

I've finally set fire to the school, and Jian Hé did his utmost to destroy me. For the sake of that ghost, gods-mind, this school had subjected me to horrible punishment for quite some time. He wreaked devastation, yet I'm generally the one who bears the brunt of the blame.

"This student should be expelled from school."

"Yeah. The guy not only destroyed several school properties. He also drew Jian Hé and slapped a wanted sticker on his banner."

"That guy is insane, and everyone should stay away from him. I'm confident that they will eventually expel him."

Is this his first time doing anything so heinous? "Hasn't he been escaping?"

"You have no idea what he penned for his calligraphy project."

His calligraphy abilities are as bad as a beggar's, and he penned completely ridiculous and dumb things."