
Peak of Technology

After finding the Mysterious Lens Both of the Brothers embarked on th journey to become strongest Tech giant and Developing themselves to break the shackle of Fate Time and space it is a story Mystery and Technology

Shadow_God_9211 · Sci-fi
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2 Chs

Equipping lens

Aditya stared at Lens box his dorm room opened from which Flustered Arya come.

He asked " brother are you alright"

Seeing Arya Flustered he said " i am alright Arya you don't have to be tensed up"

After knowing Aditya is alright Arya also stared at that mesmerizing lens box.

He asked Aditya "brother are you getting Lance implemented but I thought you have enhanced eye sight from childhood "

Seeing his brother making random exclamation

Aditya said "no after Earthquake they appeared i didn't buy them for lancing"

After hearing what his brother said arya said that "how is this possible That they appeared here randomly.

Then Aditya said i don't know . after some hesitation they both decided to wear give it a try it would look. Coincidentally as th colour of lens and there pupil's colour is blue the decided to take one lens each and try out.

Both Aditya and Arya Started putting lens ind Right and left respectively . But as 'CHAOS LENS' were nano centimetres away from pupil a magical phenomenon occurred.

The Chaos lens automatically fused with there eyes as become there part.Both of them bewildered stares at each other as if the had same mid both of them asked each other 'What is this' .

Arya asked "brother it is like the lens is part of my body like rest of the organ it has special function .i feel like my consciousness is constantly strengthening '

After hearing what Arya said Aditya also said 'i feel same way but it look like it has some kind of restrictions on it'

After sayin this he tried to remove but to there avail it like it is there organ and can't be removed. After realising this both of the fell into momentarily in despair . But as they have high IQ and rational thinking they calm down.

After long discussion tha should tell about this to anyone or not they decided against it.

The discussed about the function of lens and decided to first head to library and laboratory

After calming the public and saying that there was no casualty.

Government agency started to find out the reason of earthquake

Here after splitting from Arya . Aditya went to

Biotech laboratory where professor were doing experiment.

As most intelligent student with high IQ.

He has some special privileges.He doesn't require to be under anyone's tulenge or care to do experiment.

When he was looking for University after passing 12th as cbse topper. He and his brother who was second got the offer from University of science with benefits such scholarship 'permission to enter any lab and join any lecture.

As they were super genius they completed almost all the major in their respective subject and created history. Because of this university of science principal even invited them as head lecturer. Offer from all over the world were coming such as university of Oxford, Stanford University etc even they received package with seven zero as salary.

But refused them because they wanted to use there brain to develop there own tech company and make there nation world overload

As he entered the lab he sees professor Swaminathan doing experiment on a GM rat.

He was trying to make GM rat who has same genetic structure as human to do medicine testing and etc but there research heat a bottleneck and is unable to further as . Aditya was observing the experiment.

He got dumbstruck from what was happening in his brain....