
Peerless Venom Lord in Online Gaming

"The Oracle," a game that transcends eras, silently changed the world upon its birth. When the abilities from the game can be brought into reality, is it excitement or fear? Wu Shaochen, an ordinary office worker, accidentally gets food poisoning from consuming expired food. However, upon logging into the game, he unexpectedly gains a special talent called "Toxic Source," turning his misfortune into an opportunity and setting him on the path to greatness.

yyfyyf_yyfyyf · Fantasy
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94 Chs

Chapter 5: Extreme Operations

Due to the fear of the wild boar's brutal charge, Wu Shaochen led the boar around some big trees, and sure enough, after about ten seconds, the boar stopped when it couldn't catch up to the small human figure in front of it. Its front hooves scraped the ground, and in an instant, it charged towards Wu Shaochen.

Wu Shaochen, who had been anxiously watching the boar, instantly dodged to the side and narrowly avoided it.

"Phew... That was close..." Wu Shaochen exhaled, realizing that it wasn't too difficult. The boar's skill had an obvious wind-up before it launched, with its front hooves scraping twice. As long as he wasn't right in front of it and it wasn't too slow, it was relatively easy to dodge. After all, it would be very difficult if a high-damage skill with displacement and stun didn't have a wind-up.

After the boar rushed past Wu Shaochen, it quickly stopped and paused for about a second before turning around and continuing to chase him.

Rubbing his chin, a glint flashed in Wu Shaochen's eyes as he continued leading the boar in circles. He easily dodged the boar's skill again and quickly landed a sword strike on its rear during the one-second pause. By the time the boar turned around, Wu Shaochen had already moved two body lengths away.

Indeed, this worked. He didn't need to worry about the boar regenerating health when it didn't have poison on it since each poison application refreshed the poison duration. He also didn't need to worry about it suddenly using its skill when he was closing in for the kill.

After a few minutes, the boar was left with low health, and just as Wu Shaochen was about to finish it off, another boar suddenly emerged from a nearby thicket and charged at him without hesitation.

"Damn, are they playing with me?" Wu Shaochen narrowly evaded it. He knew there were probably many boars in the area, so he had been circling around with the boar, not daring to go too far. Unexpectedly, another boar found him. Aggressive monsters were just a nuisance.

Frowning, he should have decisively left at this point. Each time either boar touched him, he would be sent back to the respawn point. But looking at the boar that only needed one more strike to kill, Wu Shaochen couldn't bear to just walk away like that.

Licking his lips, Wu Shaochen stared sharply at the two boars following behind him and said, "Let's try dancing on the edge of the blade." His talent would likely lead him to encounter more thrilling situations like this in the future, so it would be better to adapt sooner rather than later.

Continuing to circle with the two boars, it was impossible to go in for the kill at this point. Otherwise, he would definitely be sandwiched between the two boars. He could only patiently wait for an opportunity.

Suddenly, the boar with low health scraped its front hooves and quickly charged towards him. Wu Shaochen calmly dodged, ready to strike, but the other boar also used its skill at that moment, forcing Wu Shaochen to give up the strike and dodge again.

"These damn boars even know how to cooperate. What a pain." Wu Shaochen exclaimed. The poison on the wounded boar was about to wear off. If he didn't act soon, its health would recover.

Looking at the two wild boars approached side by side, and Wu Shaochen analyzed seriously, "My agility is 13 points, while the boars' agility is 11 points. My attack speed is 1% faster than theirs, meaning that if I attack them, both boars can attack me within 0.01 seconds. In such a short time, I won't be able to create enough distance to avoid their attacks. But what if I don't attack and dodge when they try to attack me? Well, that won't work either. With my current movement speed, I can't cover the distance of one body length in one second."

"Then what if I don't create distance?" Wu Shaochen suddenly thought, "If I dodge to the wounded boar when both boars attack me, I can avoid the attack from the full health boar and only take a hit from the wounded one. Then I can counterattack and retreat, completely withstanding just one attack."

Thinking it through, Wu Shaochen slowly approached the two boars, feeling extremely nervous. Although it made sense in theory, the execution was quite demanding. A slight miscalculation would result in respawning for free.

Soon, he entered the boars' attack range, and as their fangs closed in, Wu Shaochen's eyes sparkled. He swiftly sidestepped to the wounded boar, and its fangs landed on him perfectly, while the other boar's attack missed.

Quickly turning around to strike, Wu Shaochen swiftly moved away, evading the second attack from the two boars by a body length.

"Phew... That was close... Damn, playing a game almost gave me a heart attack. But this game is really high in terms of gameplay. Looks like I need to practice more and adapt to it as soon as possible."

Now, he just had to wait for the wounded boar to slowly die from poison. He only needed to avoid getting hit by both of them using their skills at the same time.

Soon enough, the wounded boar fell to the ground, unwillingly, and a system notification sounded.

"Ding, killed [Wild Boar], gained 20 experience points. Additional 10 experience points for being five levels higher."

"Ding, talent ability triggered, poison damage increased by 1 point."

"Phew... Finally killed one, it was so difficult." Wu Shaochen let out a breath and glanced at the wild boar's corpse, noticing a wild boar tooth beside the copper coins.

Avoiding the other boar, he quickly ran over and picked up the two copper coins and the wild boar tooth.

[Fang], a type of material, perhaps villagers might need it, or it can be sold to the general store for 1 copper coin.

"Hmph, just this? I thought it was something good." Wu Shaochen disdainfully looked at it and threw it into his backpack. Well, 1 copper coin is still 1 copper coin. Money is hard to earn in this game. Up until now, he only had 12 copper coins. Even when he kills monsters five levels higher, they only drop two copper coins each. Looking at those groups of people killing rabbits for half a day and not getting a single copper coin, it's clear how low the drop rate is in this game.

After quickly dealing with the remaining wild boar, Wu Shaochen started searching for other boars. Once he found them, he lured them to this location and killed them. He was genuinely afraid of encountering multiple boars again. Due to the improvement in his talent, the dumb boars' speed had increased. Finally, when he killed the eighth wild boar, it generously dropped another piece of equipment for him.

[Wild Boar Leather Armor]

Quality: Common

Health +40

Physical Defense +2

Requirements: None

He quickly replaced his cloth armor with the leather armor. His health reached 110 points, and his physical defense increased to 9 points. This provided him with some extra security in survival.

He continued killing two more boars and leveled up again. Meanwhile, Wu Shaochen's poison talent had stacked up to 14 points, revealing the terrifying aspect of this talent. With 14 points of damage per second, he dealt 840 points of true damage in a minute. Since a wild boar had 2000 health, he could kill one in just over two minutes, which equated to three strikes.

Soon, he killed two more boars, and the long-awaited level-up radiance shone upon him, followed by a system notification.

"Ding, congratulations on leveling up. Health +20, Mana +10, gain 5 attribute points. Please allocate them wisely."

He allocated all five attribute points to agility, and Wu Shaochen's attributes changed accordingly.

Name: Dust Sealed

Level: 2

Health: 90 + 40 (equipment bonus, will now be written as the total)

Mana: 70

Physical Attack: 10 + 2

Magic Attack: 10

Physical Defense: 5 + 4

Magic Defense: 5

Movement Speed: 15 + 3

Experience: 10/500

Strength: 5

Intelligence: 5

Constitution: 5

Bone Strength: 5

Spirit: 5

Agility: 15

Skills: Insight (can view information of monsters up to 10 levels higher than oneself)

Talent: Source of Poison: Basic attacks or melee skills apply poison to the target (ranged attacks cannot trigger it), dealing 16 points of true damage per second, stacking up to one layer. Lasts for 60 seconds, during which the target cannot regenerate health. Trait: Every time a target at least 5 levels higher than oneself is killed, poison damage increases by one point. Killing a boss at or above one's own realm level increases the stacking layer of poison.


[Wooden Sword](Novice equipment): Physical Attack +2

[Wild Boar Leather Armor]Common equipment: Health +40, Physical Defense +2

[Canvas Shoes]Common equipment: Movement Speed +3, Physical Defense +2