He has become a new choice for the Uchiha clan. We may find a different future from him. ."The Hyuga clan.Patriarch Hyuga Hiashi: "The last Cloud Shinobi incident was Captain Kazuya, who helped the Hyuga clan. It seems that we will maintain a good relationship with him in the future. Unfortunately, Hinata is too young, otherwise marriage would be a perfect choice. "Yuhi Clan.Patriarch Yuhi Zhenhong: "My stupid daughter, it's so ugly, can't even handle a man?"After Shimura Danzō collapsed suddenly, Kazuya's work also became busy.Even, he was already so busy that there was a little secretary, Kuroyuki Yuhi, who was completely insufficient.It's noon this day.The desk is full of intelligence materials and personnel files, which are more than two meters high.Kazuya was helpless.However, these are things that cannot be avoided.With the downfall of Danzo, Anbu has also grasped the power of the root organization, and his power as the captain of Anbu has also reached its peak.With two major intelligence organizations in hand, Kazuya is already Konoha's trump card!Boom boom boom!Boom boom boom!There was a knock on the door."come in!"Kazuya buried her head in processing the data and said casually."Yes, Master Kazuya!"Soon, three ninjas came in from the door.Kazuya looked up.ho!Acquaintance again!even!Before Kazuya could open his mouth, several balls of golden light fell and flew towards him.