
People Are In Konoha, Starting To Pick Up Attributes from Anbu

Travel across the world of Hokage, become an Anbu Jōnin's Kazuya, and awaken the Divine Grade pickup system. The stronger the ninja you meet, the better the attributes you pick up. [You picked up 100 points of Chakra, and the level was upgraded to Kage-level] 【You have picked up the Blood Successor Boundary: Sharingan】 [You picked up 5000 points of pupil power, Mangekyō Sharingan upgraded to Eternal Mangekyō] 【You picked up 1 Ashura Chakra】 Third Hokage: Kazuya, the person I trust the most is you, so I can only rely on you for the matters of the Uchiha clan! Payne: Feel the pain, this is the power of God! Uchiha Sasuke: I want to seal all Tailed Beasts, kill Gokage, and change the world! Under the mask, Kazuya had a caring expression on his face: "Do you have this symptom today, or did you have it before?"

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Chapter 64

above the sky.There are terrifying thunder and lightning swimming, and the bright thunder is shining.Rumble!Rumble!The terrifying roar made the ninjas present couldn't help but look up.Then!They couldn't believe it and saw that there was a Kirin-shaped giant lightning formed in the sky, roaring and descending from the sky, and ruthlessly bombarded Eight Tails Gyūki's body.boom!!!Dazzling blue light burst!Then Eight Tails Gyūki's goal is too big to avoid!In just an instant, he was devoured fiercely by that Kirin-like giant thunder light!Chick! Chick! Chick!this moment.The entire battlefield was filled with the sound of lightning beating."Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"Amidst the dazzling thunder, Eight Tails' shrill screams sounded.horrible!Not only Eight Tails, but even those Cloud Shinobi who were closer were shrouded in that terrifying thunder.These Cloud Shinobi, without even screaming, were directly smashed into charred corpses by the thunder!moment.The area hundreds of meters around Eight Tails was completely cleared!Kirin descended from the sky, seems to have the power to destroy the world!!!After a while.When the bright and terrifying thunder light dissipated, the figures of Killer Bee and Wooden Golem reappeared in the field.It's just that the two of them at this moment have completely lost consciousness.The beast-tailed form completely disappeared.He was lying on the ground with white smoke emitting from his body. He was seriously injured and unconscious.joke!This is the S-level ninjutsu Kirin, the instant output of double damage!That tyrannical power cannot be resisted by the current Killer Bee and the two Wooden Golems!"we won!!!"On the battlefield, countless Konoha Shinobi warriors cheered.Big ups and downs!No one could believe that under the absolute death situation, Master Kazuya shot and killed those two Jinchūriki from Cloud Shinobi Village!Incredible victory!It's just like a dream!"It's so strong..."Kurenai Yuhi, who rushed halfway, stood there stupidly, looking at Kazuya's back with dull eyes.This 330 man...It is too powerful!"Monster! He is a monster more terrifying than the tailed beast!"At the moment, even Uchiha Fugaku was stunned.What a terrible force!This Konoha Anbu-Nohara Kazuya is even scarier than Minato!!!Kirin's thunder light dissipated.The Cloud Shinobi on the battlefield were also dumbfounded, astonished, and terrified!This is.....…what happened!??Why were the two adults killed after a thunderstorm fell from the sky!??F!what the hell happened!!!In the midst of this panic and fear, Jōnin from Cloud Shinobi Village finally came to his senses and shouted loudly: "Quick, Master Protector, retreat by Master Wooden Golem!""Tail beast, absolutely cannot fall into Konoha's hands!!!"Before he finished speaking, he picked up Kunai and rushed towards Kazuya.This is a matter of life and death, we must buy time for the two adults!"Come on!""Stop Konoha's ninja!""To compare with adults!""Ahhh!"Nearly a hundred Cloud Shinobi screamed frantically, holding Kunai or Short Sword in their hands, and rushed towards Hedi desperately.No!Even if the war is lost, the tailed beast cannot fall into Konoha's hands!See this scene.Kazuya couldn't help feeling a little emotional.Jinchūriki from Cloud Shinobi Village, wow!Unlike Konoha's Nine Tails Jinchūriki, who was discriminated against and bullied since childhood!…Can't really die!??under the mask.Kazuya's gaze became somewhat worried.Just now, just to be on the safe side, he used half of the Chakra in his body to trigger Kirin, plus the addition of fairy art and double damage buff, the power is really a bit terrifying.I don't know if the two Jinchūriki experience packs can hold it.fine!Not long after, Kazuya saw the blond girl Samui rushing to the two Wooden Golem, picked her up and ran away.Look at the ups and downs of the mouth of the two by Wooden Golem, breathing [still (dbca) alive!Killer Bee, who was seriously injured and unconscious, was also carried away by two burly Cloud Shinobi Jōnin."Perfect ending......"A smile appeared on Kazuya's face.This battle, his harvest, is undoubtedly very terrifying.The blood of Indra is here!Lightning Style talent full level!And the power of the Tailed Beast and a huge amount of Chakra!Now, Kazuya's Chakra and Tailed Beast Power stats are:[Chakra:lv5(156500/1 million)][Power of Tailed Beast: lv4 (17000/100,000)]Five hundred migrant workers!The Uchiha Clan!There are also two heavyweight experience packs - Killer Bee and two by Wooden Golem!Directly gave Kazuya more than 150,000 Chakra, and 17,000 points of Tailed Beast Power!at the same time!Kazuya's pupil power has also been raised to: v3 (4200/5000)!It is only one step away from lv4!This is simply a big explosion, a crazy harvest!"I hope next time we meet, you two will be weakerKazuya is really looking forward to this.next moment.His footsteps trembled, as if he was a little out of strength, he swayed for a while."Kazuya-kun!""team leader!"Two beautiful figures appeared in an instant.One left and one right supported Kazuya's precarious body.Those were Kurenai and Uzuki Xiyan. Seeing that Kazuya seemed to be collapsing, they hurried up to help her.In the beautiful eyes, it is difficult to hide the anxiety and worry.A!C!really!Between the age of twelve and eighteen, there is an insurmountable moat!"I'm fine..."Kazuya was a little weak, "Leaned a step into Yuhi Kuren's arms."Kazuya-kun, you..."When Kurenai heard Kazuya's weak voice, tears filled her beautiful eyes, and she was so distressed that she was about to cry.Kazuya, this is how he has always protected himself, always facing the most powerful enemy, undertaking the most tragic battles, but never retreating half a step, and never complaining a word!Such a man...She doesn't know what words to use to describe itat this time."That Konoha Anbu lost his strength, take the opportunity to kill him!""Protect the two adults and retreat!""Kill!""Lightning Style․ Sanda Mu Liudou!""Lightning Style. Thunderball!""Lightning Style Emotion Wave!""Lightning Style Thunder Tiger!"Those Cloud Shinobi who rushed over roared angrily, and smashed Wuhua Eight Gate's Lightning Style ninjutsu crazily.For a moment, thunder and lightning flashed in the air, and the picture was very spectacular.However!Without Kazuya doing it himself.behind him.There was shouting and killing."Protect Kazuya-sama!""Grandson of Cloud Shinobi Village, your opponent is me, grandpa!""Wind Style․ Great Breakthrough!""Wind Style. Vacuum Sphere!""Wind Style. Vacuum Daidama!""Wind Style․vacuum wave!""Shuriken. Crazy Throwing Technique!""Second assistant, your mother's shuriken is thrown crooked again!"Konoha's ninja support has also arrived!A series of Wind Style ninjutsu completely suppressed the Lightning Style of Cloud Shinobi Village!Wind Cray!In addition, Kazuya alone smashed Cloud Shinobi's two Jinchūriki, and Konoha's morale was greatly boosted, instantly crushing Cloud Shinobi's aura![You picked up 100 Chakra points][You picked up 100 Chakra points][You picked up 30 Wind Style talents][You picked up 20 points of Wind Style talent][You picked up 40 Yin escape talent][You have picked up 20 Indra bloodlines][You picked up 100 points of Wind Style. Vacuum Sphere skill experience][Your Wind Style. Vacuum Sphere has been upgraded to full level v5]*****Groups of golden light continuously poured into Kazuya's body.coming!Experience packs are back!Kazuya's spirit suddenly lifted!He didn't act any more, he scattered a flying thunderball casually, and shouted the slogan loudly: "For Konoha, for Hokage-sama, charge!!!"finished.Kazuya rushed to Cloud Shinobi's camp first.His Chakra is only half left, but it is more than enough to deal with these Cloud Shinobi!"For Konoha!""For Master Hokage!""For Kazuya-sama!""charge!""Brothers, rush with me!!!"Seeing the back of Kazuya taking the lead, Konoha's ninjas also became enthusiastic.They looked at Kazuya with awe and admiration!How long!How long has it been since I saw a commander who can lead them and charge together!move!Tears!The ninjas of Konoha went crazy!With Kazuya-sama here, the opponent's Jinchūriki is still lying down, so if you don't beat the dog in the water, when will you wait!!!"kill!""Group Destruction Cloud Shinobi!""For Kazuya-sama!""Come on!!!"Konoha's ninjas were crazy about fighting, and they rushed into Cloud Shinobi's line like desperate warriors.Boom!Boom!Boom!Strange power bursts out continuously!Kazuya, who rushed to the front line, killed three Cloud Shinobi's Jōnin not long after meeting each other!There is no escape!Common's Jōnin, can't keep up with him!If you are unlucky, you will be instantly killed as soon as you meet each other!This is the horror of strange power. It may not be used much against ninjas of the same level, but against low-level ninjas, it is a crushing instant kill!With this trick, Tsunade has become a tank medical ninja on the battlefield!now.Kazuya led the team, and Konoha's morale was frenzied, piercing Cloud Shinobi's battle line in an instant!"withstand!""Hold me!"The commander of Cloud Shinobi roared hysterically.This battle has already been defeated like a mountain, and now they can only have their lives to buy time for the two adults to retreat.However.Before the Cloud Shinobi commander finished speaking, a white light appeared beside him in an instant.Boom!punch!Explosion of strange power!Kazuya floats by.behind.The body of the Cloud Shinobi commander had exploded, and red blood rained down on the battlefield.call out!call out!call out!The figure of Kazuya, shuttles constantly on the battlefieldWherever he goes, the Cloud Shinobi who is entangled by Konoha Shinobi will be instantly killed when he meets him.Terrifying strange powers continued to erupt, setting off a bloodbath on the battlefield.At this moment, without the restraint of Kage-level ninjas, Kazuya is an invincible existence on the battlefield.Unparalleled all the way, swept all the way!All Cloud Shinobi caught by Kazuya were killed instantly, without even a chance to struggle.Chūnin! Jōnin! Elite Jōnin!No matter who it is, below the Kage-level, it's a punch of monster power in seconds!The attack of Flying Thunder God + strange power, the speed of killing the enemy is even more terrifying than the Fourth Hokage!Boom!Boom!Boom!Groups of blood flowers exploded, and those Cloud Shinobi, who were not afraid of death, finally couldn't bear it anymore."monster!""Ahhh, he's a monster!""Who will save me, please, who will save me!"Some Cloud Shinobi were so frightened that they gave up resistance, knelt down and began to cry.finally.collapsed!Cloud Shinobi's battle line has completely collapsed!Nearly a hundred Cloud Shinobi were killed on the spot, and Kazuya alone killed most of them!Peerless! Invincible! Invincible!A destructive God of Killing!Countless Konoha Shinobi players, looking at Kazuya, became fanatical!Fatet...!!!The Konoha Shinobi players on the battlefield are not fools, they can all see that the key to this battle lies in Master Kazuya!If Master Kazuya hadn't suppressed and killed the two Jinchūriki, it would be them Konoha Shinobi who are slaughtered now!kill!Cloud Shinobi kills less!When the last Cloud Shinobi Village Jōnin was killed by Kazuya's punch, the other Cloud Shinobi also started to flee crazily!!!