
People Are In Douluo, Coaxing Xiao Wu's Spirit Ring

Lan Si, a former Blue Star firearms lover, was born into the world of bad people by chance and became the 14th Taibao of Tongwenguan. Before he could show his grand plans, he was regarded as an odd number by the bad handsome and fell off the cliff. Soul reborn to Douluo Continent... Tang San: My Clear Sky Hammer is the first weapon in the world. Lan Si: No, no, I am Haotian Bamboo shoots. Not only can I smash people, but the tip of the bamboo shoots can also break defenses. Tang San: My Blue Silver Emperor is the strongest control type martial spirit, with a blue silver domain attached. Lan Si: Look at my Qinglian Martial Spirit, the Buddha's Furious Fire Lotus can't kill you. Qinglian field pits crying for you. Tang San: I still have the unique skills of Tang Sect. Lan Si: Have you seen the Holy Universe Gong? Have you seen Wu Lei Tian Xin Jue? The two great powers are combined into one, and two martial spirits can be used at the same time. And use martial arts fusion skills. Tang San: I also have Haotian Jiujue, Da Xumi's hammer and ring, capable of leapfrog battles. Lan Si: I'm sorry, but I will too. I learned from your dead ghost father in your appearance. Tang San: I still have Xiao Wu... Lan Si released Qinglian martial spirit, the sixth red spirit ring is particularly conspicuous: Sorry, she has become my spirit ring. Hello, I am not the original author, I loved this novel very much, I wanted to share it for those who have not seen it and those who do not know. I don't own anything about this novel and the characters. Note; I do not expect any income from this novel. Original: https://www.69shu.com/txt/40462.htm https://m.qidian.com/book/1032538234.html Author: Fried green pepper with egg

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After obtaining the spirit ring, Lan Si naturally no longer intends to stay in the Soul Hunting Forest.

  Wandering all the way, he unhurriedly tested his newly acquired spirit ring skills against the spirit beasts around him.

  At noon, he finally walked out of the Soul Hunting Forest.

  But when he was leaving the gate of Hunting Soul Forest, he was blocked by two armored guards in full armor.


  "Two uncles, what's the matter?" Lan Si glanced at the two of them, revealing the ignorance and panic that should be expected in the current age group.

  It has to be said that a child's appearance is the most deceptive.

  Seeing Lan Si's tender and beautiful face, the expressions of the two armored guards under the masks were a little softer. One of the armored guards squatted down and asked Lan Si, "Which academy are you a student? Where's your lord?"

  "I It's from Notting College, and I got separated from the college teacher not long ago, so I went back the same way." Lan Si said half-truths.

  "It's really an irresponsible teacher." Although the iron armored guard was a little angry, he didn't dare to accuse him. He was just an ordinary guard and could not offend the soul master. He pointed to the wooden hut not far away, and then said to Lan Si: "Little brother, this place is four hundred miles away from Notting City. We are not at ease when we go back alone. You will wait for your teacher at that wooden hut first."

  "Thank you, uncle." Lan Si did not refuse, anyway, he had obtained the first spirit ring to be promoted to spirit master, just in time to practice the Holy Universe Art and Wulei Tianxin Art again, breaking through to the second floor. At that time, whether it is speed and strength, or the thickness of soul power, explosive power, will be greatly improved.

  On the evening of the third day, Tang San and Yu Xiaogang finally walked out of the Soul Hunting Forest.

  At this moment, the two of them were quite embarrassed. Although Yu Xiaogang was not injured on the surface, his face was pale and there was no trace of blood, which was obviously a symptom of being poisoned.

  Being carried by Tang San, due to the huge gap between the two of them, Yu Xiaogang's legs were pulled on the ground, dragging him along, while Tang San, who was carrying him, was obviously not lightly tired, his breathing was a little short, and he was full. Sweaty head.

  "It seems that even if Tang San didn't have the mandala snake, he still encountered a good spirit ring." Seeing this scene, Lan Si sighed inwardly, and immediately walked to the two of them, pretending to be surprised: "Tang San, what's wrong with you and Da Shi?"

  Tang San glanced at Yu Xiaogang, a hint of hesitation flashed in his eyes, and immediately said to Lan Si, "Teacher and I encountered a hundred-year-old soul beast, and in order to protect me, teacher , was poisoned by the soul beast."

  Lan Si said: "Then let's send Da Shi back to Nordin College as soon as possible."

  Tang San nodded, and then heard Lan Si say: "You wait here first, I'll hire you A carriage."

  After speaking, Lan Si said hello to the two armored guards, then turned around and walked quickly to the market.

  When Yu Xiaogang woke up, the three had already got into the carriage.

  "Yo, Da Shi, you're awake." Lan Si, who was watching the Soul Beast Illustrated Book, closed the books and said with a smile to Yu Xiaogang.

  "Lan Si?" Yu Xiaogang was a little shocked, his eyes turned to Tang San, and asked: "Little San, what's wrong with me?"

  Tang San glanced at Lan Si without a trace, and then said to Yu Xiaogang: " Teacher, you were poisoned by the black mamba snake, and I took you out. Then I met Lan Si at the gate of the Soul Hunting Forest."

  "What about the black mamba snake? And how about your spirit ring? "Yu Xiaogang was stunned, and hurriedly asked.

  "Don't worry, teacher, my spirit ring has been solved, that black mamba snake has become a dead end after being hit with your spirit ability. I can solve it with a little bit of effort." Tang San's face was not red, his heart Do not jump nonsense.

  When Yu Xiaogang heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief and showed a gratified smile, "That black mamba snake is nearly 300 years old, although it hasn't reached the limit of the first spirit ring, it's not bad, you can look back on it. Show me your first soul skill."

  "Yes." Tang San replied respectfully. After the absorption of the spirit ring, he not only solved the problem that Xuan Tian Gong could not continue to improve, but also had a comprehensive understanding of the spirit. In his opinion, the so-called spirit The strength is actually similar to the inner strength of his previous life, but there seems to be no cultivation method in this world, only simple operation.

  Lan Si on the side heard the conversation between the two and sighed inwardly, is this the restorative nature of the plot?

  Thinking about it, with Tang San's character, how could he absorb that rubbish orphan bamboo that was less than a hundred years old.

  However, the mandala snake that was nearly 400 years old turned into a black mamba snake that was nearly 300 years old. It was a surprise.

  The toxicity of the two is similar, but the age difference is a full hundred years.

  "What about you, Lan Si? How did you get the first spirit ring? If you don't get it, we'll turn around now and go back to the Soul Hunting Forest to hunt down that Spirit Power Sacred Tree, just in time to test the little San's first soul. Skills." Yu Xiaogang looked at Lan Si, and there was a vague smugness in his eyes.

  "I don't need to bother Grandmaster, my spirit ring has been resolved." Lan Si said lightly.

  "That's good." Yu Xiaogang didn't care too much, according to his thoughts, Lan Si guessed that he had chosen a ten-year soul beast at random, and immediately said: "If that's the case, then the two of you will wait until Nordin. Cheng, remember to go to the Wuhun Temple."

  "Why go to the Wuhun Temple? Haven't we already awakened the Wuhun?" Tang San was puzzled.

  A wise light flashed in Yu Xiaogang's eyes, and said to Tang San: "It's not to awaken the martial spirit, but to conduct a spirit master appraisal, one is to test your own spirit power, and the other is to receive a subsidy every month, so that in the future you can You don't need to continue working as a student. You can spend more time cultivating."

  "It seems that Spirit Hall is very friendly to us commoners." Hearing that there was a subsidy available, Tang San's calm little face showed a faint smile.

  "Hmph, it's just to buy people's hearts. Those are the money from the two great empires." Yu Xiaogang snorted coldly, disdainfully.

  Hearing this, Tang San frowned, and the only trace of affection he had for Wuhun Temple disappeared in his heart.

  According to his idea, the feudal kingship is supreme, and the Spirit Hall is obviously overtaking it in this way. Even, there is suspicion of rebellion. Obviously contrary to his previous life's philosophy of being loyal to the monarch and patriotism.

  Just when the master and the apprentice were fighting against the same enemy in the Spirit Hall, Lan Si's voice echoed in the carriage: "Master, I have a question I want to ask you."

  "Oh? It was confirmed that he was clearly in a good mood at the moment.

  "Da Shi should be from a noble or a big sect." Lan Si asked lightly.

  Yu Xiaogang frowned, "Why do you say that?"