
People Are In Douluo, Coaxing Xiao Wu's Spirit Ring

Lan Si, a former Blue Star firearms lover, was born into the world of bad people by chance and became the 14th Taibao of Tongwenguan. Before he could show his grand plans, he was regarded as an odd number by the bad handsome and fell off the cliff. Soul reborn to Douluo Continent... Tang San: My Clear Sky Hammer is the first weapon in the world. Lan Si: No, no, I am Haotian Bamboo shoots. Not only can I smash people, but the tip of the bamboo shoots can also break defenses. Tang San: My Blue Silver Emperor is the strongest control type martial spirit, with a blue silver domain attached. Lan Si: Look at my Qinglian Martial Spirit, the Buddha's Furious Fire Lotus can't kill you. Qinglian field pits crying for you. Tang San: I still have the unique skills of Tang Sect. Lan Si: Have you seen the Holy Universe Gong? Have you seen Wu Lei Tian Xin Jue? The two great powers are combined into one, and two martial spirits can be used at the same time. And use martial arts fusion skills. Tang San: I also have Haotian Jiujue, Da Xumi's hammer and ring, capable of leapfrog battles. Lan Si: I'm sorry, but I will too. I learned from your dead ghost father in your appearance. Tang San: I still have Xiao Wu... Lan Si released Qinglian martial spirit, the sixth red spirit ring is particularly conspicuous: Sorry, she has become my spirit ring. Hello, I am not the original author, I loved this novel very much, I wanted to share it for those who have not seen it and those who do not know. I don't own anything about this novel and the characters. Note; I do not expect any income from this novel. Original: https://www.69shu.com/txt/40462.htm https://m.qidian.com/book/1032538234.html Author: Fried green pepper with egg

Taddena · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Red Feather Eagle and Mandala Snake

"Come out, Luo Sanpao!"


  Showing his warrant, he entered the Soul Hunting Forest, and Yu Xiaogang summoned his own martial spirit - Luo Sanpao !

  Lilac hair, small drooping ears, big dark blue eyes, a fat body, and four short, thick legs, look like a dog, and a dog that is fatter than a pig.

  "Pfft", Lan Si instantly broke the defense, and the tender little face couldn't help laughing.

  "Is there any problem?" Yu Xiaogang frowned, he always felt that Lan Si was laughing at him, but there was no evidence.

  "It's nothing, I just think Da Shi's spirit is very cute." Lan Si squatted down and stroked Luo Sanpao like a dog in a previous life.

  The closeness of Lan Si greatly increased Deluo Sanbao's favorability. His huge head gently rubbed against Lan Si's calf, and then turned over to reveal his belly to show his friendliness.

  Seeing how Luo Sanpao and Lan Si were getting close, Yu Xiaogang twitched the corners of his mouth. He ignored Lan Si, turned his eyes to Tang San, gave a brief introduction, and continued on his way.

  Luo Sanpao led the way, and the three followed behind.

  Not long after, Luo Sanpao stopped in front of an ancient tree about nine meters high.

  "Looks like we're lucky." Yu Xiaogang pointed and said to Lan Si, "Lan Si, this Spirit Power Sacred Wood is over ninety years old. Although it's not even a hundred years old, it's very close, so you can choose. It should be able to obtain a good healing soul skill or a soul skill that increases soul power."

  Lan Si gave Yu Xiaogang a contemptuous look and shook his head.

  "What, do you have any dissatisfaction? Young people, don't be too lofty, the spirit power sacred wood of more than 90 years is very rare." Yu Xiaogang's face darkened, and since accepting Tang San as his apprentice, he felt it again. When it came to being ridiculed, I was very angry.

  In the same way, Tang San also vaguely sensed the smell of gunpowder, frowned, and persuaded 'kindly': "Lan Si, just choose this Spirit Power Sacred Wood, the teacher's theory is not wrong."

  "Sorry, Dashi , I have my own choice. Thank you for taking me into the Soul Hunting Forest. I'll say goodbye first." Lan Si sneered in his heart, tapped the ground with his toes, and jumped up to a big tree next to him. figure.

  "Teacher, he's here." Tang San looked at the place where Lan Si disappeared with a horrified expression, a look of disbelief flashed across his eyes, he never imagined that Lan Si would have such a strong ability, practising Xuan Tian Gong and getting lost in ghosts. He asked himself whether he could do it.

  But Lan Si is only an aboriginal, and Martial Spirit is still an auxiliary system.

  Grandmaster said that the auxiliary system has no offensive power, Tang San believed it deeply.

  But Lan Si did it. Not only did he easily defeat Xiao Wu, who possessed the Rabbit Martial Spirit and was innately full of spirit power, in the dormitory, but he also possessed such a vigorous skill.

  Sure enough, you can't underestimate the world's spirit masters, Tang San couldn't help sighing in his heart.

  "Don't worry about him, don't listen to the old man, the loss is in front of you, let him go, this soul beast forest is extremely dangerous, we should be careful." Although Yu Xiaogang was also very horrified by Lan Si's vigorous athletes, but at this moment he His heart has been replaced by anger.

  How about being physically fit?

  An auxiliary spirit master with a mere fifth-level innate spirit power didn't even know how to respect a teacher. No matter how fast his spirit power increased in the early stage, he couldn't compare to Tang San who possessed twin spirits.

  When Tang San obtains the first spirit ring under the guidance of this master, there will be times when you will regret it.

  "Hmm." Tang San was also dissatisfied with Lan Si in his heart. Since the other party didn't know what was good or bad, he would just let it fend for itself.

  Along the way, Lan Si encountered many soul beasts.

  There are colorful cats, lonely bamboos, short-tailed leopards, etc. There are countless soul beasts of various ten years, but none of them have been encountered for more than a hundred years.

  "Fortunately, there are books about soul beasts in the soul tool left by my parents, otherwise I wouldn't be able to tell my age."

  Standing on a big tree in the Hunting Soul Forest, Lan Si closed the thick book in his hand, secretly rejoicing in his heart.

  He looked up at the darkening night, looked around, found a hidden place, set up a tent, and sprinkled the snake repellent powder purchased in advance.


  Lan Si was awakened by an eagle cry in the middle of the night.

  Lan Si got up and quickly ran out of the tent. Under the faint moonlight, he vaguely saw two black figures chasing from a few hundred meters away.

  As it got closer, Lan Si could see the specific appearance of the shadow.

  The one chasing was an eagle soul beast with a wingspan of more than four meters. Its feathers were crimson-blue, thin as cicada wings, and unusually sharp. Under the moonlight, it shone with a dazzling metallic luster. Everywhere he passed, all the branches were cut off.

  The one being chased was a snake, with a dark green snake body, more than three meters in length and nearly four meters in length, with strange patterns all over its body.

  One eagle and one snake chased and fled. Although the snake was not injured, it was the last resort.

  "It turned out to be the Red Feather Eagle and the Mandala Snake." Lan Si was surprised and delighted.

  He found that he actually encountered two hundred-year-old soul beasts at the same time.

  According to the records in the book, the length of the mandala snake increases by one centimeter, and the age increases by one year. This mandala snake is more than three meters long and nearly four meters long, which means that it is a soul beast that is nearly four hundred years old.

  The Akabane Eagle's age is calculated according to the length of its wingspan. Every centimeter of the wingspan increases the age by one year. This Akabane Eagle has a wingspan of more than four meters, which indicates that the Akabane Eagle has been cultivated for more than 400 years.

  "The mandala snake is planted this time. Although it hasn't been injured yet, the Akabane Eagle Xiu is stronger than the mandala snake, and it has strong defense and anti-toxicity. In addition, snakes are naturally restrained by eagles. , I'm afraid it's doomed. Wait, an eagle and a snake came out from the depths of the Soul Hunting Forest, shouldn't this mandala snake be the one that Tang San encountered in the original book?"

  Lan Si looked around, really Not to mention, the travel route of the mandala snake happens to be outside the Hunting Soul Forest.

  According to the travel route of the mandala snake, a hundred meters in front of the right side, a huge rock the size of a hill was seen. A narrow opening was split in the middle of the rock, and there was a cave in it, just enough for the mandala snake to hide.

  As long as the mandala snake hides under the boulder, the red feather eagle can't do anything about it at all.

  After all, no matter how strong the Red Feather Eagle is, it is still a hundred-year-old soul beast. Facing the huge boulder as large as a hill, there is absolutely nothing that can be done.

  "Let me help you." Lan Si chuckled lightly, tapped the ground with his toes, and under the cover of the night, the mandala snake first stepped into the narrow opening.

  Inside the opening, there is a unique cave, and Lan Si is petite and has enough room to move.

  Holding her breath, Lan Si guarded the entrance of the cave.

  Not long after, the rustling sound of snake scales rubbing against the grass and trees was heard outside the cave.

  As soon as the sound approached, the thunder light surged in Lan Si's left hand, and the Haotian bamboo shoots were released.