
Peak Of Power

In a world full of cultivators and magical beast,, one has to survive through fighting. Huxton is the only son of the clan head of the Leon family, but was considered a trash because the techniques for the element base he awakened does not exist, so he only has to learn martial art and help out in the family business. fortunately he found a castle with the cultivation techniques of his two elements, so now he has to cultivate to become the most powerful existence In the world. join him as he adventure and fight to pursue the peak of power

Stilejimmy · Fantasy
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46 Chs

I'd Rather Die Than Kneel To Anyone

"Huxton told me he would be here cultivating, but I can't see any sign of him here"Bryan mumble out softly while searching the lake premises

"Huxton!!"Bryan Called out loudly

He checked for a while but still didn't see Huxton, he left the lake side and went back to their stone house.

Immediately Bryan left the lake side, Huxton appeared by the lake side with a smile

"It's been more than a week now, I know you would be looking for me "Huxton gently walked out of the lake side

He appeared in front of the stone house with the one Billion Lightning step, taking more than two hundred steps at once

"This technique is really fast, how would it be if I master it to it's extreme"Huxton said to himself with a light smile

He pushed the door to the stone house open and saw Bryan in the room in a meditating position, Bryan felt the door open and immediately opened his eyes with a frown

"So you decided to finally come back, you think you can escape treating me to a meal that is why you have been hiding from me lately"Bryan said with a frown face

Huxton chuckled lightly and said with a smile

"No, I came to even tell you to get ready so we can head down to a restaurant to eat"

"Really, let's go at once, I am ready"Bryan said with an excited expression

"Why are you so excited over a simple meal?"Huxton asked with a suspicious gaze and a raised eyebrow

"Well... my monthly allowance has finished so, I have been feeling hungry ever since, waiting for the month to end so my family can send me another one"Bryan said with a little bit of sneer

"Oh so that is it, you are broke"Huxton said with little mocking tune

"Shut up, I am not broke,I am just a little bit out of money" Bryan said in a defending manner

"And what is that called?" Huxton asked lightly with a deep smile

"Shut up, I don't know, are we going or not"Bryan said with a little angry face

"Well, we will leave when the sun set and it's already dark"Huxton said lightly no longer teasing him

"Ok, so how was your cultivation? were you able to make a progress?"Bryan breathed out a sigh of relief before asking lightly

"Yes I was, I brokethrough to the first level of element building tier" Huxton replied with a smirk on his face

"What's up with the smile"Bryan asked with a raised eyebrow

"I am just excited for my breakthrough"Huxton replied lightly

"Just level one and you are so excited?, but anyway, that makes it a double treat, I can't wait to fill my stomach again"Bryan said eagerly with an excited expression rubbing his two palms together

They talked till the sunset and it was already dark, they left the stone house and enter the busy street of the sect

"Which restaurant do we go?"Huxton asked lightly still walking

"I think the "Kitchen Glory" would be good enough, let's go there "Bryan said walking in haste

They moved and entered a restaurant which was filled with people, mostly disciple of the sect, people with different appearance could be seen sitting in front of a table, some were couples and some were friends who came just to have fun.

Huxton and Bryan walked to an empty table and sat down waiting for the waiter to come take their orders

"What can I serve you two customers?" a waiter came and asked lightly

"Get me the best food you have on your list, alot of it"Bryan was the first to speak, making his order

Huxton had a bitter smile, he was trying to save money but Bryan was making it difficult for him

"Just get me steamed buns and roasted pork meat and stew"Huxton said lightly

The food was served after a few minutes and Huxton and Bryan started eating their food, Huxton thought of buying roasted meat for Tabbit but he can't call him out here so he decided to buy it on a takeaway while going back home.

Bryan ate vigorously like someone who hasn't eaten for a very long time

"Hey slow down"Huxton said with an irritated expression

"I can't , I am really hungry"

They continued eating quietly.

At the door, a group of boys on blue uniform like other disciples came in with a proud look, they gently looked around and saw Huxton and Bryan sitting and eating quietly

They walked up to them with a mocking smile

"Hey , you two get up from that seat"one of the boy with a handsome face and long hair said with commanding tune

"Why?" Huxton asked lightly with a frown

"Are you blind or I am too shinny that you lost your sight immediately you saw me, I want to eat, get up, this is ten copper coins, get up at once"The boy said while throwing some coins at the ground with a smile

"We came here before you guys so I don't see any reason why we should be leaving our seat for you guys"Bryan said with a frown

"Me wanting to eat is enough reason for you to stand up, do you know who I am?"The boy said with a smirk

The people around heard the commotion and turned towards their direction, when they saw the figure causing the disturbance, they were shock

"isn't that senior brother Toal"

"yes it's him, and he is having an argument with that outer court disciple"

"Those outer court disciple really has some nerves"

"yeah, they are really getting themselves into a big trouble"

"What a pity, such disciples getting themselves involve with Toal, that's hell"

The people at the surrounding shook their head in pity for Huxton and Bryan's misfortune

Bryan's face turned into a deep frown when he heard the name the people mumbled, that was a name he was very familiar with, although he has never seen the bearer of this name before, this was a name he has heard alot in the sect which had a powerful background. He shook lightly in fear

"What have I done to myself, why are my so unlucky today, I am finished" Bryan said lightly to himself still shaking in fear

"What is it, what happened? aren't you running your mouth just now, why did you stop, the cat stole your tongue?"Toal said with his arm fold

"I-i-i a-am s-s-s-sorry senior brother Toal, f-f-forgive me for my lack of sight and not knowing you"Bryan stammered and said shaking in fear

"oh... now you know me, but I thought you didn't know me, it's too late now, I asked you peaceful to get out of the seat before but you refused"Toal said with a smirk

"please forgive me, it was my fault for being stupid"Bryan dropped to his knees and almost bursting out in tears

Huxton sat on his seat and stared at the sudden twist of event in shock, he was surprised by Bryan's change of attitude

"Huxton what are you still doing, beg senior brother Toal to forgive us" Bryan said with an agitated expression

Huxton was a little irritated by his words

"kneel down and kowtow to me, maybe I might let you go"Toal said with a proud look

"How dare this little brat tell the Thunder God to kneel, I see he is tired of living, what guts he has" huzzahs voice resounded with anger in Huxton's voice, almost wanting to come out and tear Toal in halves

"Relax grandpa, I will handle this"Huxton said gently to huzzah

Huxton sat there in his seat with a calm expression not saying a word for a few seconds, he finally decided to speak, he spoke lightly in a calm way

"I'd rather die than kneel to anyone"