
Peerless Twin Spears Of Douluo Dalu

THIS IS A TRANSLATION: Since being picked up by that woman, his life has changed. His Martial Spirit has been awakened, he has Innate Full Spirit Power and Twin Martial Spirits. From this moment on, a Death God, Killing God, an Assassin God has awoken. Su Yi: "Bibi Dong, I will protect you. If you want this world, I will give you this world. If Gods block you, I will kill those Gods, if Demons block you, I will slaughter those Demons! One Spear is the Chaos Supreme Spear, the other is a Heaven's Eye Soul Extinguishing Rifle. One for the body, the other for the soul. Support me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/archdevilthearch If there are any queries contact me on my Gmail: realexemusyt@gmail.com If there are any queries contact me on my Discord: Username: Drip Hashtag: #0123 I will not be giving links to the raws, because I want you to suffer and find them yourselves! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

ArchDevilThearch · Anime & Comics
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108 Chs

Chapter 60 Tang San! Xiao Wu! Dai Mubai! Beginning!

After Su Yi left the Spirit City, he walked slowly to the Balak Kingdom.

Looking at the small city in front of him, a gleam of light flashed in Su Yi's eyes.

Before he left, Bibi Dong told Su Yi that the man named Yu Xiaogang was now serving as a teacher in a small village outside of Balak Kingdom in Suotuo City, called Shrek Academy.

Su Yi left Spirit City for over a month. After some time, he finally came to Suotuo City.

Here, it should not be far from Shrek Academy.

Thinking of this, Su Yi continued to walk slowly towards the city in front.

"Stop, we own this mountain, we made this road and planted this tree. If you want to pass, you must pay your fee!"

When Su Yi was passing a mountain forest, suddenly over a dozen people with long swords appeared from the forest.

"Brother San, should we go and help that guy?"

Hundreds of meters behind Su Yi, there was a girl who was wearing a pink dress with a ponytail almost his height. She had long rabbit ears on her head, this extremely cute girl looked at the teenager standing next to her and asked gently.


The blue-robed boy looked at Su Yi's eyes, with vigilance and solemnity.

"Why? Brother San, that boy does not seem to know how to fight and does not have any combat power. He will be killed by the bandits!"

Xiao Wu looked at the handsome boy who was standing in front of the bandits and assumed he did not know how to fight.

"Xiao Wu, that guy gives me a very dangerous feeling. Let's try not to get close to him."

These two were recent graduates of Nuo Ding Academy, they had headed to Shrek Academy as instructed by Grandmaster Yu Xiaogang.

"He gives you a very dangerous feeling?"

Xiao Wu who was standing beside Tang San, heard Tang San's words, looking at Su Yi standing in front of the bandits, with doubt in her eyes.

As a 100,000-year Spirit Beast, she had transformed to human form, she had a strong perception of danger.

However, she did not feel any threat from that teenager.

However, her Brother San never lied to her.

The only possibility is that the young man standing in front of the bandit group was able to conceal his cultivation, so she could not sense danger from him at all.

Just when Xiao Wu frowned and looked at Su Yi, her eyes dilated, as if she had seen something terrifying.

At this moment, Tang San, who was standing next to Xiao Wu, saw the scene in front of him, narrowed his eyes at Su Yi.

It turned out that when these bandits stopped Su Yi, Su Yi took out a bag of Gold Coins from his arms and threw them to the other party.

The Bandit Leader looked at the big bag of Gold coins that Su Yi had thrown over, his eyes filled with ecstasy.

It seems that today they had caught a big fat sheep!

After receiving Su Yi's money, the bandit looked at with unsatisfied eyes full of greed: "Boy, it seems that you have a lot of money. It is better to give it to us. This way we can make a living while you can live and pass here safely."

When Su Yi heard the Bandit Leader's words, a smile appeared on his face.

Su Yi slowly bent, reaching for his calf.

The group of bandits thought that Su Yi hid the other money on his calf, and looked at Su Yi with fiery eyes.

When Su Yi got up, his body disappeared from the eyes of these bandits.

When he appeared again, he was in front of the leader.

After Su Yi appeared in front of him, the Bandit Leader's eyes opened wide, his pupils were full of fear.

The bandits who stood less than 10 meters behind the Bandit Leader only saw Su Yi suddenly disappear. When he appeared again, he was in front of his boss.

Su Yi looked at them with a smile. When these bandits saw the smile on Su Yi's face, they felt shivers going down their spines.

They do not know why, but the boy's smile was so warm, gentle and kind, as if they were experiencing a spring breeze.

However, it was this smile that sent shivers up their spine and knees to feel weak.

When Su Yi disappeared again in front of the Bandit Leader and appeared in front of another bandit, the bandit looked at the smiling Su Yi and was taken aback.

Then, feeling a pain in his heart, he slowly lowered his head.

The bandit looked at Su Yi's right hand which was holding a dagger and pressing it against his heart.

He saw his blood spurt from his heart.

(T/N: Not gonna lie… Su Yi feels a lot like Gan Ichimaru from Bleach, he smiles but he kills you… nice, at least)

As Su Yi pulled away the dagger inserted into the bandit's heart, he transformed into a phantom, constantly appearing and disappearing from these bandits.

In less than a few breaths, when Su Yi returned to his original position, the bandits standing on the ground and the Bandit Leader were filled with disbelief and fear.

As Su Yi returned to his original position, one by one they fell to the ground.

In less than 10 breaths, blood flowed from under these people.

As for Su Yi, he took out a white handkerchief and slowly wiped off the blood stains on his dagger.

He walked to the Bandit Leader, bent over, and gently placed the handkerchief in his hand on the Bandit Leader's head, covering his face.

"Have you 2 watched enough?"

Su Yi said, turning around to look at the hiding place of Tang San and Xiao Wu, with a smile on his face.

Hearing Su Yi's words, Tang San led Xiao Wu out of the bushes where they were hiding.

"Brother San, should we come out? This guy is terrifying, what if he attacks us?"

Xiao Wu watched Tang San holding her hand, slowly approaching Su Yi, and whispered.

"He found us a long time ago, prepared to fight, we must be careful. This person is too dangerous, what is worse is that he has not even released his Martial Spirit yet he killed a Spirit Elder-level Bandit Leader as if it was nothing."

"If we fight, you must immediately run."

Tang San took Xiao Wu's hand with his left hand, while his right hand was hidden in the long sleeves, and a poison needle appeared in his hand.

"Brother San..." Xiao Wu felt anxious when she heard Tang San's words.

"You two, I do not have any grudges with you, so why look at me so vigilantly?"

Su Yi looked at Tang San and Xiao Wu who stopped 40 meters before him and chuckled kindly.

His soft smile was like sunshine, like how the big brother next door would smile when they saw you. It was very kind and warm, harmless to humans and animals.

Tang San heard Su Yi's words and said calmly: "Then this friend, can you take the dagger behind your back in front of you so we can see where it is first?"