
Episode 21

Peony sat at the kitchen table, lost in thought. He was still reeling from the discovery that he was not human, and that someone or something was after him. He couldn't shake the feeling of being watched, of being hunted. But who was his enemy, and why did they want him dead?

As he sat there, lost in thought, Hazel came into the kitchen and asked how he was doing. Peony put on a brave face and told her he was okay, but he knew that he wasn't. He was scared, and he didn't know what to do.

Hazel, sensing that something was wrong, told Peony that she was going to school and that he should stay home and rest. Peony nodded, grateful for the chance to be alone with his thoughts. He watched as Hazel gathered her things and left the house, then went to lock the door as she had asked.

As he turned to go back inside, a bright blue light appeared before him, and Lupaine, his personal guard, materialized in front of him. Peony was surprised to see him, but also relieved. He knew that Lupaine was a powerful warrior, and that he would do everything in his power to protect Hazel.

Peony gave Lupaine his orders: protect Hazel and let him know if anything strange happened. Lupaine asked about Peony's plan, but Peony admitted that he had no idea what to do next. He wanted to find the old lady who claimed to be his grandmother, and see if she had any answers, but he had no idea where to begin.

Suddenly, he remembered the old peonies book that he had acquired from his grandmother's house. He knew that it contained all sorts of information about the old flowers and their magic, and he hoped that it might hold some clue to his own situation.

Peony told Lupaine about the book and his plan to use his powers to understand where the old flowers lived. He hoped that he might find some hint about the old lady or his own origins, or even about the person who was after him.

Lupaine nodded, impressed with Peony's resourcefulness. He knew that Peony was not a warrior like himself, but he had a keen mind and a strong will. Lupaine admired that about him, and he knew that Peony was a valuable ally.

Peony went to his room and retrieved the old peonies book. He flipped through the pages, searching for any mention of the old lady or his own situation. He found many references to the old flowers and their magic, but nothing that seemed to relate to his own predicament.

Peony sat at the table, feeling frustrated. He had been searching through the old peonies book for hours, but he couldn't find anything that would help him understand his situation. Just when he was about to give up, he noticed some words that were written in a strange, glowing script that he didn't recognize.

As he spoke the words out loud, he suddenly felt a strange sensation, as if he was being pulled into the book. He closed his eyes and braced himself for impact, but when he opened them again, he found himself standing in the middle of a jungle.

Confused and disoriented, Peony looked around, trying to make sense of his surroundings. He saw a figure standing in the shadows, and as he approached, he realized that it was the old lady who had claimed to be his grandmother.

"Who are you?" he asked, feeling a mix of fear and curiosity.

The old lady turned to face him, and Peony saw a strange, glowing tattoo on her forehead. It looked familiar, and he suddenly realized that it was the same tattoo that he had on his own body.

"I am your grandmother," she said, her voice low and raspy. "I have been watching over you, protecting you from those who would harm you."

Peony didn't know what to make of this. He had never met his grandmother before, and he didn't know if he could trust her. But he couldn't deny the feeling of familiarity that he felt when he looked at her.

"Why did you bring me here?" he asked.

The old lady smiled, and Peony saw a glint in her eye that made him uneasy.

"I wanted to show you something," she said. "Something that will help you understand who you are."

She led him through the jungle, and as they walked, Peony noticed that the trees and plants around him seemed to radiate a strange, magical energy. He had never felt anything like it before, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and awe.

Finally, they came to a clearing, and the old lady pointed to a spot on the ground.

"Stand there," she said.

Peony did as he was told, and suddenly he felt a strange force pulling him downwards. He tried to resist, but it was too strong, and he felt himself sinking into the ground.

As he fell deeper and deeper, he saw flashes of memories and images, like a dream that he couldn't wake up from. He saw the old lady, and he saw himself as a child, playing in a garden filled with peonies. He saw strange, magical creatures, and he saw himself using powers that he didn't know he had.

Finally, he landed on solid ground, and he opened his eyes to find himself back in his own house, with the old peonies book lying open on the table in front of him.

He looked down at his body and saw that the glowing tattoo that he had seen on his grandmother's forehead was now on his body as well.

He didn't know what to make of what had just happened, but he knew that he had a new understanding of who he was and what he was capable of. He was still scared and uncertain about what the future held, but he knew that he had a powerful ally in his grandmother, and that he would do whatever it takes to protect himself and those he loved.