
Peerless Medicine God

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Misty_Ellaine · Eastern
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3119 Chs

Chapter 2814: Battle of Doctors!

Chapter 2814: Battle of Doctors! . . .

In Ye Yuan's eyes, Xiao Shan's current technique was at most considered a pass.


This guy actually bragged that he reached 90%?

As for the others, only Dao Chen was slightly better, barely reaching 50%.

The rest did not even reach 50%.

Ye Yuan could not help but have some doubts. Were these guys really from a Hegemon level sect?

This needle technique was indeed born out of the Xuanji Nine Leaves.

But simplicity was not simple!

Ye Yuan's Xuanji Nine Leaves had long already attained sublimity, completely under his control.

Pray tell, could the acupuncture technique that he developed really be simple?

If it was simple, it would also be impossible to forcibly suppress the berserk blood corruption poison.

Xiao Shan's momentum looked very powerful, but he did not comprehend the essence of his acupuncture technique at all, even though he had already repeatedly emphasized it.

Ye Yuan could not help sighing. It seemed like he still thought too highly of the disciples of these Hegemon level holy land.

He was actually like everyone else, blindly trusting these sects.

He had already taught by precept and example.

The rest could only depend on these people's own comprehensions.

But looking at it now, it seemed like it did not go as he wanted.

Although the current techniques of Xiao Shan and the others were still a little unfamiliar, even if they become proficient, it would be impossible to truly reach his level too.

Many of those heavenly alchemists were secretly watching Ye Yuan's expression.

Seeing Ye Yuan secretly shake his head, these people could not help feeling unhappy.

It seemed like Master Ye was a narrow-minded person too and could not stand to see other people get good.

"Urgh, urgh … puuuuu!"

Suddenly, one of the patients started twitching and directly spewed out a mouthful of blood.

His aura was rapidly wilting.

The people present could not help jumping in fright.

It was still fine just now. What happened?

Ye Yuan's expression changed, and he arrived in front of that person like lightning.


He kicked that Extreme Medicine Sect disciple flying with a foot, the divine essence needles in his hand penetrating into the patient's body swiftly.

Along with one divine essence needle after another being injected, that person's blood corruption poison was finally forcefully suppressed by Ye Yuan.

Except, the effect of the treatment was much poorer.

Ye Yuan shot that person who was kicked flying by him fiercely and shouted coldly, "Told you guys just now, how much ability you have, just say how much. Don't show off your ability! With your bit of skill, you also dare to come out and apply the needles?"

In Ye Yuan's view, as a heavenly alchemist, one could not do anything that they were not confident of.

Clearly did not have the ability but wanted to attempt it. This was harming people!

This sort of thing, Ye Yuan could not stand it!

The person who was kicked flying was called Zhang Xiu, who was also an elite disciple of the Extreme Medicine Sect.

Being berated by Ye Yuan, Zhang Xiu said indignantly, "It's my first time applying the needles after all. How can I have absolute confidence? You're clearly holding a grudge against what happened before and using your position to get even with your personal grudge!"

The Extreme Medicine Sect's disciples were extremely prideful.

If not for the blow due to the incident this time, their arrogance could poke a hole in the sky.

In his view, being able to reach this step for the first time was already very impressive.

Actually, he was just on the cusp of being able and not being able to do it.

But, for the sake of the Extreme Medicine Sect's face, he still stepped forward without hesitation.

It was just that he did not expect that he still messed it up in the end.

'When Ye Yuan heard this, he smiled coldly and said, "You mean that because it's the first time you're applying the needles, you can treat the brothers' lives as a joke? If he died, he deserves it?"

Zhang Xiu's expression changed, and he said with a cold snort, "I didn't say that. You're making slanderous charges! Surnamed Ye, let me tell you, my Extreme Medicine Sect's disciples aren't easy to bully!"

Xiao Shan had already finished applying the needles, but his brows furrowed together.

He knew that he had bragged too hard!

Just now, he pledged in all solemnity that he had already comprehended 90%.

While he had completed the treatment, the effects of his treatment were much worse than Ye Yuan's.

It probably did not even reach half.

He was a grade six heavenly alchemist. How could he not know the gap in between?

Logically speaking, if he had comprehended 80%, the effects should naturally also be 90% of Ye Yuan's.

But now, it was not even half.

He was fully focused just now and did not notice the rest.

But now, seeing Ye Yuan getting mad at Zhang Xiu, he figured out the whole story and said with a frown, "Ye Yuan, I'll apologize on behalf of Zhang Xiu for this matter. First time applying the needles, mistakes occurring is inevitable."

'When Ye Yuan heard it, he was even more enraged and said with a cold smile, "Huhu, you want to brush this over casually with a sentence? Previously, when using the true spirit blood to suppress the blood corruption poison, it was like this. Now, when I teach you guys the Xuanji Nine Leaves, it's still the

same! Are human lives worthless in your eyes? Doctors are not martial artists. One would rather not take action if they don't have the confidence!"

"I clearly said before previously. Don't step forward if you don't have the confidence! But you all? You didn't care at all and had to come forward to flaunt your superiority! Disregarding this guy, the others are also all lumps of shit when applying the needles!"

Actually, it could not be said that Ye Yuan did not have anger in his heart for what happened before.

The Extreme Medicine Sect's attitude towards this sort of thing was completely different from him.

Changing perspectives, if someone questioned his proposal at that time, he would definitely go and ascertain it.

But these people did not take other people's opinions in at all!

If say that his words carried little weight at that time, then what about now?

He had already proved his strength, they saw it too, but they were still like this.

Ye Yuan's dissatisfaction with these people also reached its peak.

Therefore, his words were very nasty too.

Xiao Shan's eyes could not help turning cold, and he said in a solemn voice, "Zhang Xiu is the Extreme Medicine Sect's disciple after all. What do you want?"

These words were using the Extreme Medicine Sect to oppress people.

'The Extreme Medicine Sect had a pivotal status in the entire Grand Brightjade Complete Heaven and the Heaven One war.

A measly little Ye Yuan was insignificant like an ant in front of such a colossal giant.

Ye Yuan laughed from extreme rage and said, "I said before previously, punishment by military law! It looks like you guys treated it like water rolling off a duck's back!"

Zhang Xiu did not care about these words at all and said disdainfully, "What a joke! How many people have my Extreme Medicine Sect's saved in this war? How many great achievements have been made! Now, you actually want to punish me with military law?"

Xiao Shan also said in a cold voice, "Nobody can touch my Extreme Medicine Sect's people!"

It became dangerously explosively inside the tent!

Each and every one of the Extreme Medicine Sect's disciples turned their noses up at Ye Yuan.

Their haughtiness would not change because of Ye Yuan's monstrous performance.

'When a conflict happened, their contempt for Ye Yuan was no less.

No matter how monstrous, he was also just an ant!

In front of the Extreme Medicine Sect, he was nothing!

Suddenly, Ye Yuan restrained his imposing aura, turned around and came to the patient's side, and began to administer needles.

This person had needles administered by one of the Extreme Medicine Sect's disciples previously.

The effects … barely managed to suppress the blood corruption poison. Furthermore, it was very unstable.

Ye Yuan saved the life of the seemingly hopeless patient again off of his foundation.

He did not say a word, re-treating these soldiers anew, including Xiao Shan's.

'When Zhang Xiu saw this scene, he could not help but snicker.. He said disdainfully, "I was wondering how impressive Great Genius Ye was, but it turns out that it's nothing more than this!"