
Pegloa Oox

incredible stories of characters, adventures, action, fantasy, everything here in this work, in this work there will be stories with different characters, but in the same universes, each story that ends will start another with different characters from the previous one, but in the same universe then Read and comment your criticisms, opinions, etc.

Autaghi · History
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358 Chs


The stories say that their song makes you want to jump into the water, where they can get you. If you tie yourselves down, you won't be able to jump to your own deaths! It's the only way! You look around you wildly. Frell, where is some damn rope when you need it?!

"Don't waste your time, boy. That won't work," Morkai answers you tensely, his eyes still glued to the water's surface. He takes a step away from you and unsheathes his great sword in one go. Straasa does the same on the other side of you.

"What? Why?" you ask, incredulous.

"Because they have legs. They can get on the boat," Straasa answers you in a somber voice. Oh. That would be unfortunate, then, if you gift wrapped yourselves prettily for them.

But what else can you do? Nothing, apparently. All of a sudden, a sweet, eerie melody fills the air. It's too late! You're all fish food!

"Frell!" you yell as you bring your hands up to cover your ears, knowing deep down that it is useless.

One by one, you watch men stumbling forward in jerky movements, caught in a deadly trance they can't resist. Their feet bring them closer and closer to the railings.

Your brain has gotten fuzzy and heavy within you, and your limbs are weighed down. You turn your head helplessly, looking down the railing at the abyssal water.

The song is keeping you immobilized, telling you to stay right where you are. What a good human. It will all be over soon. You will be safe. You will be loved. Nothing will hurt you anymore.

You let out a long, relieved breath. You'd like that. You've fought long enough, hard enough. You can rest now.
