
Pelagus Fabula

This story follows the story Mordred who seeks strength to defeat Adam in the next magical war. While making connections through his journey he discovers the dark side of every race and his encounter with the powerful beings.

Aibervictum · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Elven past

(-April 7, 2061/ 8:29 AM/ Current location: Demon King's forest-)

Muto and the Elf are walking on foot towards the top of the mountain where they fought. As they hike above, they chat a little bit about themselves.

[Muto: So tell me about yourself. Who are you?]

[Elf: My name? It's Luthien Semper Viridi.]

[Muto: Luthien. I am Muto Hargreaves. 19 years old with the rank of 652.]

[Luthien: My mother is of Royal descent and my father is of Human descent.]

[Muto: Do you mind if I ask how you ended up in the arms of Griffons.]

[Luthien: I don't mind. One year ago I was banished and my name was stripped away from the royal family after I was accused of attempting to assassinate the Elf Prince under false eyewitnesses. After that, my Stepmother forced me to marry a Human Noble. I couldn't accept marrying a literal Pigface, plus every time that thing looked at me, he licks his lips with a grin on top of it. So I killed him during our wedding. Right in front of their faces.]

After Orbis Terrarum and Earth's culture mixed. The interest in Nobility skyrocketed to a massive degree. Any person that has an ancestral significance to history's major events became Nobles despite the lack of wealth and commoners soon appeared after the Declaration of Coexistence.

Just who would kill the Prince? (Muto)

[Muto: So you were thrown out to the only place that no one goes to is the Demon king's forest. Well, I get that. There's a lot of monsters here and places to hide. The Demon Kingdom benefits from hunting monsters and gathering resources from dangerous places. Griffons found you and kept you alive, you live like one considering your clothes are full of dirt and you created a long-lasting relationship with them.]

[Luthien: Damsel in distress, in the flesh.]

[Muto: Still something boggles me. Why would they banish a half-sibling for only false witnesses? Shouldn't there be more like an alibi of sorts?]

[Luthien: They were looking for an excuse, they don't want blood like mine to be in the seat of the Elven throne. No one wants a half-blood running through the royal family tree.]

Muto holds his chin while looking up to the sky.

[Muto: By any chance, are you a Princess?]

[Luthien: I am. Why do you ask?]

[Muto: Now that's 2 Princesses I've met today.]

[Luthien: Today? Who was the first one?]

[Muto: A Princess from the New Empire. I think her name was Estrea.]

[Luthien: Estrea from the New Empire. Now why would she go there?]

[Muto: It sounds like you know her well.]

[Luthien: Yes. I knew her well. Back when the New Empire was established, they seeked help and backing from other countries with a promising return for their investment. Estrea is kind and gentle. She did stay at the Elf Kingdom for a month though it did feel like a year when I was with her.]

[Muto: Let me guess. That investment would be the Exoskeleton suits that they made?]

[Luthien: You guessed right. It was the Exoskeleton suit. Their product is worth the amount that all the countries contributed to their development. All of that is thanks to a single person. Alice Magdoline S. Vanidicus.]

Alice... I'll remember that name.

[Muto: About that Prince. Is he the eldest of the royal family?]

[Luthien: Yes. The eldest offspring of the Elven Royalty is Raiden Chaelis. You know King Sophos Chaelis right?]

[Muto: Raiden Chaelis. A Japanese first name and an Elven Last name.]

[Luthien: His mother was influenced by Japanese culture. Right now, he's learning at Trauzagaien.]

[Muto: Trauzagaien. What's so special about that place?]

[Luthien: Trauzagaien is a country which is twice the size of Britain. back then they used to call it the "Floating Fortress' '. It was made by a group of otherworlders and Earth-born humans before the great Cataclysm for the sole purpose of defeating an incoming threat known as "Adam". Well they failed and the Floating fortress was of no more use. The Commander became a King after accepting soldiers, evacuees and refugees as citizens. Then after 20 years it became an established country with its own government and systems.]

Muto's eyes widened.

[Muto: Adam. Isn't that what they call in the Bible "The first man"?]

[Luthien: Yes. I and everybody else don't know anything about what happened after he was exiled from the Garden of Eden.]

Luthien asks him a question.

[Luthien: Enough about the past. What are you doing here in this Forest? I can't see a reason other than collecting plants or hunting monsters.]

[Muto: Well I am here to hunt monsters, One thing specifically.]

[Luthien: That is?]

[Muto: A Kirin.]

[Luthien: It would be best not to hunt it.]

Muto stops from his tracks. He stares at her with a resolute complexion. No matter what Luthien tells him, he will do it regardless.

[Luthien: There have been rumors about Kirins that may surprise you. It may not be true but the possibility is present.]

[Muto: Won't you tell me what it is?]

[Luthien: You can see for yourself if you can hunt it down.]

[Muto: Well then let's not waste time here. Am I right?]

He taunts them. Specifically the: "Keep an ear out" that he's doing right now. The leaves of the trees are rustling unnaturally. Muto and Luthien are still pretty far down the mountain so winds that affect the trees aren't supposed to happen yet.

But Luthien is clueless.

[Luthien: Have you lost it?]

[Muto: Just wait and see.]

Hobgoblins came out in all directions. Front, back, left and right.

A Gyrate projected from her wrist. Raring to go but can't use much of it after her fight with Muto.

[Muto: I'll take it from here. You've spent most of your magical energy, if I am correct.]

Hobgoblins are known to be very durable species of a lesser evolution, "Goblins". Hobgoblins can heal their wounds rapidly. Deep wounds included. But they cannot heal internal organs such as the brain, lungs, heart and so on.

[Muto: Field type magic: {Virga Ensis}]

Blades shoot out the ground, stabbing anything near the vicinity. It lifted up some of the Hobgoblins while the remaining merely pierced through. The scent of corruption is in the air, making Luthien cover her nose.

Oh right, I forgot. Their noses are very sensitive. My handkerchief won't help her. (Muto)

[Luthien: It's fine. I've learned to live with it.]

[Muto: That's pretty mature.]

He then smiles at the decaying corpse rolling down towards him. A sign of mischief is written on his face.

[Muto: Wanna see something cool?]

The magic core pops out the Hobgoblin. He grabs and consumes the magical energy inside.

[Luthien: I have 25 innuendos just for showing me that.]

[Muto: Are you really an Elf?]


(-8:27 AM/ Current location: Central Plaza-)

Evangel, manually input to the teleporter the coordinates for Archdiocese Orphanage. (Mordred)

Understood (Evangel)

it did as it was told and telepathically typed the coordinates.

Mordred picks up her body and her head. He gave it to Raiden for him to carry and gave the teleportation device to Filia.

[Mordred: Hold Raiden's arm and press the button when you're far away.]

[Filia: What are you gonna do?]

[Muto: Getting my revenge.]

He tells Raiden.

[Mordred: There is a garden of blue roses in the Orphanage's backyard. Bury her body there.]

[Raiden: Why me?]

He speaks while sobbing.

[Mordred: Because you're my friend.]

Raiden and Filia both turn around and run all the while carrying her body and her head.

A pillar of light covers them momentarily.

After the light disappeared, they did as well.

[Mordred: Now that they're gone.]

His scalera's color turns into black and his pupils become Blue as a spring lake.

He turns his head, facing at Alice

Mordred points his finger towards her.

A shedload of ranged-base weapons shoots out of his back. All of those weapons are primed and aimed towards her. Waiting for its user to pull the trigger.

Alice is impressed and whistles.

Of course, he used his body's infinite supply of mana. It looks like he's using Physical type bullets instead of Mana type. That won't work against my Prototype dampener. (Alice)

[Mordred: .....]

[Alice: No words to say to me?]

There is nothing to say. Her death brewed a calm hatred. Something is building up inside of Mordred. Holy and Dark energy that was swirling has now separated evenly through the body.

In his endeavor, he is determined to do one single goal.

To eliminate her.