
Peeping on Aira's Life

SHE'S VAGUELY AWARE of those things that were surrounding her. She heard heavy footsteps pacing back and forth in her room. But she didn't know who it was. She has never invited a stranger into her room so it must be someone she knew or an intruder. She have to get up and put some clothes on as she realised her nakedness beneath her blanket. But she couldn't move. She opened her eyes and saw a silhouette of a figure that's been pacing inside her room.

Junachen_1285 · Urban
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7 Chs

6. The Pigsty

ANDREAS STEPPED into his two bedroom condominium, knowing how messy it was and he's been too lazy to clean it up or asked for helper to do so. Yes, he knew his place would surely give someone a certain nightmare about pigsty with those mess. Cables scattered everywhere on the floor, couch, table that could've make people tripped. Coffee table that was filled with food containers half-empty, empty, with unbearable stink from the mold, sink that was looks like another rubbish bin, that was filled with glasses of coffee, tea, and even vodka bottle. Couch that was filled with a bunch of document, snack bits and pielces, clean clothes, dirty, sweaty, stink clothes that he worn on gym. And the floor got tissue papers everywhere. It was amazing that he could walk through all fo those without tripping.

He never bothered to clean up because he's lazy and he doesn't really care for hygiene and cleanliness. He never really bothered to clean up his bathroom which was filled with mold, yellowy stain, mold forming on his showerhead and bathtub. He didn't even bothered to threw out his empty used shampoo bottles, soaps. Everything was disorganised and messy. It makes him smirk as he remember the scream when Aira stepped into his bathroom.

His bedroom was in the same condition but only a bit tad better. The messiness on the floor was bearable since it only consist clothes, old bedsheet, new bedsheet, documents, cables, and consoles such as iPod, iMac, MacBook. And the only thing that was clean was his bed.

He went into his study. It was the only room that was neatly organised. He could see Aira's room, a studio apartment across the street clearly from his window. He knew he shouldn't peek. But yes, she's kind of inviting him to peek by having a transparent curtain on.

He saw something he shouldn't see. Yes, he saw a man humping her, she's tied up to her bed, her lips got plastered on. Andreas smirked as he remembered the scratch he got from her long manicured nail after that Zouk Out party and the bit mark he got on his lips three days ago still stung.

He thought that she's enjoying it. But after a good ten minutes later, that man left her. He saw something had been gushing out from her neck. He called her and saw her weakly breathing, couldn't even bother to cover her body as he noticed her phone fell. And he's panicking as he sees the red stain on her blue bed sheet.

He just ran to her place and it seemed to take half an hour to cover the five minute distance. He knocked on her door, tried to break the door but it's not locked. He came in and saw her lying on the bed with blood gushing from her neck.

"Aira!" Andreas shouted and untied her hand. He scooped her in his arms and felt her weightless figure. He put a pressure on her neck. And he carried her to his car and went to the nearest hospital.

Everything became so unclear, Andreas didn't remember what happened. He could only catch bits and pieces of what the doctor said. But he basically knew that she lost too much blood since it's all over his shirt and hand, making him looks like the perpetrator.

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