
Pelagus Fabula

This story follows the story Mordred who seeks strength to defeat Adam in the next magical war. While making connections through his journey he discovers the dark side of every race and his encounter with the powerful beings.

Aibervictum · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Training with him

(-March 1, 2061/ 12:50 PM/ Current location: Training grounds-)

John came back after bringing multiple types of weapons from the armory.

Bows, swords, spears, guns. He brought them all.

[John: Alright Mordred. Pick a weapon that you think is suitable for you.]

Mordred crouches to take a good look at the weapons he brought.

Most of them are made with high-quality materials and engraving.

I need a light and easy to control type of weapon. A sword is a very protagonist like so that's out.

Spear is a middle range weapon and my fighting style is about strength. My attack needs to be swift and precise. Blunt weapons are what I usually use so my choice is.

Mordred held his fist close to his face.

[Mordred: My fist.]

John laughs like a proud barbarian.

[John: Good! Good! I like the way you think.]

He throws the weapons out the training grounds with sheer strength and force that rivals a cannon.

[John: Show me your stance.]

Mordred made a boxing stance. It covered the side of his head and openings.

[John: Practicality over entertainment eh? Boxing it is then. Wait right here.]

Mordred stopped using his Boxing stance

John walks back from the Armory to get something. When he came back, he brought a blackboard and chalk.

He proceeds to draw the human body with uncanny precision, showing bones, joints, and nerves.

[John: This is the Human body. Some parts of it can be destroyed without threatening someone's life. Joints are what you need to dislocate in order to cease your opponent's functions and nerves have certain parts when targeted, which will hinder your opponent's combat capabilities.]

Mordred raises his hands.

[Mordred: I have a question. What nerve do I have to hit in order to make my opponent unsteady?]

[John: The Optic nerve. Once you hit that with sufficient strength, he won't be able to cope with the fight for a few minutes.]

Oh. I should probably do that next time to settle fights as quickly as I can without revealing too much.

[John: There are more parts to learn so stay awake okay? Not just the human parts, every species on this planet.]

[Mordred: Okay.]

John points at the spine of the body.

[John: Tetraplegia is where you need to avoid getting damaged at. It will cause an effect on your body called: "Paraplegia". Your waist, down to the legs and pelvic organs will stop functioning. In other words, paralysis.]

He pauses for a moment. John looks at Mordred for a few seconds. The face he made is similar to that of forgetting something important.

[John: You haven't fought anyone yet have you?]

[Mordred: Just some thugs and thieves. Nothing too special.]

[John: Let me give you some advice.]

[Mordred: What is it?]

[John: Learn to have acceptance.]

[Mordred: Huh?]

Mordred got genuinely confused by what he said. Acceptance in what?

[Mordred: Acceptance?]

[John: That's right, acceptance is the key to holding your ground in a life or death situation. Picture this, you are in a fight that will certainly end your life or will end someone else's. How will you react?]

[Mordred: I don't know. I have yet to experience it.]

[John: You will need to act like a lifeless body. A machine that does what it's told to do.]

[Mordred: So I lose my emotions? Is that right?]

[John: That is right. Instead of despairing for yourself, you despair for them. You accept that your opponent is gonna lose as of this moment and you cannot stop it. That is acceptance in a fight. Your father used this constantly in his prime.]

[Mordred: Just what kind of person is my father?]

[John: He is someone you will serve until the end. A man who demands respect and loyalty but let's postpone that topic for now.]


(-Meanwhile at the Impala Orphanage-)

(-March 1, 2061/ 12:55 PM/ Current location: Impala Orphanage)

Old keeper is being pinned down by the soldiers and the Orphanage is being overrun by Alice's men.

The furniture was destroyed and the glass windows broken by the cause of forced entry.

She asks a question to the Old keeper while giving off an annoyed look.

[Alice: Where is he?]

The Old keeper grins.

[Old keeper: You're too late. He has gone somewhere else.]

She spoke menacingly. Demanding for an answer.

[Alice: Speak if you don't want the children to become minced meat.]

He became hesitant. Old keeper's face showed worry for the children.

They are his top priority so naturally, their lives matter the most to him.

[Old keeper: He is with Lord Charles.]

Her face showed what looks to be frustration while scratching her hair in a way that should not be done.

[Alice: That smegma swallowing son of a bitch. He's always two steps ahead of me.]

Alice bashes his head down to the wooden floor. It broke through and knocked him out while his head was below it.

The soldier pinning him lets go of the Old keeper's hands and leaves him behind.

She orders her men.

[Alice: Withdraw!]

Her soldiers left the Orphanage building and ran back to the helicopter as quickly as they could.

Alice walks out of the building and sits down inside the helicopter.

Don't stop me from saving him. He's all I have left.


(-March 1, 2061/ 1:35 PM/ Current location: Mansion Library-)

Charles goes inside to find Anastasia.

To his surprise, He found her reading a very large book with very well illustrated magic circles with explanations below it.

[Charles: Creating another magic spell I assume.]

[Anastasia: Trying to practice picking up girls, are we? Do a better job, King Charles.]

[Charles: Does my status as King of Trauzagaien not affect you in any way?]

[Anastasia: I signed your contract of unwavering loyalty and Grand service. I protect you from danger and will also kill by your command. Thus it doesn't mean that I should respect the position you're in.]

Charles laughs for a little bit.

[Charles: You really had to go in detail with your explanation.]

He changes the topic.

[Charles: So, have you found his location?]

[Anastasia: No, I haven't found his location. I don't have any clues or hints to know his whereabouts so i'm just guessing at this point.]

[Charles: We don't have any development whatsoever. Is there someone who is connected to Adam? Any at all?]

[Anastasia: If I we're talking about the closest, it would be the Gospels.]