

Agustin groaned in agony, feeling the severe pain coming from the slices that kept appearing in his entire body. But the main thing made him wonder, he can't see the knife attacking him.

'How it can't be true? Supposedly this young man's attack should not penetrate my body! So what is the main reason why it's inflicting so much damage on me?

He asked himself in a clueless tone, then crossed his arms, avoiding his body to receive even more injuries.

[Earth bind!]

After receiving almost 100 cuts in his entire body. All of a sudden, Agustin can't hold it anymore as he gathered his strength on his legs and hardly stomped the surface.


It created an explosion and strong force which made Kai stop from his quick pace. "This man's strength is still dangerous, I should use my speed to defeat him. Also, maximize the effect of [Thorn dash] skill."