
People Are In Konoha, Starting To Pick Up Attributes from Anbu

Travel across the world of Hokage, become an Anbu Jōnin's Kazuya, and awaken the Divine Grade pickup system. The stronger the ninja you meet, the better the attributes you pick up. [You picked up 100 points of Chakra, and the level was upgraded to Kage-level] 【You have picked up the Blood Successor Boundary: Sharingan】 [You picked up 5000 points of pupil power, Mangekyō Sharingan upgraded to Eternal Mangekyō] 【You picked up 1 Ashura Chakra】 Third Hokage: Kazuya, the person I trust the most is you, so I can only rely on you for the matters of the Uchiha clan! Payne: Feel the pain, this is the power of God! Uchiha Sasuke: I want to seal all Tailed Beasts, kill Gokage, and change the world! Under the mask, Kazuya had a caring expression on his face: "Do you have this symptom today, or did you have it before?"

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Chapter 71

[You picked up 100 Chakra points][You picked up 100 Chakra points][You picked up 40 Indra bloodlines][You have picked up 20 Indra bloodlines][You picked up 50 points of pupil power][You picked up 50 points of pupil power]Groups of golden light continuously flew towards Kazuya.Especially the pair of Kakashi and Uchiha Itachi exploded for him, a lot of Indra blood and pupil power!Good harvest!Kazuya nodded in satisfaction, his expression was even more gratified, and he was sloppy beside the training ground.Recently, Konoha's Anbu found that their captain, Mr. Kazuya, came to the training ground much more frequently.Sometimes, they would even open their mouths and give pointers on their cultivation.What a valuable asset this is!You know, Master Kazuya is a strong man who can crush Jinchūriki head-on!His guidance is priceless!Moreover, after Kazuya took office in the "840", he has not yet determined his direct subordinate Anbu team.This makes Konoha's Anbu sect compete fiercely.Kazuya-sama's direct subordinate Anbu, that's an extremely sought-after position.*****this day.Kazuya was in a daze on the training ground, and when he was picking up a wave of attributes, Uchiha Shisui suddenly found him."fotejų..."Uchiha Shisui said with a smile: "Hokage-sama's order, please go to the office."oh?"Kazuya nodded: "No problem."At this time, that old fellow Sarutobi Hiruzen, why are you looking for him? Could it be that Cloud Shinobi Village is preparing to attack again after a period of recuperation?That's a great thing!Kazuya is eager to try!soon.Kazuya followed Uchiha Shisui to the Hokage office.When Anbu, the guard at the gate, saw him coming, he bowed and greeted him with a very respectful attitude.The door opened."Kazuya, Shisui, you are here!"Seeing the two walk into the office, Third Hokage stood up from his chair with a smile, and he looked at Kazuya with undisguised appreciation.[You picked up 200 points of Chakra][You picked up 200 points of Chakra][You picked up 100 combat experience points][You picked up 50 points of Wind Style talent]Groups of high-quality golden light fell from Sarutobi Hiruzen's body."Lord Hokage."Kazuya smiled.tut tut!not bad!Sarutobi Hiruzen is a fake greyhound, although it does not work hard, but the quality of the fixed drop every time we meet is very good, it is indeed "the strongest Hokage in history"!"Kazuya ah..."Third Hokage put down the pipe in his hand, and said, "I called you here today because there is a new S-level task for you, which may be very dangerous. Are you mentally prepared?"S-rank mission?Kill Orochimaru?Should not be!Sarutobi Hiruzen is probably reluctant to kill his lover!Kazuya guessed in his heart, but on the surface he said righteously: "Of course, Mr. Hokage, for the sake of the village, no matter how dangerous the task is, I will risk my life to complete it!""Hmmm... As expected of you, Kazuya!"Third Hokage said happily: "However, this mission is not so dangerous. It is very simple to say. Some time ago, Kirigakure's newly appointed fourth Mizukage-Yagura sent a diplomatic mission paperwork.""Your task is also very simple, send Konoha's documents to Kirigakure, and take the opportunity to find out information."After finishing speaking, Third Hokage paused, and then continued: "Kirigakure seems to have an intention to form an alliance. You can contact the people in Kirigakure to discuss a draft, and then bring it back to the village to decide. Do you understand?"Kazuya nodded.This is the right to make decisions on the fly. It seems that Third Hokage really values ​​him, and has even delegated power to diplomatic negotiations.Of course, this is also a kind of test. If he works hard and signs an XX contract, then the road ahead should be completely cut off."This mission, I will accompany you!"Third Hokage smiled and said: "You can also choose a guard. Kirigakure's attitude is very friendly, and it is not suitable for the village to send too many people, so as not to cause unnecessary misunderstandings.""...Kazuya pondered for a moment: "I understand, Master Hokage!""That's good."Third Hokage said to Uchiha Shisui again: "Shisui, this time you go to the Land of Water, you must follow Kazuya's command throughout the whole process, and you must protect his safety, understand?""Yes, Lord Hokage!"Shisui echoed.heard the words.There was also a satisfied smile on Third Hokage's face.Instant Shisui!Anbu Kazuya!The combination of these two is enough to give Kirigakure some shock!After leaving Hokage's office, Shisui thought over and over again before asking: "Senior Kazuya, there is another guard, who do you want to choose?"Kazuya thought for a while, then smiled and said, "Just Uchiha Itachi! With the two of us here, there won't be too many problems with safety, so let's take this child to see the world!"joke!These are two Mangekyō experience packs!If you get the chance, definitely take it with you!K...Uchiha Shisui looked very surprised, and he said with some embarrassment: "Is Itachi's words inappropriate, after all, Zizi..."Will not!"Kazuya said solemnly: "In recent contact, I have seen wisdom far beyond this age in Itachi. I think he is not a child of Common, but a ninja with real strength...""I think""It might be a good thing for the village and the Uchiha clan to let him see the outside world.As far as the identities of the two are concerned, the conflict between the village and Uchiha is no secret.All along, Shisui has been working hard to resolve this contradiction.So, when he heard what Kazuya said, a touched expression appeared on his face: "Senior Kazuya, thank you so much!"Before he finished speaking, he directly bowed to Kazuya."You're welcome.....…"Kazuya said softly: "All of this is for the sake of the village. Compared with those comrades who died on the battlefield, what I have done is "just trivial trifles!"After finishing speaking, a sad expression appeared on Kazuya's face at the right time."Senior Kazuya..."Shisui felt the same way, he felt a surge of heat rising from his heart, making his eye sockets a little red.bosom friend!It's so late to meet each other!Senior Kazuya's beliefs and ideas are deeper and firmer than his own!He really loves the village 4.1 deeply!finally.The ninja team of Kirigakure, led by Kazuya, accompanied by Uchiha Shisui and Itachi.There are not many people in the team of three, but no one is worried about safety.joke!Shisui is the strongest ninja of the Uchiha clan. At only 12 years old, he has surpassed the title of genius and has become a real strong man!Shisui's performance in the three battles even suppressed Kakashi, who is also a genius ninja!As for Kazuya-sama, that is a person who cannot be described in words!Injured Orochimaru, crushed Jinchūriki, these are the dazzling labels of Master Kazuya!If these two work together, maybe they can kill Mizukage!so...Security Question?Even if there is a safety issue, it is something other people should worry about!