
peerless Genius

A story about a young man whose life not going too well take a drastic change when his wish came true a story from dying wish to living the wish to its utmost. story dwells in life of hiron whose wish come true which takes his ordinary regular life to a magical journey lots of over smart moments, lots of magic, girls, hardships, journeys and coming in terms with his own powers and responsibilities.

Thefallen · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Two shadows

A small town covered in silence of the night. hiron walk around on the roof lost in thoughts. Musing over the reasons of mess of life he has today. He's 20 year old young man with an average body frame in 2nd year of college. Living alone after death of his family 3 years ago, working hard to make ends meet. Money left by his father all used up for studies. Things are going South pretty fast that he can't have any time to catch up on what's happening. Hoping for a brighter future he lost in thoughts sat on roof looking at the twinkling stars in sky in dim light of crescent moon.

After being lost in his own thoughts for a long time being tired of his own thoughts hiron sighed then stood up to walk towards his own room. Just then he heard a voice of metal clanging perplexed he looked around but nothing come into the sight in dim moon light. Assuming its a stray cat walking on tin shades he moved on.

While right above few feets above his heads two shadows are tangling with each other. There movement are faster than what eyes can see. Attacking and backing of again and again. Shockwaves powerful enough to tear down a whole building but strangely no commotion can be noticed outside except for change in winds. All sounds and shockwaves were blocked by the barrier covering those shadows.

"why wind is going crazy damit" hiron looked around sensing his surroundings.

"I'm going to sleep" talking to himself hiron walked to room dreaming about how to score a girlfriend and get rich fast. The things he most wanted is to be a person who can do anything a genius of everything that is possibly an absolute and peerless genius.

While lost in his own thoughts hiron was moving to his room just then something fall from sky on his back leaving him dizzy. After lifting his head still under dizzy spell because of hit not knowing what happened he tried to grab on to something to get hold of himself.

Trying to find what hit him so he find himself grabbing on to two things round like orb which are smooth like marbles and spongy. Shaking his head trying to come to his senses; confused the first thing he saw was a sword hacking towards his neck.

Closing his eyes wishing all of the happenings to be dream hiron tightened his fists on orbs like his life is hanging to them.

In moment of crisis hiron again went in his thoughts "damn i don't want to die. why this is happening to me? what I do to deserve this. Well it's not like anyone going to miss me. I'm already alone so it doesn't matter anyway, right? No one cares right. damn i want to be a genius not die like this man; this sucks". Screaming in his head hiron wished only to be a genius his dream of life time regretting to not fulfill it in this life.

On other hand, two shadows were panicking over the tightening grip of hiron over the barriers of stones in there crowns.

Sweat from stress almost soaked the robes of two shadows. Looking at person closing his eyes and tightening his grip more and more they panicked like whole world is crushing down.

Hiron closing his eyes unknown of the stress he has caused to the two shadows still tightened his grip like those things are only that can save his life. Wishing his last wish to be true.

Suddenly he feels like he is falling forward. perplexed he found his hands entering in the orbs a squishy fluid got between his fingers. A warm and a cold current ran through his hands to his brain like electricity.

"No..." a scream came from one of the shadows. The shadow which was about to cut his head with his sword stoped it in midair. Horror flashed in both eyes. They rubbed there eyes don't dare to even believe there own eyes. "Stop" the shadow cried again.

Hiron still unknown continue to enter orbs his hands continue forward at last touched the stones in the barrier a stone burning hot while other chilling cold entered his body like electric current while orbs shattered.

On other hand two shadows looking at him with terror and grief in there eyes. Not knowing what to do. Many emotions crossed there eyes in that second.

Walking up fully due to sudden hot and cold jolt in his body. Not feeling the certain coming death hiron opened his eyes to see two pairs of confused eyes. Seeing no movement's from shadows below him he knew this is time to run for life.

As soon as this thought come in his mind he push on ground to stand up and ran away as fast as he could. Running away hiron don't notice but he ran twice the fast he used to a speed he can't even think of achieving. He ran straight to his room. After entering in his room he locked it and sat down on his bed.

Suddenly he listened a whisper in his brain "Genius of running","genius of cowardice". Looking around hiron try to find the source of the voice but find nothing thinking its just imagination he ignored it and lay down on the bed. Tired from crazy stuffs from day hiron fall asleep as soon as he lay down on bed thinking it must be some crazy nightmare.

On other hand two shadows on roof look at hi back as he ran away. The looked confused whether to chase him or not. They looked at each other and sighed in emotions.

"What should we do?" a surprisingly feminine voice came from one of shadows.

"we need to report; our fathers going to be angry" other shadow reply in a feminine voice with grinding of teethes.

Other shadow sighed and remove the hood of her robe. A beautiful face like shining sun which can cause fall of countries come in view. A halo of angel hovering over its head.

"Don't uncover your face" a scolding voice came from other shadow who uncovered her face to show the devilish beauty with two small horns coming out of her head.

"You did the same" beauty with angel halo retorted. "But after you" devilish beauty snaped back.

After long time of bickering they huffed at each other. Then they turn to opposite direction to each disappeared quickly.The silence of night restored again like nothing happened.