
Penetrating the Cold Ceo's Heart

Being a beautiful yet cute male omega was not an easy feat for Ray Anderson yet he is determined to make life easy for both him and his only younger sister but in a legal way. He was once a very rich heir for a rich family but when life dealt him an heavy blow of loosing both his parents on a day and left him with his younger sister while his fraternal family took everything away from him,he had no choice but to take his savings and take care of his sister at the age of 19. Meet Brian Hoffman,an handsome, workaholic and aloof 24 year old alpha ceo who hates omegas because of his personal enmity he has with them in the past but now throws himself deep into work in other to bury the pain he felt in his last relationship. Meeting​ each other was never in the plan as they both have different reasons to be there at that particular moment.They met when Ray had no choice but to work as a waiter in a club when he noticed that his heat is coming and he needed to buy Heat medicine for himself before he is too late. Brian threw himself into work because of his hurtful past which he felt and he was already used to the way both omegas and betas often threw themselves at him because of his attractiveness and wealth which made him furthermore hate them and treats them with disgust . Join me in the story of love,hatred and self acceptance of Brian Hoffman and Ray Anderson. Love knows no bounds, not even gender so step into a world of love, acceptance, and pride."."

Gbolahan_Olaide · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Chapter 15


Brian was irritated all morning as he showered, dressed and headed for the office. Not having an answer about the Ray situation was like an itch under his skin that he was dying to scratch. For a man used to getting what he wanted, when he wanted it, whether through cleverness, hard work, or money, it was endlessly frustrating to have to wait when he was so unaccustomed to it.He still can't get Ray out his head and it's pretty amusing to him considering the fact that he has sworn never to talk to an Omega not to talk of relating or fucking one. Everyone at work was staring at him again, probably because of the 180 degree turn in attitude back to his usual stoic and slightly off-putting self.

He was in his office for a total of about two hours before Liam found his way into one of the chairs across from him. Brian just rolled his eyes, not wanting to deal with anything other than finding out if Ray Anderson was still working at the club or not,he nearly bought all the drinks at the club the night before . His lack of attention didn't put Leon off his mission however.

"And he's back. The good old Brian Hoffman, who likes to scare the shit out of interns and makes everyone think he hates them. What's up? Did whatever beta or bottom alpha you finally managed to bang decide that they don't want anything to do with you or you didn't fuck him real well since your cock ain't working anymore?"

The question was joking, but it hit a little closer to the truth that Brian was totally comfortable with because he has been going to the club for a week and he has not seen Ray once which was becoming frustrating.

"There is no omega, and if there were really one, it still wouldn't be your business. Don't you have work to do but to indulge yourself in my business?"

I do have work to do, but unlike you I have a secretary, an administrative assistant and a personal assistant, so I'm not chained to my desk all day like someone I know. Did you forget that we have a conference call with the manufacturing plant this morning?"

I have been telling you for a while that you should get yourself an assistant of a secretary to help you with your workload but you refused to listen to me.

Honestly, he had totally forgotten. He turned back to his computer and started to type quickly.

"Hold on, just let me send this email, then we can…" Brian faded off as the chirruping ring of his cell phone cut through the office..

"This is a personal call, so can you?" Brian made a shooing motion with his hand to indicate for Liam to leave.

The other alpha gave him a look of suspicion, but stood and chose not to talk but he started to walk toward the door not without giving him a look that clearly means that their conversation is not yet over.

,Brian was sure this wasn't the last he'd hear from Liam about this odd behavior. He didn't have many secrets from his friend, and the fact that he was asking him to leave for a call was a big red flag.

"Okay, but don't be too long. The call starts in 15 minutes." Liam warned him.

Brian nodded absently and swiped the screen to answer the call, putting the phone to his ear as the door swung closed behind Liam.

The call was from an unidentified number but since it was from his personal phone,the voice was from someone well known to him so he immediately hung up and hissed as his headache started coming back.

Then it rang again which showed the name Alex on the screen,he happily answered the call because he gave his phone number to a waiter at the club to call him when he had news about his beautiful Omega.

So , what was up with the secret personal call? After you finished you were back to smiling and looking all happy. Don't bullshit me, Brian. I know you too well for it. Are you seeing someone?" Liam asked.

"I'm not seeing anyone." Technically true. "Look, it's personal. I know that you're just worried about me, and that's very nice of you. But I'm an adult. I'm fine. I promise that if I need to talk or anything, you'll be the first to know."

Liam gave him a long, hard look and sighed.

"Alright, fine. What choice do I have?"

Brian felt a small fondness for his friend who was like a big brother to him. Liam had looked out for him since they were kids, and still tried to, despite the fact that they were both in their 30's, Liam felt bad for not been there to see the signs about his last relationship and was still feeling guilty about it when he was hurting. It was nice to have a loyal friend who was always there for him, even if he was a nosy bastard sometimes.

Their usual banter returned as they ate the rest of their lunch and headed back to the office Brian was already getting behind on work, but he knew that staying late tonight wasn't an option, since he had his meeting with Ray. He would likely have to stay late for the next couple of nights.

The rest of the day felt like it lasted an eternity, the way that a day always felt when you were looking forward to something. Eventually, 5 o'clock rolled around and Brain left with a smile on his face, looking forward to finally meeting his pretty boy in person. He was sure that he could provide what Ray wanted financially. But Brian was more interested in the list of kinks and other experiences he might be able to provide the omega in the way of orgasms, and items to check off his bucket list.