
People Are In Konoha, Starting To Pick Up Attributes from Anbu

Travel across the world of Hokage, become an Anbu Jōnin's Kazuya, and awaken the Divine Grade pickup system. The stronger the ninja you meet, the better the attributes you pick up. [You picked up 100 points of Chakra, and the level was upgraded to Kage-level] 【You have picked up the Blood Successor Boundary: Sharingan】 [You picked up 5000 points of pupil power, Mangekyō Sharingan upgraded to Eternal Mangekyō] 【You picked up 1 Ashura Chakra】 Third Hokage: Kazuya, the person I trust the most is you, so I can only rely on you for the matters of the Uchiha clan! Payne: Feel the pain, this is the power of God! Uchiha Sasuke: I want to seal all Tailed Beasts, kill Gokage, and change the world! Under the mask, Kazuya had a caring expression on his face: "Do you have this symptom today, or did you have it before?"

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Chapter 16

Not long after.The information of this battle was sent back to Konoha Village.Hokage office."Really well done!"Third Hokage put down the information scroll in his hand, and smiled excitedly: "This time, Cloud Shinobi Village really paid for it. Even that bad boy, Fourth Raikage, led a team to infiltrate into our land of fire!""pity...""Meet Jiraiya and Kazuya!""Lu Jiu!"Third Hokage said very gratified: "You and I have a good vision. Kazuya is indeed a very excellent ninja. He has lived up to our expectations!""Yes, Lord Hokage!"Nara Shikajiu nodded, and said: "In the information, Kazuya fought against the Fourth Raikage head-on, and he won't lose the wind. This is not the strength that ordinary Anbu ninjas can have!""It seems that after being discharged from the hospital, Kazuya broke the shackles and reached a whole new level!"The smile on the corner of Third Hokage's mouth never stopped. He said solemnly: "After Kazuya returns this time, I will give him another burden. Kazuya is excellent and loyal, and he is the talent that the village really needs!""indeed so!"Nara Shijiu agrees with this.Third Hokage put down the pipe in his hand, he looked at the sky outside the window, his eyes were a little lost.because!He saw the real will of fire in Kazuya, and also saw the shadow of Minato!...at the same time.Fourth Raikage led his men, crossed the border of Fire Country, and entered the territory of Tang Country."Damn it!"The extremely strong Fourth Raikage roared furiously: "That nasty Konoha Anbu, go find out his identity, I will take his head off on the battlefield in the future!""Damn it!"Fourth Raikage is on fire.He never suffered such a big loss from Namikaze Minato back then!"Boss, then our plan..."A Cloud Shinobi Jōnin next to him asked aloud."Since the surprise attack plan has been exposed, there is no need to continue."Fourth Raikage said harshly: "Third Hokage, Jiraiya, and Orochimaru are all in the village, and a mysterious Anbu appeared again. If we go to surprise the Daimyo Mansion again, we will die!""But what about the ninja side?""Ninja?" Fourth Raikage, who finally calmed down, said coldly: "The task has been given to him. If he can't bring back the supercilious eyes of the Hyuga clan, he won't have to go back to the Land of Thunder!""Yes, Master Raikage!"After hearing the words, the few Cloud Shinobi beside them also had a cold look on their faces.now.Fourth Raikage looked in the direction of Konoha, clenching his fists.This time, he will definitely get it back!Konoha Anbu...I have seen your miserable death! ! !......Two days later.Kazuya and a group of Anbu ninjas finally returned to Konoha Village.Next, is the process of handing over tasks.After unloading the equipment, Kazuya planned to go home and take a rest, but was told by Sarutobi Shinnosuke that Third Hokage wanted to see him."see me?"Kazuya had a rough guess in his mind.The summoning of Third Hokage is mostly related to his explosive combat performance before.To this.Kazuya is not worried.He became a Jōnin at the age of 17, what a genius!Isn't it normal for a genius to suddenly have an epiphany at a certain moment and improve his strength rapidly?That's reasonable!Anyway, everyone is like this!Even if it's a bit outrageous, it's definitely more reasonable than Zuo Ming's kind of cheating in a dream!soon.Kazuya was in Hokage's office and met Third Hokage."not bad!"Third Hokage took a puff of his pipe and said with relief: "Kazuya, I heard about your performance in this mission, it was wonderful, and you played with the momentum of my Konoha Shinobi, very good!""Of course, you can't be complacent!""You still have a long way to go in the future, you have to keep working hard, understand?"Kazuya nodded upon hearing that.He disdains it in his heart.Another bunch of useless nonsense, even if you add a little bonus, it's considered your sincerity!However.Just when Kazuya complained silently.Suddenly, Third Hokage picked up a scroll from the table, he got up, walked to Kazuya, and handed the scroll up."This is..."Kazuya was a little puzzled."This is the catalog of the sealed book!"Third Hokage smiled and said: "Kazuya, I will open the sealed book to you, and you can choose a ninjutsu from it to learn.""The ninjutsu in the Book of Seals can also be called Forbidden Technique. Each technique is powerful and dangerous, and it is very difficult to learn!""so...""For the time being, you can only learn one, and you can't eat as much as you want. After you have mastered it, take your time!"The Book of Seals!Kazuya's eyes lit up.This is Konoha's Forbidden Technique Encyclopedia, which records countless powerful Forbidden Techniques!Such as Impure World Reincarnation, Tandem Paper Bombs Technique, Eight Inner Gates, Multiple Shadow Clone Technique, Flying Thunder God Technique, etc., are all super ninjutsu that shine in the original plot!"Sarutobi Hiruzen trusts me so much?"Kazuya's expression remained motionless, but the thoughts in her heart were flying wildly.It has to be said that this sealed book is indeed something that makes people's hearts!now.Even Kazuya was a little excited.He roughly glanced at it.Forget about Impure World Reincarnation first, if you really want to choose this one, Third Hokage will turn his back on him and suppress him immediately!Eight Inner Gates...The Forbidden Technique that injures one thousand enemies and self-injury eight hundred is unnecessary!After looking around the catalog, Kazuya's eyes finally locked on.Flying Thunder God Technique!this...Seems to be pretty good!He got a special talent before - super speed reaction, which happens to be used in conjunction with the Flying Thunder God Technique!Very suitable look!The only troublesome thing is that the difficulty of Flying Thunder God is too high. Only two people in the entire ninja world are Grandmasters, and they are all cool.Therefore, it is still very difficult to break out the skill experience of Flying Thunder God Technique.In other ninja villages, it would be impossible to raise the level of Flying Thunder God Technique.But in Konoha...Isn't there still three skill experience packs!Kazuya has a decision."You want to choose Flying Thunder God Technique?"Third Hokage looked very surprised: "Kazuya, I must remind you that this jutsu is extremely difficult. Since Nidaime, only Minato has learned this ninjutsu!""Even me, Jiraiya, Orochimaru...""There is no entry at all!""Have you decided yet?"Kazuya nodded: "Of course, there must be a way before the car reaches the mountain. I believe in my talent.""Oh well!"Third Hokage didn't say much, he took out the storage scroll, summoned the real sealed book, and asked Kazuya to transcribe the part of Flying Thunder God Technique."correct..."After transcribing the Flying Thunder God Technique, Kazuya suddenly said, "Master Hokage, I want to borrow three people from you!""three people?""right!""you say!"A few minutes later.Kazuya left Hokage's office with a big smile on her face.experience pack...Done! ! !