#WPC Bronze Winner.# #COMPLETED Amidst a sea of impressive individuals, Guang Fang was dismissed as a mere facade. Few saw the brilliance that lay hidden beneath his lackadaisical exterior. But one day, a mysterious event triggered a newfound responsibility within him. He was determined to discover the hidden geniuses and rulers that lay beyond the surface, embarking on a journey of self-discovery that would challenge his very identity. Through this quest, Guang Fang would finally come to know himself and his true potential.
The test got to its fever pitch—the deciding moment raced like a sand storm. However, it was yet the final day for the bullying test as it was still the third day. At this moment, the students were already obsessed with the result. How do they get the result? Where could the victim and the bully be? Their questions were endless. In any case, no one could blame them; everyone was just anxious. This situation had prompted the first year to betray a heavy expression. Tension! No one anticipated this level of difficulty.
On the evening of the third day, Li Min decided to visit a movie theatre. It was not school hour anyway—everyone was free to catch some fun. However, any particular activity going on now had ulterior motives. In a movie theatre, a timid student with quiet air sat concentrated as he watched some boring movie that had no origin. This person watched the love scene the theatre displayed with keen interest. Anyone might wonder if this person was interested in either being a movie star or falling into a stupid unrealistic love trope. However, the seat around him appeared empty, much to his surprise. Still, he decided to be indifferent about it. But at this moment, a student came to the vacant seat beside him. The male was so absorbed in the unreasonable movie that he didn't pay mind to the person.
The student watching this unknown movie was Wishang Zhi; however, the person that took over the empty seat was Li Min. She had her arrogance and cold demeanor—simply ignoring everyone. The white she donned made her a heavenly maiden. In fact, the dark tone of the theatre couldn't contain her higher glow. But whether she loved to see such unknown movies or not—only heaven could answer that doubt.
"Do you like love movies?" Li Min's voice came sharp, making Weisheng Zhi to jolt anxiously. His mind wondered what could bring such a girl close to him. This person had not spoken with ladies casually. And coupled with the surprise, he was definitely confused. 'what the hell!' He was not dreaming; he reminded himself to stay awake.
"I….I.." Weisheng Zhi stammered, unable to finish his statement.
He didn't have to be that nervous, did he? Trying to say something, yet unable to tell any was a demon itself. What he wanted the most was not to embarrass himself. He was so absorbed in love movies. Yet when it came to practice, he became speechless—fumbling like a chicken. How depressing! He was totally hopeless.
Li Min still appeared cold, not intending to soften up; she passed a sidelong glance at Weisheng Zhi before she continued to watch the unbearable display the television generously showed her. Li Min must have wondered: the reason the guy was so bad would be directly related to the fact that he applied too much attention to theory than practical. In fact, she had already suspected that he could be the person she was looking for; she just needed to confirm her doubt.
"You don't have to be nervous." She said with a soft voice, " my name is Li Min. A first-year student, class B. Nice to meet you." She stretched her hand to meet the acquaintance of Weisheng Zhi. At this moment, Li Min began her first courtship lesson. To her greatest surprise, she now practices a skill she thought she would never use. Who would have thought that she would be the one courting a guy?
"I…kn…w…wh…o…are." Weisheng Zhi stuttered to no end—he couldn't even finish his statement.
'Does he have to be that nervous?' Li Min wondered. She was also subjective and relatively new to the whole experience. With a moment of thought, she concluded it was normal. 'It is not alien for them to know about me. People completely lose their minds in front of me. Well, except for that bastard.'
In any case, she had begun to notice the situation and had become more open to them now that she realized she might need more of these operations in the future. But before now, her arrogant indifference made her unable to notice these suffering souls. Yet even if she discovered them now, how could she solve any of the fear-stricken personalities they have about her. After all, she was their goddess. And their imagination was so wild they believed a goddess couldn't directly stand so low to communicate with them. Why didn't the goddess use most of her lowly servants to communicate with them? Their foolish thought echoed for thousand miles and still had no sign of stopping.
"You have to calm down for you to express yourself better." Li Min became a relationship mentor instead. Was there even the need for the movie if Weishen Zhi could get a free guide from a goddess.
At this point, Li Min swept her gaze around the theatre hall and thought: "that lunatic must have set me up by bringing me here. He knew I was going to come when I heard his tip-off. What a demon fox! Did he by any means knows about this guy's anxiety?" Li Min muttered to herself—she didn't try to show any frustration. In fact, she could only smile bitterly.
Momentarily, the predictable movie got to a fascinating part: the playboy grabbed the innocent girl romantically. He pulled her to himself with a feverish gaze as he kissed her with prolonged effect. However, at the same time, Weisheng Zhi covered his face in embarrassment, and his ears became hot red for some unknown boring reason. It was as though his face would release a heavy stream of hot air. One might wonder about the use of being embarrassed on a played role. It was a terrible reaction!
At the same time, a female stood in front of an enormous museum (that almost has all the collections). Her innocent face made her look incapable of hostility. She has a communicative and cooperative demeanor. In fact, anyone (both small and big) could relate to this person.
The Museum management divided the museum into various sections: the folk arts, ancient rare books, objects of the Chinese revolution, artifacts handed down from ancient times, items of Chinese history, and more. The entire unique items represented eras and uniqueness of the Chinese cultures, and they could use them to study differences in epochs. Many people believe that a museum is a unique place to find many ancient collections. People come here to acquire historical wisdom; the same was for the girl who intently watched the spread-out exhibitions in the museum.
"Hello, you are Xiaoli Jinfei, right?"
A student casually walked toward Xiaoli Jinfei. And at this moment, she absorbed herself in the archaeological items in front of her.
"And you are?" Xioali Jingfei's voice came light and sweet.
"People call me Shen Yongrui." He said with all humility.
"What is the difference between my name is X? And people call me X?" Xioali Jingfei countered nicely and innocently, making her lovable.
"Well, …." Shen Yongrui put his hand on his jaw as though in deep thought—then he smiled contentedly. "Put it this way: people might call you god, but you might not deny that you are a god if you see no problem with it."
"I see," replied Xioali Jingfei.
"Do you like King Fuchai's Li Wu bronze sword?"
Shen Yongrui asked with expectation as he sighed—he pitied the sword for some unknown reason. He kept his sidelong gaze at Xioali Jingfei as he pretended like his keen gaze was on the said sword.
"I like the sword, and I was just thinking about what king Fuchai was like with this sword."
"I see." Shen Yongrui paused and thought before he continued. "Definitely, he was a great man because history had tried its hardest to remember him. It meant he was worth remembering." He said with certainty.
"You think so?" Xioali Jingfei asked with a questioning expression; her expression totally betrayed his thoughts.
However, Shen Yongrui nodded to that even when he understood that the same history also remembers worthless people that destroyed something important because of their carelessness. Of course, he never mentioned this one, the same with Xioali Jingfei.
"Do you like swords because you want to protect yourself?" He continued nonetheless.
"Everyone wants to protect themselves, don't you think?" This answer might have come naturally, but the cunning Shen Yongrui, who mixes lies with the truth, wasn't about to accept that. He intended on digging right through the lady until he was sure the girl had no value to extract—then, he would cease his useless mind games.
"I definitely think so. Most especially when others continue to bully people carelessly." He added as Xioali Jingfei nodded her head in agreement. He confidently approached an unreachable consensus of a topic that would be rather difficult to broach—he skillfully manipulated the conversation in that direction harmlessly.
Here in out, Shen Yongrui probed further and further to see if he could find out what he perhaps felt that Xioali Jingfei knew. And the girl being clueless about his mind games, guessed nothing serious of his constant bugging. Heaven knew that Shen Yongrui was indifferent to history. But to achieve his feat, he would accommodate himself in the museum and talk about what seemed irrelevant to him; because he intended to extract the slightest clue about Xiaoli Jingfei.
In any case, he had no choice but to use this approach. After all, what more could he do? It was not as though he could force her to admit she was the bully or the bullied victim. If all it took to get this information appeared to be this simple approach, it wouldn't make any more meaning being a test.