
Holding back Jian Hé

'What in the hell does that girl want now? Are you trying to advertise him? Looking objectively, Guang Fang shouldn't be on the same social status as you. Why even be obsessed with him?' Toa Fen mused.

Li Min smiled when she sneakily glanced at the girl's angry faces: she seemed jubilant. Well, it'll be fun to see how it all plays out.

Jian Hé walked into the class with a gloomy expression. Could it be that something usually happened to him in the morning? Or maybe round the clock. Jian Hé strode straight to the platform and positioned his portable laptop on the desk lectern.

After arranging the learning equipment, the projector displayed the awaited visual: a Special test tutorial. However, Jian Hé said nothing but turned to me.

"Why is that hooligan still sleeping even when I've entered the classroom."

Jian Hé asked no one in particular, but he succeeded in raining down pressure on the class. He also prevailed in stinging me to consciousness.