
Pearl: Transmigrated Fox in Another World

(WARNING: blood, gore, r*pe, sexual content, sexual context, [soon to be more]) Jacob Stalin was a 17 year old third year student in high school. After leaving a grocery store, he walks home, and his surroundings turn black. He meets a God, then finds himself falling into a forest of which he's never seen before. When he awakens after hitting the ground, he finds out that he's... been turned into a fox girl? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Join the Discord! https://discord.com/invite/FgQzmp5B Let me know what you think should be changed: magueyethemage on Discord! Email: magueyethemage@gmail.com *This is a re-write of my other novel "I Reincarnated as a Fox Girl?!", so it will have some similarities.*

Magueye · Fantasy
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Chapter 7: The City of Ryubia {The Orphanage}

Pearl is sleeping soundly in my arms as I'm walking through the streets to the outskirts of Ryubia where the orphanage is. It's not in the slums, but it's not in the moderate city line.

Wait… where the hell did her sword go? I don't feel it hiding under her robe, and her sword is big enough to feel when patting her down as if she was suspected of holding illegal substances and items.

-[15 Minutes Later]-

I arrived at the orphanage and my brother was outside reading a book while the children were out playing in the streets. He was making sure they didn't get hurt, or else he would have to heal them.

My brother saw me walking up to him and smiled. He then noticed Pearl in my arms, lying unconscious, and he asked, "Madison, what the hell happened?"

I then told him, "Inside. We will talk there, Rommel." He nodded his head.

He then told the children, "Stay close to the building! I don't want any of you leaving its sight! I will be back soon, so behave accordingly!"

Some of the kids yelled back, "Okay, Mister Rommel!"

We walked inside and I laid Pearl down on a nearby sofa. Rommel then sat down on a chair and motioned for me to sit on the other one adjacent to it.

Rommel then asked, "So, what happened with the little one? Is she all right?"

I then answered, "She is fine. She just expended too much mana and knocked herself out."

Rommel then asked, "Mana? What would she have used it for?"

I then told him, "She saved a dog-eared woman from three men, and even killed one of them. One she hit with mana, and the third man ran for his life after his friends were taken down."

Rommel looked at me, and then Pearl. He then said, "So, she can use magic… huh?"

I nodded my head. I then told him, "When she awakens, I hope to talk to her about becoming a student at the Ryubia Academy."

Rommel then said, "I see. Well then, I will let her know when she awakens. For now, you should get back to your post. You only have a little more time to do this, right?"

Oh, shit. I forgot! I then told Rommel, "Yeah. Thanks for reminding me. Also, could you prepare Pearl some clothes that would fit her?"

Rommel answered, "Of course. See you later, Madison."

I waved goodbye as I exited the orphanage and returned to interrogate that Ryubia Dragon Gang member we caught earlier. Well, Pearl caught him.

Hopefully she wakes soon.


(Pearl POV)

I slowly opened my eyes to see that I am in an unfamiliar room. I sat up slowly, still sort of dizzy from using too much mana. I looked around and saw that it had become dark outside.

I tiredly said, "What time is it… ?"

<<Notice. It is currently 5:06 in the morning. You have been unconscious for quite a while.>>

Damn. I really passed out… Also, why am I on a bed now?

Is my sword still here with me?

I took out my sword and checked it with the system's appraisal ability.

Relieved, I said, "Look fine… Where is— No, where am I?"

I heard footsteps from the other side of a door, and I drew my katana in case of anything. The door opened and a man who I had never seen before walked in. He looked at me with surprise, probably due to my sword.

He then said, "Relax. I haven't done anything to you, nor will I."

That voice… I know who this is!

After that, I hid my sword under my robe and stored it. I then said, "You are… Madison's brother?"

He answered, "Yes. I am Rommel, the owner of the Ryubia Orphanage."

Oh. So I'm at the orphanage… Okay. That is more reassuring now that I know where I am.

Rommel then told me, "Here are some clothes for you to use. They aren't much, but they're enough."

He handed me a black shirt and a black pair of pants. I thanked him and he exited the room to allow me to change into them. I put the robe back on just because it is warmer like that. I do like it warmer, after all.

After I was done, I said, "You can come back in now." And he did just so. He then sat back down and asked, "How do they fit?" I responded, "They're a little big, but I can grow into them." He smiled and said, "Great to hear. Now, there is something that has come to my attention. You can use magic, right?"

Why would he be asking that? Whatever, I'll play along. I answered him, "Yes. I can. So, what about it?"

{<<Silent Notification: [Common Language] Lvl Max!>>}

Rommel then said, "All right. Would you like to enroll in the Ryubia Academy? At the academy, they teach magic and weapon training."

Oh? That sounds fun! Oh, wait, I'm broke.

I then told him, "Don't have money, though."

Rommel then told me, "Don't worry about that! It's free to enroll, but you can purchase things from the school such as materials, scrolls, and some low-tier grimoires. They only contain beginner level spells, though."

Oh, I see.

Rommel then said, "All they ask of you to do there is to not slack off and to try your best. They only wish to have the next generation of knights and sorcerers be made at their academy."

Okay. I think I might do it!

Rommel then said, "There is only one thing, though."

I asked him, "What is it?"

He answered, "Some of the staff there are not the biggest fans of any kinds of demi-humans or lycanthropes. And seeing how you're a fox lycanthrope, it might pose as a problem for you in the future."

Oh, that? I then said, "I don't care what they say about us. It's only words, nothing less, nothing more."

Rommel then said, "All right! So, when the next school year begins, would you like to enroll?"

I enthusiastically answered, "Yes. O-Of course!"

Rommel then said, "Okay, then. Get some sleep. There are still a few hours until the sun rises. Oh! I forgot to hand you this. Tomorrow, head to the guild and get your card issued. This paper will alert the staff that you are to have your card billed under my name. I will have to do a lot of stuff tomorrow, so I won't be able to pay immediately. In that letter, I have said that I will come by the next day to finish the payment."

He then handed me the letter and exited the room. I put the letter in my inventory and prepared to sleep.

Time to get some sleep.


I woke up to see the sun's rays of light blaring into my eyes. I sat up, and got out of the bed. It seems to be still pretty early in the morning, though. What time is it, Kitsu?

<<It is currently 9:53 in the morning.>>

Okay. Not too early, not that late. It's a pretty good time to wake up. I should probably be quiet as to not wake the others that reside in this orphanage. Waking them would be quite the dick move for a newcomer.

I got off of the bed and began to start stretching. I haven't slept like that in a long time! I even have some drool on the side of my cheek, heh.

-[3 Minutes Later]-

Now that I am all stretched and ready to go, I will just mess around with magic, I think. Now that I have gotten a feeling of it, I think I can start to manipulate mana. I decided, in a way of trust, to leave my sword here, that way they will know that I am coming back. I'll also leave a note.

It read:

||I'm going to head out into the city and walk around, see what I can find. Seems like fun! -Pearl||

Sorry about the longer break! I haven't been able to think of anything to continue the story, so I've been putting off upload this chapter. Please, be patient! Thank you for reading!

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