

Multiple short Horror Stories.

Omema_Nadeem_2006 · Book&Literature
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Creepy red light

I was just 12 when this incident happened. I was on a summer holiday with my family. We went to the nearby town to spend the holidays. It was a beautiful morning and we really enjoyed the view whilst traveling in our car. Finally, we reached to a place where a sign board said:" Welcome to Madame Catalina Residents". It was a huge building and it was our destiny. We unloaded our car with our bags and stuff. My 17 year-old elder brother, Kim, wasn't really happy about the place and said that something bad is about to happen. I just ignored his fact and ran inside the building. It was a huge area inside. My father talked to the receptionist and we booked a room for ourselves. Apparently, me and my brother had to stay in one room and our parents in the other. I was scared at first but settled when my brother told me we could do whatever we like all day. We headed towards our respective rooms and took a short nap. After waking up, I was as fresh as a cucumber, maybe. We went shopping afterwards and enjoyed a lot. We arrived to a restaurant and munched on some burger and fries and afterwards licked our tongues on ice-cream. I was tired as a sloth and eventually ended up sleeping first. After a few hours I woke to a beeping sound. When I opened my eyes, I saw a mysterious red light flashing from our room window. I got super confused. I got up and looked out of the window. When I looked out, my mouth went open. It was shadowy figure standing far away and holding a red light. It was really far away so I couldn't tell if it was a man or a woman. I instantly woke up my brother and told him. The most creepy thing that creeped me out was that my brother wasn't able to see the red light and that figure. He acted normal and scolded me that I was pranking with him. But that creepy and mysterious light and figure were still there. I couldn't hold it and called down in the reception. I told them the whole story. The hotel service managed to go out and searched the whole area but they founded nothing. By the time they were searching, that light and that creature vanished and there was no sign of them. I forgot all about and went back to sleep. After like 2 hours, I woke up and wasn't able to move. I got a sleep paralysis. As I managed to move, I heard a creepy deep voice calling out my name. "Suzie.... Suzie, I missed you.. Wanna play?". I almost fainted while hearing this. It was a voice of a girl. Fortunately, I was able to move and discovered that I was all sweaty. The room was cold as Antarctica and I couldn't figured that what was the reason behind all this sweat. I turned around and saw that creepy light again. But this time it was blinking continuously. My brother on the other hand was snoring like a bear. I was freaking out at that time and immediately, without even thinking, called my dad. I tried to explain each and everything but there was a disturbance in the line and there was that creepy voice again, calling out my name. I couldn't hear my dad. I cut the call and started crying. That light vanished because it was already morning. I checked my phone and it was 7 am. I couldn't believe that I had spent so much time crying. I got to my bed and slept after a minute. The next morning, my dad asked me what happened last night. My brain only stored some of the story and forgot the rest. It was really difficult to remember the rest of it. It's been almost 10 years now when this happened. I have my own family now. But this story creeps me till this day. But the most shocking thing is that how did my brother predicted that something bad will happen.