
Peculiar Love

Claire's biggest scar from her childhood comes back to her and brings her to face the hidden truth about her family and her past. With her peculiar love will she withstand the coming challenges?

Euphoric_firefly · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Strange Happenings

For some unascertainable reasons, the weather that morning was strangely pleasant and cool with a constant breeze. However, the weather inside me was severe.

I was sitting in my place staring thoughtfully at the ceiling when someone entered the class and it wasn't Miss Rosalie. It was a new face, a young man with sharp features and pale skin.

"Good Morning everyone! I'm your new homeroom teacher, you can call me Ivan." His cold blue eyes glinted as he gave us an icy smile.

"What about Miss Rosalie?" asked one of the kids.

"She won't be coming from now on," he said in a callous tone.

"And why is that so?" Natalie asked.

"No more questions. I'll take your attendance now," he said taking out the class roll.

As soon as he left the class, Emily came to me and pulled me along with her to the restroom.

"Claire, did you hear about Miss Rosalie?"

"Heard what? That she isn't our homeroom teacher anymore."

"That's because she's dead you fool!"

"Dead?? This isn't something to joke about Em."

"I'm not joking! The whole school is talking about it. She was found dead in her house last night."

"Wha-tttttt???" The news took me aback and left me speechless.

"And what's more shocking is that her death is being investigated and they aren't disclosing the cause."

"She was perfectly fine until yesterday. How come all of sudden?"

"Exactly, something really strange has happened."

"So Ivan is your homeroom now. Did you meet him." seeing my appalled expressions she tried to divert my attention.

"You know him?"

"Yeah, he took a few of our education classes in our teacher's absence. He was appointed last month as the school counselor. I heard he was close to Miss Rosalie so he stepped in to be your homeroom teacher. He is young, good looking, and has a nice personality. All the girls in my class have been crushing on him."

"Right," I said inattentively.

I came back to the class in a different atmosphere. I guessed everyone now knew about Miss Rosalie's death.

"I heard from her neighbor that strange noises were coming from her house last night." said a boy.

"Rumours have it that she was murdered brutally." exclaimed the other.

"My uncle who's a cop said the case is being investigated as serial murder." A girl cut in.

They kept gossiping about it and it was distressing for me to hear it all. When I couldn't take it anymore, I left the class and went straight to the administration department. I stopped for a moment in front of the director's room, then barged in.

"Dad! What's going on in the school? What happened to Miss Rosalie?"

"Claire, what are you doing here?" he stood up in surprise seeing me there. "You shouldn't have come here. I told you not to."

"I'm sorry Dad, but I couldn't take it anymore." I sighed.

"Come here and sit with me."

I sat down beside him. He held my hands.

"Claire my girl, it's alright. I know you were close to Rosalie and it must be very shocking to you. But unfortunately, we can't do anything about it. The police are investigating and they'll take care of it. You don't need to worry about it."

"What about all the things everyone is talking about?"

"They're just rumors, sweetheart."

"Dad, everything will be fine right?"

"Of course, I'm going to the station tonight to see things over. You should come home early with the driver."

"I will."

"Also Claire don't come again here like this. What if someone sees you."

"Can't we just let everyone know?"

"No! Not at all!" he raised his voice a bit.

"But why Dad? How long are you going to hide it from the world and ME?"

"Just wait for a bit more sweetie, I'll tell you everything very soon when the time comes."

I could see the terror in his eyes. I held his hand and put my head on his shoulder.

"Dad, I don't know what it is but I'm sure we'll get through it together."

"Yes we will, my strong child," he said stroking my hair.


"Em, what do you do when you can't decide on a matter?" I said sipping on the apple juice.

"I.. I flip the coin. Why is something troubling you?"


"Try flipping the coin, you'll get your answer when it's in the air."

"Right, I should just do that. I don't see any other way to sort it out."

"Why? Who is it about?" she inquired.

"I'm not sure of it myself. I'll let you know once I get the answer."

"Sure, I'll wait then." she munched her taco.

"Emily, have you seen my cellphone?" l said after not finding it in my sight.

"I don't think you brought it here with you."

"I must have left it in the class. You finish your meal, I'll go and check. I might leave afterward don't wait for me. I'll go with the driver." I said getting up from the table.

"Okay, see you tomorrow."

I waved at her leaving the dining hall.

"Claire, where were you?" Asked Susan as I entered the class.

"I was with Emily. Why, is something wrong?"

"Shaun was looking for you."

"Shaun? Why?"

"I don't know but he looked worried and kept asking everyone. He left a moment ago. I think he went out of the school probably to the yard or library."

"I see, thanks." I hurried over to the schoolyard.

It was very bright outside despite the nighttime. As the full moon shone brightly on the meadows, I could see a figure moving there.

"Shaun!" I shouted but he was too far away to hear me.

I rushed towards him as he perfectly camouflaged in the dense thicket across the meadows.

I followed him in the woods without even a second of pause. As I took a few steps in, I could see the densely packed trees with branches spiked into the sky. The silvery moonlight was slowed to a trickle by the full branches and I was barely able to see where I was going. Small sounds of rustling bushes and the howl of the wind were all I could hear. Uncertainty laid ahead in the dark forest and all I knew was that it wasn't going to be a peaceful walk.

"Shaun! Shaun!" I yelled at the top of my voice.

Suddenly I heard a squeaky sound from behind.

"Shaun is that you?" I turned around and seeing the outline of a huge creature, my heart sank. In the dark, all I could see was its fierce blue eyes gleaming in the moonlight.



The howl from the trees beside me pierced through my ears filling my soul with horror.

The creature standing in front of me growled and raised his huge paw. I took a few steps back, my feet trembling. With every move I made, I got more and more terrified. My body felt hot and sweat started trickling down my neck. I thought my heart would explode.

My breath quickened as I heard the quivering of the tree branches on my right. In the blink of an eye, I espied a wolf leaping out from behind those trees and landing between me and that creature. This was the last of what I saw that night as my vision turned black that very moment.

Thank you everyone for your support. Keep voting for me, we're almost there.


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