
Peeping on Aira's Life

SHE'S VAGUELY AWARE of those things that were surrounding her. She heard heavy footsteps pacing back and forth in her room. But she didn't know who it was. She has never invited a stranger into her room so it must be someone she knew or an intruder. She have to get up and put some clothes on as she realised her nakedness beneath her blanket. But she couldn't move. She opened her eyes and saw a silhouette of a figure that's been pacing inside her room.

Junachen_1285 · Urban
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7 Chs

5. Three Days Ago

"GOOD MORNING." Andreas spanked Aira's butt as he saw her bend over on the vending machine beside MRT station. She's about to take her favourite peach tea. She worn denim jeans and white shirt. Yes, she got nice and sexy ass. And she's too easy to spot because of her unusual reddish brown hair and lean but not-too-small build which was kind of different from the rest of Singaporean girls which was mostly anorexic skinny.

"Ouch!" Aira yelped. "Hey!"

Andreas grinned innocently, "What?"

"Andreas, could you please stop doing that or do you want me to sue you?" Aira hissed at him and rubbed her ass.

"Alright, sue me! I'm all yours!" he grinned even more wide that it made him show his dimple.

Aira gave him her middle finger as she walked away.

"Wait," Andreas caught Aira's arm.

"What?" Aira scowled.

Andreas kissed her on the lips and she bit him. They're staring into each other's eyes with intensity that could burn. She pulled her hand and walked away.

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