
Peerless Returnee to Origin

Chu Xuan possesses the supreme martial arts of the demonic realm, harnessing the power of the nine heavens. Bearing the legacies of Xuanyuan and Chi You, he cultivates the supreme dual scriptures of gods and demons. He vows to shatter the firmament and transcend the realms of both Dao and Demon! On the path of cultivation, he traverses through twelve stages: Foundation Building, Illumination, Fusion, Heart Movement, Golden Core, Nascent Soul, Out of Body, Divine Separation, Unity, Void Penetration, Tribulation Crossing, and Great Accomplishment. Each stage represents his relentless pursuit of power and understanding of the universe's mysteries. Chu Xuan's journey is fraught with challenges, yet his unwavering faith drives him to surpass the mortal realm and carve out an immortal legend!

Aho_Ouida · Eastern
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11 Chs

3 The Heir Returns Home

As the capital of the Qingyun Empire, the Imperial City naturally exudes grandeur. The city walls alone stand tens of yards high, while the four city gates to the east, west, south, and north are also imposing, bustling with people entering and exiting every day. Some come for trade, some for visiting relatives and friends, and the numbers are considerable.

At the south gate of the Imperial City, a straight road extends outward, wide enough for eight carriages to travel abreast. Despite the crowds, no one dares to cause trouble here, thanks to the presence of guards at the city gates. Even carriages entering the city slow down to show respect.

Now, as evening approaches, the western sky is ablaze with red clouds, resembling ever-changing creatures. The cool breeze adds a touch of beauty to the scene.

Compared to daytime, there are fewer people at the west city gate. Guards notice a carriage approaching, and from the left window, a girl with skin as smooth as jade peers out, marveling at everything around her.

This is Chu Xuan's carriage!

After the tranquility of the journey as promised by Chu Xuan, they finally arrive in the capital before nightfall, thanks to Zhou Hu's smooth driving skills.

Passing through a towering five-story tavern, Chu Xue leaps out of the carriage, leaving Chu Xuan and Chu Yu somewhat speechless. She truly is a glutton, a bona fide foodie.

Chu Yu, somewhat worried, reminds Chu Xuan of the dangers of the capital. However, Chu Xuan reassures her, knowing Chu Xue can take care of herself.

As they approach the Imperial City, Chu Xuan's carriage moves past numerous buildings, each exuding an unmatched majesty, even the shops lining the streets maintain a sense of orderliness, a testament to the capital's significance.

The south gate of the Imperial City is one of the most prosperous areas, with numerous shops of all sizes, a must-visit for anyone in the capital.

Their destination is the Chu Palace, located in the north of the capital, second only to the palace itself. With Chu Xuan's father, Chu Ah Tian, as the head, and his sworn brother Zhao Qing Tian, the Chu Palace is an entity few dare to provoke.

Chu Xue bids farewell and rushes into a nearby tavern, leaving Chu Xuan's group bewildered.

Their journey continues through the south city until they finally arrive at the gate of the Chu Palace.

The Chu Palace covers a vast area, with several side gates for the servants to come and go. Chu Ah Tian, known for his affability, has not established any restricted areas around the palace, supporting ordinary people in doing business and building houses nearby.

Chu Xuan's carriage is greeted by guards, who immediately kneel in respect upon recognizing him.

After exchanging pleasantries, Chu Xuan, Chu Yu, and Zhou Hu enter the palace.

The palace is adorned with lights and bustling with servants and maids. Chu Xuan's return signifies his coming of age ceremony, a crucial event in the Martial Continent.

In the serene Bamboo Garden, Chu Ah Tian, Chu Xuan's father, welcomes them warmly.

After a brief exchange, Chu Xuan offers his father a special tea, "Cloud Sea Jade Leaf," which earns his father's praise.

Chu Ah Tian suggests providing Chu Xuan with more servants, but he declines, stating that Chu Yu's presence is enough.

Their conversation touches on recent events, including an attack Chu Xuan faced on his journey. Chu Ah Tian expresses concern, but Chu Xuan assures him of his safety.

Chu Ah Tian leaves, reminding Chu Xuan of his upcoming visit to the palace.

Chu Xuan, relaxed, assures Chu Yu he can handle any trouble. He teases her about their upcoming event, leaving her flustered.

Overall, the Bamboo Garden is filled with an indescribable atmosphere, hinting at the unspoken between Chu Xuan and Chu Yu.

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