
Peekaboo - Object Permanence

A girl inflicted with an enhanced Object Permanence. Object permanence is the understanding that objects continue to exist even when they cannot be sensed. This causes her to be able to see ghosts and eventually aliens. This leads to her being experimented on by the government and also eventually exploring the cosmos with an unlikely kidnapper.

BermudaVonDon · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Save You 2

Viola's Perspective-

It was as if I was frozen in time. Two people that require my saving, my protection was before me. I have to decide right here, right now! My father who holds the key to my life goal. Veronica holds the key to something else. I'm not sure what is right now but I know she has something I require. Something I desire. FUCK IT. My chance of saving my dad is much higher. Veronica can most definitely hold out in the meantime.

I vectored into the sky and did what my father always taught me. Rotation is key for extra power when vectoring. It takes incredible control to do because vector is typically used in straight directions. I go for a kick and begin spiraling downwards with the power of vector. I come crashing down on that bastard, War Chief's brother.

The impact sent him down to the dirt. Making him let go of my father. My father immediately went in for a punch on the War Chief but sadly his punches weren't as fast normal. That beating severely weakened him. The War Chief dodged his punch without much effort.

As the War Chief dodged to the left, I immediately cut him off and go in for a kick. This fight requires us to be relentless. Use every ounce of energy we have left to win this fight as quickly as possible.

The war chief smirked. All my kick did was break his armor. The armor took the brunt of the force. Thats okay though. I go in for another kick, further shattering the armor and making contact with the War Chief himself. I then proceed to get his arm in a grapple hold using my legs and both arms. Restricting the use of that arm. This left the war chief agitated.

"You shouldn't only be focused on her!"

My dad went in for a mean spiral vector powered right hook but before it could make contact the War Chief's brother grabbed my father's arm. My dad waved his arm with as much force as possible, flinging the brother away.

The War Chief tried to get me off his arm. This distracted him long enough for my dad to finally lay one on him. A spiral right hook. Right before it sent the war chief flying I let go of his arm and winked at him.


Veronica told me that means goodbye in one of earth's many languages. I don't know why I said it. It just felt right, I guess.

The War Chief and his brother vectored towards us and so we responded by doing the same. We began vectoring around the shipyard. Creating massive shockwaves. Leaving our golden trails everywhere. It was as if a star had been birthed right on the very surface on the planet.

This commotion must have attracted citizens and guards. As the four us stopped for a mere moment we were surrounded by witnesses. Citizens scared for the life of their leader. Guards too scared to intervene in such a high-level battle.

As our battle continued me and my father got the upper hand. I kicked the brother with all my might. The kick was powered with so much of my vector it could quite possibly deplete my supply for a month. My father follow suit and punched the War Chief into the dirt right next to his brother.

The War Chief was knocked out cold, quite possibly dead it was hard to tell. His brother on the other hand was alive and well. He looked over to his brother in horror. He then looked back over at us with nothing but animosity in his eyes.


The guards hesitantly attacked us. I couldn't do much and my father took notice of this. He created another dust tornado with vector to momentarily distract the guards. He then looked over at me.

"V, Viola you have made me the proudest father in the universe."

"You are a perfect warrior."

Before I Could even process what happened, everything went black.


Veronica's Perspective-

I woke up near the entrance of the ship. The sound of the sound barrier being broken, sonic booms ringing my ear drums. Four bright yellow trails moving throughout the sky. As I looked closer it was Viola and her dad. Wow, what a sight. This is quite possibly a battle of 2 of the strongest people in the universe. A mineral war veteran and his daughter. Two perfect warriors. If a warrior is someone that protects the things, they love through battle. Then they're the textbook definition of it. They're fighting to protect each other. Incredible.

As I observed the fight, I began to notice us being surrounded. Yea this is not good. Even if they win the fight hundreds of Victorians against them would not be a favorable battle. I began to make preparations for the ship to take off.

I started the ship up and used my powers to find a safe planet. I found a planet with only animal life and plant life. I set the coordinates for the planet and waited for their fight to conclude.

As they finally defeated the two powerful Victorians one of them ordered the Guards to attack. As the guards began to charge at them hesitantly Viola's dad created a dust filled tornado with his powers. Reminded me a lot of what a bald kid with arrow tattoos did in one episode of a show I watched. It wasn't anime but it was pretty close. Thats beside the point though. He created an opportunity for them to escape. He began talking to Viola. He then knocked her out with a swift chop to her neck. He then picked her up and carried her over to me.

"She cares a lot about you lass."

"So, you take good care of her in turn."



He then proceeded to charge at the army as the dust tornado dissipated. He began battling the army. As he battled, I didn't let his sacrifice go to waste. I hit the takeoff button and the ship began flying off world. As we were rising to the atmosphere Victorians began vectoring to us trying to take us out. I used the ship's defensive guns to blast at them. I shot them down from the sky. I kept shooting not letting up. My ability maid shooting at them easy. They were merely moving at normal speeds to me compared to their actual speeds. We finally exited the planet's atmosphere.

As we finally got to safety, I took a sigh of relief. I looked over at Viola and I began thinking about my own father. I barely knew the guy. He sold me when I was only three years old. He sold ME his only child off to be tortured. That's not what a dad should be. But Viola's dad. what he did. That's exactly what a father should be. He died protecting his child. I'm kind of jealous to be honest.

I shouldn't have these toxic thoughts. I'm not a bitch or anything. I am a bitch.