
Pelagus Fabula

This story follows the story Mordred who seeks strength to defeat Adam in the next magical war. While making connections through his journey he discovers the dark side of every race and his encounter with the powerful beings.

Aibervictum · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
48 Chs

Rage Incarnate

I fear not the God that made me, I fear the one who made God.

- Adam the first human


(-April, 7. 2061/ 8:25 AM/ Current location: Demon King's forest-)

Huh? There's something on its back.

Long ears, blonde, green clothing, with a furious attitude.

No mistaking it. I killed her pets. (Muto)

Elves are known to be bound with nature. Animals and monsters are a part of it. Elves' origins are fogged with ambivalence so no one knows how they have harmonic relationships with monsters and animals.

As it stands, if they saw an animal or monster slain. They will enact the so-called: Vengeance for the lost.

Elves don't eat meat or any substance that came from animals as well as monsters.

They are the Vegans of Orbis Terrarum.

Hey Evangel. If I absorb her body, will I get her Magic spells? (Muto)

Answer: Yes. You can absorb her body to obtain her magic (Evangel)

If that's the case then I'll take the biggest one first and have her for dessert. (Muto)

The Griffon's legs are beyond repair. Healing spells won't be able to fix that because of the corrupted energy inside its bloodstream. So the only way to give that flying bastard a well spent death is a fight of its life. Sadly, I have better things to do. My wings are taking too much mana. I'll just use "Sky step". (Muto)

Muto abated his wings and used the mana in the atmosphere as a foothold.

Sky step uses the Mana scattered in the air just like what an Armiger's spellswords are. Sky step does not consume mana and can last as long as the user wants unless he makes another step or loses focus.

[Elf: What Did They Do To Deserve This?!]

Muto responded.

[Muto: No offense but it was self-defense. Hope that answers your question.]

The tree's roots and vines are climbing up to the sky and yanking Muto's legs and slowly crawling to his body.

The Griffon she was riding was charging at Muto at top speed.

Muto cuts the vines and dodges with steps as light as air. He ran away rather than attacking.

[Elf: Is that it! What happened to that sharp tongue of yours.]

[Muto: It's called "Strategic Retreat". For an all-powerful race, you're kinda stupid.]

[Elf: You!]

She started firing Ice magic towards him but Muto's maneuvers did not make a single attack land on him. He changes his direction towards the blue sky. Going up like it's child's play.

The Griffon is struggling to keep up, the Elf is losing Mana and the amount of ice shards has significantly decreased.

Good. Now that she's weakened, it's time for the climax (Muto)

He entered the clouds.

The Griffon and its rider also entered.

She went into a state of panic. Desperately looking for him.

As she passed through the cloud and into the top.

All hope was lost.

Divine punishment was upon her.


(-8:24 AM/ Current location: Central Plaza-)

Our legs won't move.

They're also shaking.

I know I'm immortal but.....

Who would not be afraid of her after seeing this? (Mordred)

We can't use our summons without a medium nor can we do anything. We're at Death's Highway. (Raiden)

If only I could live a little longer to spend time with him then my death would have been worth it. (Anna)

So this is where my mission ends... I accept it. (Filia)

Filia made a wound on her finger to make a medium for her summoning spell.

She furiously but accurately drew a magic circle that is identical to the one used before.

[Mordred: What are you doing?]

[Filia: I summon you Ladon!]

Pillars of flame erupted from the magic circle and out comes the Multi-headed Hydra, Ladon.

When they first met he acted calm and preserved but now, he is enraged.


The whole place is burning. The rocks and steel included.

Ladon and with his uncountable heads, aimed at her directly. Charging energy at her like a portable Magic Cannon with a rapid-fire function. Each head is enough to demolish a small castle.

[Alice: This is a prototype but I hope it works well.]

My magic Barrier can't block multiple attacks. It looks like it's the perfect place to test how effective this prototype can be. (Alice)

Alice pressed a button from her gauntlet.

The place is engulfed with a warm white light. She used a sort of mass-produced version of Mary's magic spell.

The Central Plaza that was burning like Ladon's hatred towards her, is now starting to cool down at an unprecedented rate.

Ladon is dematerializing right in front of her eyes.

[Ladon: I'm sorry Master Filia. Looks like I lost to her again.]

A heartfelt cry. A failure of duty and trust.

Tears of the Dragon-Born and the ancient Hydra.

[Filia: LADON!]

Alice giggles a little bit.

[Alice: The effects are more than anticipated. It dematerialized a SS rank summon easily.]

Nothing works. That device removes Magical energy from the air on a certain radius. Physical attacks may work but her speed will undoubtedly be unmanageable to cope with her moves. Even if one of us runs away, she'll catch up.

This is child's play to her. To beat her, we'll need something.

Anything! (Raiden)

There is no glimmer of hope.

All is lost.

Something dropped on Mordred's right side. Something soft, wet, and squishy. Like freshly cut meat.

It smells like metal. That watery material flows out and touches Mordred's right sole of his shoe.

He is hesitant to look and is shaking at the thought that one of his friends died.

Please Don't Look! If you do, You won't be able to control the Holy and Dark magical energy inside you. (Evangel)

He turns his head regardless of Evangel's heedings

What he saw.

Shattered his heart.


(-5 Years ago-)

(-December 31st, 2056/ 12:58 PM/ Current location: Orphanage-)

Anna is sitting down, crying for the person who is very late. Her tears never stopped and kept weeping behind the Orphanage building.

In a nick of time, Mordred made it. Full of sweat, carrying a single Blue Rose while his arm bleeds from its thorns.

She saw him with his clothes tattered and full of cuts.

It's clear that it was plucked out of the ground rather than bought because its roots are still intact.

[Anna: Where did you get that?]

Mordred presented his New year's gift to Anna while in a kneeling position.

[Mordred: I heard from David that there is a place where lots of growing Blue roses are growing on top of a mountain in the Southeast Forest. I thought that... It'd be the perfect gift.]

Anna hugged him out of her happiness towards his commitment to giving her a gift. A hug so tight that it felt like she was never gonna let go.

[Anna: Don't stir up my heart like this.]

The start of the new year is about to begin. Everyone in the Orphanage, as well as the townspeople, are counting down.

As the count reaches zero.

The dazzling fireworks start.

Mordred looks above to see the fireworks and all he could see is Anna's face smiling and full of tears of joy.

This is where his hope bloomed.


(-Present day-)

(8:25 AM/ Current location: Central Plaza-)

MASTER NO! (Evangel)

Nothing could stop it.

He looked at Alice with a gaze of murderous intent.

A Black Halo formed above his head, horns made of Magical energy arose on his head. His arms and legs turned into Woven Magic-Alloy and his chest seething out Holy and Dark Mana.

Everything is rumbling.

The ground, the houses, their souls.

Awaken wounded being

Come forth from the grief and enter towards reality.

You are here to remember that all is not lost.

You are free and sovereign freedom is your right. (Rex Phantasmate)

I am not owned or controlled.

I dance with the mother Earth and the Goddess.

I am the evil the world needs.

Cast aside my weakness, along with my soul and, Humanity. (Mordred)