
Penetrating the Cold Ceo's Heart

Being a beautiful yet cute male omega was not an easy feat for Ray Anderson yet he is determined to make life easy for both him and his only younger sister but in a legal way. He was once a very rich heir for a rich family but when life dealt him an heavy blow of loosing both his parents on a day and left him with his younger sister while his fraternal family took everything away from him,he had no choice but to take his savings and take care of his sister at the age of 19. Meet Brian Hoffman,an handsome, workaholic and aloof 24 year old alpha ceo who hates omegas because of his personal enmity he has with them in the past but now throws himself deep into work in other to bury the pain he felt in his last relationship. Meeting​ each other was never in the plan as they both have different reasons to be there at that particular moment.They met when Ray had no choice but to work as a waiter in a club when he noticed that his heat is coming and he needed to buy Heat medicine for himself before he is too late. Brian threw himself into work because of his hurtful past which he felt and he was already used to the way both omegas and betas often threw themselves at him because of his attractiveness and wealth which made him furthermore hate them and treats them with disgust . Join me in the story of love,hatred and self acceptance of Brian Hoffman and Ray Anderson. Love knows no bounds, not even gender so step into a world of love, acceptance, and pride."."

Gbolahan_Olaide · LGBT+
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19 Chs

Chapter 8


Brian spent most of the remaining night till morning hovering around in his bedroom. The hardwired predisposition of an alpha didn't allow him to leave the young man in his bed for more than a few minutes but he knew that this omega was different from the rest.Brian got nervous and irritated every time he ventured out of the room. His pheromone-saturated body had decided that the man was his omega now, demanding he protect him at all times during the heat. Too tired to fight his nature, he'd brought his coffee upstairs and answered some work-related emails on his laptop, leaning against the headboard by the sleeping man's side. Around early morning, the stranger woke up abruptly, disoriented muttering a name.

"Tania Tania Tania"

He sat up on Brian's oversized bed, and when he noticed Bria sitting next to him, he scrambled away still saying the same name. Then he paused by the headboard, knees to his chest, staring at Brian anxiously and furiously and demanded for his phone. Brian handed him the blanket with his phone and the young boy wrapped himself up quickly, hiding his naked body while dialing a number in his cellphone while Brian placed the laptop on the nightstand. The boy observed him with wide, cautious and terrified eyes. Heaven help me. He looks so young. The omega's unusual beauty physically hurt to see, and Brian felt like a criminal for having touched the perfect creature but decided against it since he doesn't know this was a plot to get his attention or if it was really a coincidence.They'd already f*ck*d twice, his Omega was half-asleep for most of the second heat wave they went through together, and Brian still didn't know anything about him except the name he keeps muttering ever since he woke up. "What's your name?" A few seconds of hesitation and then, "Ray." RAY. Brian had simply called him Beautiful in his mind when they lay together in the early morning hours, limbs intertwined, bodies joined. "Hi, Ray. I'm—" "Brian I know. You told me but i need to get home now." "You remember?" "Yeah." "You could've died, Ray" "I get that now. I didn't know it would be so bad this time and it even came unexpected" "It's your first heat?" "No."Ray said and looked around nervously trying to look for his clothes. Then his skittish gaze met Brian's again. "Can you … Would you mind dropping me off or you still want a piece of me again for compensation of Saving me last night" he said while still looking at me cautiously.

Ray turned his head to look at the alpha, who was looking back at him with a little smile that Ray didn't bother to return.He wanted to curl up against the alpha's warm body and sleep, but as he came back to himself, he realized that wasn't part of this. It was time for him to go back home to meet his younger sister,, Tania "Can I take a shower before I leave?" Ray asked. "Oh… yeah. It's through that door.Brain pointed to a door off the bedroom. "Thanks." Ray rolled over and got out of bed on shaky legs, taking in the alpha's bedroom for the first time. It looked like something out of a magazine, decorated in a dark gray and black with one wall all windows, it was chic and modern to the extreme. In that moment of vulnerable post-s*x lucidity, the social and economic gap between them suddenly felt impossibly wide. It hadn't seemed important while he was pinned to the bed with Brian' c*ck inside him, but he suddenly felt much less sure of himself. The man he was bedding was someone powerful, rich, and educated. Compared to him, the omega felt like he was lacking in almost every way but he shrugged it off because of what he has faced with different Alphas.

Ray focused on the door ahead of him and resisted the urge to look over his shoulder as he stepped into the bathroom and closed the door, hand searching the wall until he found a lightswitch. The bathroom was just as nice, and just as modern. His eyes were drawn to a huge bathtub that he wanted to get in and never come out of. All this was seeing was is making him remember the life he lived before everything went haywire,but he knew he couldn't have those again. His eyes studiously avoided the mirror as he made his way through the bathroom. Whatever condition Ray was currently in, he was sure that seeing it reflected in the cold light of the bathroom belonging to the stranger who had just f*ck*d him to within an inch of his life wasn't going to make him feel less inadequate. He walked to the shower and opened the glass door, reaching in and turning on the water, waiting for it to warm up before stepping in. He couldn't hold back a small moan at the feel of the scalding hot water cascading down over him. His shower never got this hot. It felt like he was being defrosted all the way down to his bones as he stood under the spray. He looked around and spotted the soaps and shampoos on a little shelf. He reached for the shampoo first, washing his hair quickly and rinsing. Before he washed his body however, he had to spread his legs a little and reach down between them. He used gentle fingers to coax the alpha's release from him. It was more upsetting than it had any right to be, but he tamped down on that impulse right away. He grabbed the bodywash and lathered up before rinsing off and reluctantly turning off the water.

He stepped out and grabbed a towel off of a nearby rack, it was heavenly soft and soaked up the water from his hair and body far better than his own, raggedy old towels. Once dry, he wrapped the towel around his hips and walked back into the bedroom that still reeked of s*x.

Brian wasn't on the bed anymore. Ray walked toward the door to the bedroom, but the alpha appeared before he reached it. Brian was wearing a pair of black sweatpants now. The moment was a bit awkward, but there was nothing to ease it. Brian reached out his hand, and in it was a check. Remi took it with shaking hands, looking at it and that this was real but he felt that the alpha wanted something else from him ,The alpha had just handed him a check for fifteen thousand dollars. Ray looked up at Brian with something akin to awe on his face with a mix of disdain .The alpha knew that the omega was struggling financially, and it felt good to help him out. He'd been magnificent in bed, and honestly was worth every penny.

Ray was struggling for words. This was a lot of money, and it was going to change his life so much. He felt lighter as some of the weight of his worries was lifted from his shoulders. He was so grateful and felt insulted but he didn't know how to express it in the right words. Thanks for paying me after having an amazing s*x with you?

Brian thought he could atleast pay him of to truly see his true colours because he was hoping that Ray would return the money but Ray surprised him with what he next.Ray gave him back the check and requested for cash instead with the excuse that he was too lazy to go to the back to cash in the check.

""You thought I won't accept it,it will be a different matter if I didn't do anything but I was with you for a whole night so of course,am happy you gave me this and thank you. I'm actually going to get a decent night's sleep for once."" he said while waving the cash Brian gave him. Ray smiled back before bending down and picking up his clothes off the floor. Everything smelled so much like his slick that he wasn't sure what to do. There was no way he could take the bus in these clothes, especially not this early morning when everyone will be rushing to go to work. That was asking for trouble. He probably shouldn't even take a cab if he was going to be smelling like he was in heat. "Do you need something clean to wear? I'm sure I've got some sweats that might fit if you tighten the drawstring." Brian offered. "Yeah, actually. That would be great

Brian headed to his closet and rifled around for a few moments before producing a pair of sweats, a white t-shirt and a big, thick hoodie that would be enormous on Ray. The omega quickly dressed and everything was hopelessly oversized. He had to roll the pants up at the waist three times and push the sleeves of the hoodie up so he could use his hands. But it was warm and soft and that was all the omega cared about at the moment.

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