
Penetrating the Cold Ceo's Heart

Being a beautiful yet cute male omega was not an easy feat for Ray Anderson yet he is determined to make life easy for both him and his only younger sister but in a legal way. He was once a very rich heir for a rich family but when life dealt him an heavy blow of loosing both his parents on a day and left him with his younger sister while his fraternal family took everything away from him,he had no choice but to take his savings and take care of his sister at the age of 19. Meet Brian Hoffman,an handsome, workaholic and aloof 24 year old alpha ceo who hates omegas because of his personal enmity he has with them in the past but now throws himself deep into work in other to bury the pain he felt in his last relationship. Meeting​ each other was never in the plan as they both have different reasons to be there at that particular moment.They met when Ray had no choice but to work as a waiter in a club when he noticed that his heat is coming and he needed to buy Heat medicine for himself before he is too late. Brian threw himself into work because of his hurtful past which he felt and he was already used to the way both omegas and betas often threw themselves at him because of his attractiveness and wealth which made him furthermore hate them and treats them with disgust . Join me in the story of love,hatred and self acceptance of Brian Hoffman and Ray Anderson. Love knows no bounds, not even gender so step into a world of love, acceptance, and pride."."

Gbolahan_Olaide · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Chapter 4


He waved goodbye as he exited the bus and stepped back out into the freezing night air. Ray jogged the four blocks to his apartment, dashed up the stairs and into his little studio,he was relieved to see that Tania already ate the food he left for her to eat after coming back from school,he knows that his younger sister was trying not to make things hard for me by not complaining about anything,Ray felt that he was very lucky that Tania doesn't make a fuss about wanting toys like most 12 year old.

It was just as cold in his apartment as it was outside, but he still felt good to be home. He wished he could shower before bed, but he never did during the winter because of tania and money for rent.

Going to sleep with wet hair when his apartment was so cold was a recipe for getting sick, plus it helped to have a hot shower to look forward to in the morning when he had to exit the warm safety of his nest. The best enemy of the cold were his winter pajamas of thick sweatpants, an oversized hoodie and two pairs of socks.

Stripping down and quickly changing, Ray was instantly shivering as what little warmth he'd had leached away from his skin the moment he exposed it to the unforgiving cold air. He brushed his teeth and plugged in his cracked old iPhone, making sure his alarm was set before crawling into his nest. Remi wrapped himself up in several layers of blankets, before curling into a shivering little ball in the hopes of warming up enough to sleep and he thought about his upcoming heat because he knew if he doesn't get hus heat medicine,bad things was going to happen to him.

Remi woke with a groan as his alarm started its very annoying and unappreciated sound in his ear. He hissed as he reached a hand outside the warm confines of his blanket burrito to feel around for his cell phone and turn off the incessant nag for fear of waking up Tania. He pulled the phone to him and squinted at the screen to see it was 6:30 PM and he had to get up and go back to work which is the night shift. It was Saturday, which meant that he was going to be very busy at the club and if he wanted to take a shower and be on time, he needed to get up soon.

He allowed himself one snooze cycle of five minutes to pout and throw a little fit before getting up. Ray winced as his feet hit the tiles and even through his two pairs of socks, the heat was pulled from his body at once, sending a shiver up his spine all the way to his scalp. He walked into the bathroom and started up the shower, the old pipes groaning in the walls as the water slowly heated. Ray brushed his teeth quickly and stripped out of his warm pajamas, stepping into the shower. He had to wash himself quickly.

There was only about five minutes of hot water before it would run out. So, he washed his hair and body with rapid movements, and then stood under the warm spray until he felt a slight change in temperature, and he immediately turned the water off. His shower would go from hot to stone cold in the span of about 45 seconds, and he didn't want to waste the warmth in his skin. He reached outside the shower curtain and grabbed his towel, drying himself off quickly before the water could chill too much on his skin. At least the tiny bathroom was warm from the steam as he grabbed his outfit for the day and pulled it on. He blow dried his hair quickly, not wanting to go outside with wet hair in the cold.He hesitated at the bathroom door, not wanting to open it and let all his warmth out, but he sighed and resigned himself as he opened and the cold air of his apartment pulled the warmth away

He noticed that he was already leaking slick so he took the last dose of the fake pills he bought last month but he knew he had to go to work in other to get the real thing,he then ordered food for Tania and walked out into the cold nights.He shivered as he grabbed his coat, wallet, phone and keys and rushed outside into the cool morning, locking the door behind him. A snowflake landed on the tip of his nose, and Ray looked up with a smile and saw delicate little snowflakes falling around him. He loved the snow, even if he hated the cold. He smiled all the way to the bus stop as the white flakes swirled around him. Even if he was shivering with his hands pressed deep into his pockets to protect them, the omega was still happy. Nothing made winter like snow. His favorite view was that of the world covered in glittering white ice, the morning after a heavy snowfall because it made him remember when his family was still complete and they went on trips during the Winter.

His bus arrived just as he got to the stop and he hopped on gladly, taking a seat and rubbing his hands together for warmth, blowing into his cupped palms to try and defrost his frozen fingers. His stop came too soon and he jumped out and headed into the club to help get everything set up for the night rush, immediately he got into the club,he already knew he was in for a long night because he saw the same scene he saw the night he came for the interview with Ricky.

An hour later into the night,he already punched a beta,glared at more than 50 Alpha's and gotten glared at by more than 20 Omegas reason being that,betas wanted to have s*x with him in a throupe with Alphas, Alpha's offered him to be thier b*tch and the omegas glared at him for trying to steal their customer with just his looks.Ray knew the job was going to be tiring but not to this extent because aside ,from the physical duties of being a waiter he still has to deal with different scenes he was seeing in the club like BDSM which was shown in different rooms he had to take drinks to.

Fu*ckig hell. I slid down the bathroom wall and hugged my middle. The cramps were truly nasty. This shouldn't be happening now but I was already wishing for a time machine that can make me be at home when my heat comes, I only had to make it just for this night, and then I should see the light at the end of this grim tunnel.My heat is not supposed to be here tonight,this place is not safe for me at all especially when there are countless Alphas and betas waiting to jump on an omega on heat.

Tomorrow is my payday at this club and I was planning to buy my heat medicine and f*ck myself with my fake Dildo and knot when I drop Tania at Ricky's house tomorrow morning. "I have to go outside and get a cab home before this get worse and I can't control myself and make a mess of myself in this club". Blood pounding in my head, my brain boiling, I barely knew what I was doing. One second, I stood frozen in the bathroom of the club shaking, the next I had my phone in the pocket of my sweats and was pulling on my sneakers. I even shoved Alex aside to get to the door. The breeze outside chilled my overheated cheeks. I half walked, half ran along the boardwalk, trying not to bump into anyone.

My skin crawled with all the people around, and my vision blurred with tears. By the time I reached the car park, I was breathless and sobbing then i bumped into someone with a very nice smell and lost control of myself.