
Peerless Venom Lord in Online Gaming

"The Oracle," a game that transcends eras, silently changed the world upon its birth. When the abilities from the game can be brought into reality, is it excitement or fear? Wu Shaochen, an ordinary office worker, accidentally gets food poisoning from consuming expired food. However, upon logging into the game, he unexpectedly gains a special talent called "Toxic Source," turning his misfortune into an opportunity and setting him on the path to greatness.

yyfyyf_yyfyyf · Fantasy
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94 Chs

Chapter 82: Talk Collapses

On the other side, in the city of Qiushui, Weiwei was about to ask Wu Ziyin to go offline when she noticed that her avatar had turned gray, indicating that she had already logged out.

"Ziyin is quite punctual," Weiwei chuckled lightly. Since they had classes tomorrow, they had agreed to log out and rest at 11:30 PM. Seeing that Wu Ziyin had already logged out, Weiwei also prepared to log out. Suddenly, she felt that something was off and looked at her friend list again. Feng Yinger, a level 21 priest.

"Level 21!" Weiwei stared at her friend list in astonishment, briefly suspecting that her eyes were playing tricks on her. However, after confirming multiple times, the information on her friend list remained unchanged.

"How is that possible?" Weiwei couldn't believe her eyes. She knew very well that Feng Yinger had only just left the beginner's village today. How could a priest go from level 10 to level 21 in just one day? Must be a game bug.

Weiwei hurriedly logged out, knowing that she wouldn't be able to sleep tonight without clarifying things.

Taking off her helmet, she saw Wu Ziyin tidying up her bed. Weiwei immediately bear-hugged Wu Ziyin and pressed her down, demanding, "Tell me honestly, what did you do today?"

Wu Ziyin was startled, looking at Weiwei with a puzzled expression. "What do you mean, what did I do?"

"I'm talking about your level. How did you level up so quickly? In just one day, you went from level 10 to 21. Come on, tell me, did you find a game bug?" Weiwei questioned.

"What game bug? Does this game even have bugs?" Wu Ziyin asked, leaving Weiwei speechless. Bugs in this game? No way.

"Then how did you level up so fast? Sob, sob, I'm only level 18, and you're already 21. It's so unfair!" Weiwei complained with a pout.

"Well, it's nothing, my brother helped me level up. You said he's a pro player, right? I just found out today that he really is skilled. Having a pro player to guide you naturally makes leveling up faster," Wu Ziyin reassured her.

"Ah, what's your brother's name? Quick, introduce me to him. Let me add him as a friend so that he can guide me too," Weiwei said anxiously.

"Alright, I consider you my bestie, and you want to become my sister-in-law," Wu Ziyin said indignantly.

"Ah, Ziyin, you misunderstood! That's not what I meant. I just... I just want him to guide me," Weiwei stumbled over her words after Wu Ziyin's remark.

Seeing that she successfully diverted Weiwei's attention, Wu Ziyin smiled and said, "We're not in the same main city right now, but once the main cities are connected, I'll definitely introduce you to my brother."

"No, I really didn't mean it that way. Ah, forget it, I won't ask anymore," Weiwei blushed and hid back in her blanket. After a while, she asked again, "Ziyin, is your brother one of the top players on the leaderboard?" It was impossible for an ordinary expert to bring someone from level 10 to 21 in just one day.

"You'll find out when I introduce him to you," Wu Ziyin replied.

After that, Weiwei didn't dare to ask any further.

On the other hand, after sending a message to Su Muxue, Wu Shaochen quickly received a reply.

Xue'er: "Can you come to Fuyun Inn for a while?"

"Sure." It was still before midnight, and he had nothing better to do, so Wu Shaochen headed towards Fuyun Inn.

Arriving at Fuyun Inn, Wu Shaochen immediately spotted Su Muxue standing at the entrance, still dressed in white and wearing a white veil. She attracted countless gazes as she stood there. When Su Muxue saw Wu Shaochen approaching, her eyes lit up, and she walked towards him.

"You came pretty quickly. Let's go to the private room and meet someone," Su Muxue said.

Wu Shaochen furrowed his brows slightly but followed Su Muxue to the private room.

Entering the room, there was a middle-aged man sitting in the middle with a dignified expression. Wu Shaochen found him somewhat familiar but couldn't recall where he had seen him before. Behind the middle-aged man stood a slightly older man.

Seeing the imposing middle-aged man, Wu Shaochen felt somewhat uneasy. This man clearly held a position of power, and he didn't like dealing with such people. However, since he was already here, he decided to go with the flow. This was just a game, and he wasn't afraid of anyone in the game. He casually found a seat and started eating, knowing that the food in the game was delicious.

"I presume you are the renowned Dust Seal, right?" Su Zhengfeng said with a smile.

"Yes, I am Dust Seal. And you?" Wu Shaochen asked.

"I am Su Zhengfeng, the chairman of the Su Corporation in the game and in reality," Su Zhengfeng introduced himself.

"Oh, what can I do for you?" Wu Shaochen asked indifferently. He knew about the Su Corporation in reality, a very large corporation with a lot of money. He thought the guild name in the game was just a random choice, but it turned out to be connected to the Su Corporation. This Su Zhengfeng must have appeared on TV, which explained the familiarity. However, what did it have to do with him? He was just an ordinary loser, and they had no connection whatsoever.


The situation was a bit awkward. Su Zhengfeng didn't expect that even after revealing his identity, the other party still had this attitude. He felt slightly displeased but quickly adjusted his mindset. "Here's the thing: Su Corporation is planning to expand its presence in the game and is in need of skilled players. We would like to invite you to join the guild as our core member. What do you think?"

"Not interested!" Wu Shaochen straightforwardly declined. He didn't want to join any guild at the moment. Ever since that incident, he was no longer willing to trust anyone, both in the game and in real life. He only wanted to be a lone wolf, so joining a guild wasn't suitable for him.

"Young man, don't be too hasty in refusing. If you're willing to join, you won't have to do anything, and I can offer you a yearly salary of ten million," Su Zhengfeng said. With his insight, he knew very well what the ID Dust Seal represented in the game. Just the fame alone would bring immense benefits to the guild. So, he directly offered a ten million salary, believing that not many people would refuse such an offer.

"A ten million salary?" Wu Shaochen blinked. This treatment was something he wouldn't even dare to dream of before. He didn't expect himself to be so valuable now. However, Wu Shaochen still shook his head and said, "I appreciate the offer, but I have no interest in joining a guild. If there's nothing else, I'll go back."

Su Zhengfeng was taken aback. He didn't expect the other party to refuse so decisively. Seeing Wu Shaochen actually stand up and prepare to leave, he quickly said, "Wait, let me know how much money you need. Name your price, as long as it's acceptable to me, I'll fulfill it." In his view, as long as the price was right, there was no deal that couldn't be made.

Wu Shaochen paused and said, "It's not about the money. I simply don't want to join a guild." After speaking, Wu Shaochen continued to walk towards the exit.

"Young man, sometimes it's better not to be too outspoken. Learn to read the situation. After all, the game is just a game," Su Zhengfeng's voice came again.

Wu Shaochen stopped and turned around, saying, "Are you threatening me?"

Su Zhengfeng shook his head and said, "This is not a threat, just advice from someone with more experience. Everyone goes through a rebellious phase in their youth. The fame in the game won't last a lifetime. Learn to seize opportunities."

"Thank you for your advice, but I don't have your perspective. I think I'm doing just fine now. Also, let me give you some advice: this is a game, and so far, no one in the game can threaten me," Wu Shaochen said and left the private room.

Watching Wu Shaochen leave the room, Su Muxue, who had been silent all along, quickly followed him and said, "Dust Seal, I'm sorry. That's just how my father speaks. Don't take it to heart. He didn't mean any harm."

"It's alright. You don't have to apologize. Just remember the promise you made to me," Wu Shaochen said. Su Muxue was the only person who had seen his true appearance, so Wu Shaochen didn't want to offend her too much. After all, he was just an insignificant person in real life.

Inside the private room, Su Zhengfeng had a displeased expression on his face. He asked Liu Shu, who was standing behind him, "Liu Shu, what do you think?"

Liu Shu sighed and said, "Master, you acted impulsively today. If we want to develop in the game, it's best not to conflict with him."

Su Zhengfeng shook his head and said, "Although I haven't played this game, I know that there are limits to a person's strength. It's impossible to go against a guild. Someone like him will inevitably suffer losses."