

Neil stood up with a little bit of courage as he walked to the front of the class, "Now who would want to give a demonstration along with Neil?"upon hearing that most students hid their face as they thought that he was given special admission number One for a reason and combined with the dragon mebted of the teacher he would probably be the strongest in the class, while the other few who knew that they could beat him didn't want to for some reason of their own.

"I'll do it, william Ackerman, I'll do it!" Williams said as he introduced

himself as he walked to the front of the class.

"Good we have a volunteer, You both are going to have a friendly match dueling only with fire orb, you're free to exploit the full power of the orb and the first person to fall or surrender looses."

"While the teacher was busy saying the rules, Neil was already circulating his mana as he knew it would take about six seconds before he could successful cast an elemental orb, meanwhile he was sure it would only take one or two seconds for williams, so he had successfully doubled his mama for two casting while also strengthening the mana.


"Fire orbs!" Neil said as he shot two orbs of yellow flame at Williams who was surprised stop see Neil Casting double orbs under one second and so he was caught off guard as the orb collided with williams which sent him flying back few feet.

Then Neil knew his luck was over as Williams summoned a dark red coloured flame on his palm shooting it at Neil which sent home flying few meters crashing through the wall of the class room as he was lucky not to had fell on his back using the wall as a form of support.

"I can really see the difference in the colour of flames, he's casting speed is also fast, circulating mana In my core, gathering it, *Ahh, it hurts... Circulating mana in my core, gathering it..Ahh!" It seemed as if Neil wasn't given a chance as before he could complete the spell Williams would have blasted him with three.

"MY vision is blurry, I think I'm about to die, oh fuck,. ahhh."

Everybody in the class watched this one sided battle some enjoyed it while some felt pity for him. "I think just one more wouod do!" Mean while just as Williams was rubbing his Victory on Neil's face, Neil had successfully casted an attack.

"No I need to make it stronger, Fire Arrow!" Neil said with his last power as he shot an arrow of flame towards williams before loosing consciousness after getting hot with Williams Elemental orb.

"Fuck, my arm!' William groaned in agony as the arrow bore a hole through williams that moment the only thought they came through williams mind was to keep on firing elemental orb at Neil even though it was unconscious but unfortunately professor Winter stopped the match immediately seeing that Neil was already down.

"But that's cheating! We were only meant to use elemental orb if not he would have been dead before he knew it!" Williams complained in anger as the professor couldn't help but laugh.

"well I did say the match would involve only elemental orb and you're allowed to exploit it to it's full potential and just as you know, the full potential is forming other things with the orb, so your own problem, now class since we've successfully seen the demonstration, be smart and exploit any potential technique to it's full power."

"Here you can have this, it will help stop the bleeding!' Professor winters said tossing a low grade recovery potion yo williams.

"thank you professor!" Williams drank the potion as he went back to his seat, meanwhile the professor bent down to Neil's level to give him an high grade healing potionx which as usual also made Williams jealous.




The classroom had settled down while Neil who had just regained consciousness was having a discussion with Ricky about how it felt like during the match between himself and Williams.

"Now everyone settle down, for your assignment you'll be studying The full power of the elemental orb and also study a different elemental orb of your choice! Your next teacher would come in few minutes time from now before then use that time to study your elements! Neil meet me in my office after all your lessons today!"

"Yes sir!"

The teacher left the class while everyone took that time to study their books, meanwhile Neil was battling with his courage to meet Chloe or not, just when he made his decision to talk to her, williams confronted him with a weird grin in his face.

Neil could only let out a wry smile as he knew things was bad or about to be.

"Special admission number one my foot, there's nothing special about you, you're just a weak, frail and disposable thing and I'll prove that right now!" Just as Williams was about to land a punch in Neil he felt as if all his strength had left him, which forced him to his knees without even knowing, the whole class couldn't help but laugh until the saw the cause of the situation.

"It was the next teacher, which some how reassembled Neil, he also had the silver silky eyes and silver pupils, the only different was that Neil's pupil had a reflection of bluish silver giving it a brighter glow.

Neil had gotten his silver hair from his mother side, and she told him that most people from her primary family had silver eyes, it was a trait of the Carbineri clan, a small clan of Darkmages which continuously produced talented mages.

"Well if there anything I do have, it's super luck!" Neil said with a taunting smile as he looked at Williams who was on his knees in front of him.

"Curse you!"

"I think you're the one that has been cursed, it's a simple Exhaustion curse, don't worry you'll get back to full strength by the ending of today, Now settle down everyone, My name is professor Kilba, I'll be the one teaching you the knowledge of curse Arts. Now any question?" Professor kilba asked while looking at the book in his hand, it was as if he was reading a novel in class which made most students have a bad first impression on him.

"yes sir, are you perhaps from the Carbineri clan?" Neil asked as the professor took a pause before raising his head to answer Neil.

"It seems my little nephew want to meet his uncle, I'd recognize those eyes anywhere" kilba said and that confirmed Neil's suspicious, some people were surprised by that reply while most people could already see the resemblance between Neil and professor kilba.

"Now stop those unnecessary question, the class isn't a place to ask those, now I'll be teaching you the principle behind curses and the I'll give you two hours to learn the curse of dizziness by your self."