
Chapter 41 - Disassembly

- "If you have something to say, John, say it .." - said Victor without raising his head.

Now he was sitting in his office and writing something in his documents. After the message from Artie, who was in the police, he decided to be quieter in recent days and attract as little attention as possible due to the recent hype around the weapons factory.

He has already been informed that the inspector has made a clean-up in the police. Every new arriving policeman who is under Campbell's direct supervision is already in his records. There were quite a lot of them, but these cops obviously wouldn't work for an extra pound in their pocket, so it would be impossible to bribe them, which greatly reduced Victor's activity in the city.

"Didn't you hear that Arthur was beaten up by the people of the baker who recently came here?" John asked, and instead of standing at the doorway, he decided to sit down on the sofa next to which there was a countertop.

"I've heard about it," Victor replied, still without raising his head.

He knew it had to happen sooner or later. The inspector will somehow consider Sharp Visors to be the main suspect in this case. Save Arthur from this scourge? He didn't care, because he wasn't the one who started all this noise.

"And you won't even come to support Arthur? This fucking cop came to our town and now threatens our family, can't you at least come and sympathize with him?" John asked, leaning back, feeling a little dissatisfied.

- "Sometimes some people need a reminder that not everything is in their power here." - said Victor and looked at John, who most likely did not understand his words.

"What do you mean? Do you think our family can't afford to do everything we want in this damn Birmingham?" John asked, raising his voice.

- "I'm talking about, even if having so much influence in the city, it doesn't mean that everyone will play by your rules." - Victor replied, continuing to move the pen in his hand.

"I think you're right... this.. Don't you want to come to the fair with us? Thomas and Arthur will go too. They hope that we can all get together." - John said with hope in his eyes that could not be hidden.

- "When?" Victor asked, clearly not refusing the offer.

He already had an idea what this fair was like, which the Shelby brothers were going to.

- "Tomorrow morning.. So, do you agree to come with us?" John replied in a cheerful tone.

"I don't mind... I don't have anything to do tomorrow anyway.. " - said Victor again plunging into the papers.

- "Okay.. Then I'll go... Otherwise, Aunt Polly will start pestering me again if she finds out that I'm hanging out again instead of working." John said, scratching his head.

- "Mmm.." - Victor mumbled in response, continuing to read his papers.



The next day.

- "Don't look at me like that, I'm getting embarrassed.." - said Arthur when he noticed that Victor was staring stupidly at his broken face.

"Should that really bother you? Arthur, when did you become so soft?" John asked with a toothy smile on his face. He sometimes really liked to tease his older brother.

- "Listen here, if you don't shut your fucking mouth, I promise that your face will be no worse than mine!" - Arthur barked, he was already beginning to get annoyed by John's pranks.

"That's going to be a problem.. After all, one of my beautiful faces is enough for me to make girls want to go to bed with me.." - John said rubbing his chin, then looked at Arthur, who had an evil look and added: - "But you need to use your money so that at least they don't run away in the middle of the night.. I don't think your face is as valuable as mine."

- "Fuck you!" - shouted Arthur and sat down in the front seat of the car.

Victor, who was standing and looking at everything from the side, could not help but shake his head. These two never change. But he was distracted by the fact that someone pulled on the edge of his coat and noticed a little boy about 12 years old.

"What is it, Finn?" Victor asked, squatting down in front of the boy.

"I've missed you, brother.. Finn said, lowering his head slightly.

- "Me too.." - Victor smiled and rubbed the boy's head, from which he immediately perked up. He hadn't seen this little guy for a long time, so it was true that he missed him too.

- "Okay guys.. Time is running out.. We still need to meet with the Lee family, so get in the car quickly." - said Thomas, who had just left the apartment.

"Weren't we supposed to go to the fair?" Arthur asked, sticking his head out through the glass.

"But before that, we need to do some business," Thomas said and jumped into the car.

Taking their places in the car, they quickly left the city. Despite the fact that it was still spring, it was not as cold outside as it seems at first glance, so everyone felt quite comfortable in the car.

When they arrived, they were met by Johnny the Dog along with the Lee family. Victor saw for the first time the gypsy wagons, where gypsies usually live, and it was a novelty for him. He wondered why people who have good money in their pocket should live in such conditions when they can have a much better house.

- "Tommy! You've arrived!" said Johnny, coming up to Thomas to hug him.

- "We're Johnny the Dog here.. What's up with the stallion?" Thomas asked as he looked around. When his gaze landed on the white horse, he immediately went to her to check on her.

- "Oh-oh-oh.. Sure.. This is the same stallion.." - Johnny said when his gaze was directed at the car and said: - "Is this the same car?"

Looking at the conversation from the side, Victor already realized that everything was happening exactly as in the series, so he did not interfere much, as it was to his advantage that everything was going as it should.

"Are you going to give up the stallion on the car? What's up with Tommy?!" - asked Arthur, as he did not like this idea.

- "What does it mean to wave? A-a-a? What nonsense .." - said Johnny because he did not like the tone with which Arthur spoke.

- "We'll throw two coins," Thomas said and together with Johnny tossed 2 coins into the air.

After the coins landed, everyone looked at them and when they saw that Thomas had won the bet, but Johnny looked at him and he handed him the car keys, which immediately caused complaints from Arthur.

"I promised him that if he lost the bet, I would give him a ride in this car," Tommy said.

Victor looked at everything from the side, standing next to John and Finn. At some point, the three of them heard laughter from Lee's guys, who were looking in Arthur's direction and laughing as if mocking him.

"Are you laughing at my brother now?" Thomas asked, approaching the people from the Lee family, but Johnny's attempt to stop the brawl failed.

Immediately followed by insults in the direction of their mother, because of which all the Shelby brothers broke loose and immediately attacked them with their razor blades that were hidden in their caps.

And as for Victor? Then he just stood next to Finn and looked at everything from the side with a cigarette in his mouth.

- "Cool!" Finn exclaimed as he watched his brothers beat up the bad guys.

"Do you want to join them?" Victor asked when he shifted his gaze to the boy.

- "Yes!" - Finn replied, but immediately felt like he was ruffled by his hair.

- "Maybe in the future you will have such an opportunity, but now you are still too young for such fights." - said Victor, turning Finn's neat hairstyle into a bird's nest.


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