
Chapter 746: Body-Sword Integration (Seeking Subscription, Seeking Votes)

The interior of the large hall spanned thousands of feet, built entirely of white jade. On the surrounding walls, all kinds of murals were carved -- some depicted masses slaying demons, others showed a long blade shattering the sky. However, the majority depicted a myriad of human pigs with fierce and malicious appearances.

Through those simple strokes, everyone seemed to visualize the bloodshed and brutality from a distant past, causing their hearts to palpitate with fear.

"It is said that the sword technique of the Blade Slaves Sect is the Heaven-Envious Sword Technique, which is practiced at the cost of self-mutilation and renouncing one's conscience. Furthermore, the more souls killed, the stronger the destructive power of the sword technique,"

Duanmu Keren, who originated from Heaven and Earth Surprised Swan Castle and possessed exceptional knowledge, recalled particular phrases from historical records.