
Peerless Evil God

Soraku Youmi, the evilest and strongest man in the cosmos is killed and is reborn.

TachyonicCha · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Courting Death

Soraku begins absorbing some Qi into his body to heal himself. 10 minutes later Soraku healed most of the major injuries, Soraku begins trying to open some of his blocked meridians.

30 minutes later Soraku finally got one meridian open. "Wow, this kid's body is pretty trash, but fear not because I will still become the strongest and atone for my sins!" claimed Soraku smiling up at the sky.

4 days later Soraku is still meditating, he has opened all of his 12 meridians and begins to form a core in his dantian. 10 days later Soraku finishes forming his core, but it was an unrefined Qi core. "This kid can't even refine Qi, this body is trash!" yelled Soraku in his mind.

20 days later Soraku finally refines all of the Qi in his body and makes a refined Qi core. "Finally! I have made a refined Qi core!" yelled Soraku in his mind.

Soraku opens his eyes to see that the formation of the refined Qi core had pushed all impurities out of his body. He gets up and notices he is taller than before, he looks like a teenager but smaller. *Growl* "It seems that I am hungry, do I even have any money?" asked Soraku talking to himself.

Soraku checks his pockets to find nothing, Soraku smiles evilly and decides to steal some food. Soraku steals 10 beef buns, 20 fruits, and 3 bowls of rice. Soraku is so fast the store owners did not notice their food was gone but when they did, it was too late.

Soraku sits on the roof of a bathhouse and begins eating the food. "Ahaha! I love food!" yelled Soraku on top of the roof. Soraku finishes eating and thinks about which technique he should learn to teach those beggars a lesson.

Soraku decides on, Heavy Steps, and Golden Shell. Heavy Steps is a movement technique where each step is heavier than the last, it is a good training technique, Golden Shell is a defensive technique that allows the user to absorb any type of energy to enhance their body.

Soraku jumps off the roof and runs to the forest to practice Heavy Steps and Golden Shell. If you guessed how he will train then you are right, he uses Heavy Steps and Golden Shell at the same time.

Heavy Steps weigh down the user while Golden Shell uses that energy from Heavy Steps to enhance the body. "This is cheating!! HAHA!!!" yells Soraku laughing. 20 steps into Heavy Steps, Soraku collapses from exhausting.

The next day, Soraku wakes up and his whole body is hurting because he overexerted while training. Soraku's body got muscular real quick because of the loophole he made, Soraku jumps and can see over the trees.

Looking below him he can see the destruction he caused, trees are broken, pulled from the ground, and the ground looks like a giant had stepped on it. Soraku sees the city and runs to it, he is gonna finally get revenge.

Soraku stops to steal food, after eating the food he jumps on top of the roofs to locate the beggars that beat him up. "I see you!" yelled Soraku pointing towards an alley. Soraku jumps down towards the beggars.

They were in the alley messing with a new kid because they thought Soraku had died. *Thud!* Soraku lands in front of the alley, the beggars look at him up and down. "Who are you? You look really familiar," said one of the beggars.

Soraku laughs and claims, "I am Yakuza Mino!" The beggars were all shocked, they thought he had died.

"Yakuza? HAHAHA!! He died, how dare you take his name," yelled some of the beggars.

"Oh well, no need to argue with dead people," claimed Soraku. The laughing of the beggars stopped as soon as Soraku said that.

"Oh, you want to kill us? Too bad because-" said one of the beggars before getting knocked out by a punch. The other beggars could not see Soraku's movements, Soraku forgot that he won't kill this lifetime.

It is another way to atone for his sins, Soraku looks clearly into the alley, there were only 4 adult beggars not including the one he knocked out. The kid who was getting bullied took this chance to run away.

"Hey! Come back here!" yelled the 4 beggars. Soraku looks at all of them and kicks the air while using Heavy Steps causing a shockwave that went towards the beggars.

The shockwave knocks all of the beggars back and they all fall unconscious. "Haha! This feeling is exciting!" yelled Soraku laughing. Soraku steals the beggar's money and buys himself some new clothes.

Little did Soraku know, there was someone watching Soraku when he beat up all those beggars. Soraku sat down at a restaurant when a man in a hood sits down in front of his table facing him. "Um, what are you doing?" asked Soraku towards the man in the hood.

The man in the hood takes off his hood and answers, "Young man, I have seen you fight, I want to recruit you." The man in the hood was an old guy.

Soraku gulps and asks, "Recruit me into what?"

The old man chuckles and answers, "To be a personal guard of someone I know, they are being targeted and I want them to be safe."

Soraku thinks about this and asks, "So, what do I get if I guard this person?"

The old man takes out 20 gold bars of gold, Soraku jaws drop. "This amount of money if you can protect her for 10 weeks," claimed the old man.

Soraku thinks about the things he can do with that amount of money, he can buy all the food he wants, buy all the wine he wants, buy all the houses he wants, and more importantly, he can start helping people who are in need to atone for his sins.

"I agree, so when do I start?" asked Soraku excitedly.

The old man chuckles and says, "You can start tomorrow if you want, you just have to follow me." Soraku finishes his food and follows the old man, the old man walked very slowly. This annoyed Soraku a little but he did not mind.

They reach a huge building...