
First Day in the Club and Meeting Someone New

"S-so, Kurosawa-san, I never got to ask you before, but what's your favorite kind of literature?" Yuri looked up at me but still kept her head tilted enough so that her hair covered her face and the slight blush on her cheeks.

Yuri's shy nature is both cute and troublesome at times. I'm not gonna bite her if she makes eye contact with me, ya know?

Oh well, I'll just have to open up her shell a little~

"Hmm, let me think about it," going into a thinking position, I thought about my answer, wanting to give her a truthful one - you can't open up someone's shell without opening up your own, after all. "I'd say that I like Romance Novels and most kinds of Action/Adventure-based Stories. Though I don't mind a horror book every now and then," coming to a conclusion, I sat down on a chair and leaned into it, looking at Yuri who was sitting on a chair next to mine, "Anything that keeps my attention and is exciting, I suppose~"

Seeing my smile, Yuri turned her head away with a bashful look on her face, while her hands fidgeted with a lock of her long purple hair.

It seems she's not used to being smiled at by a handsome person like yours truly~

Jokes aside, Yuri right now is incredibly adorable. If I didn't know she suffered from terrible natural shyness and anxiety, I'd be assured that she was shy because she had feelings for me and I'd probably end up asking her out. Alas, this is just how she is.

"W-well, that's nice. I, uhh, like horror stories mainly b-but I wouldn't mind reading some Romance..." she trailed off for a second before snapping her head toward me, "If I give you a recommendation for a Horror, can you, I don't know, maybe give me recommendation for a Romance novel?" she looked hopefully up at me, her purple eyes filled with worry and other anxious feelings.

Seeing her opening up like this, I really thanked my lucky stars that she opened up when talking about books or other hobbies of hers.

Smiling, I nodded my head, "Sure, I don't have a copy of the book, but I can give you a recommendation. It's not strictly a romance novel, but it delves into some pretty complex stuff and it's more of a short story if anything. It's called 'The Grasshopper' and it's by Anton Chekhov--" interrupting me, a small blur came and sat on my lap before wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Hiroki-senpai, you've read 'The Grasshopper' as well? That's my favorite book!*" Karla's face was right next to mine, smiling and I instantly felt the atmosphere between me and Yuri deflate as my purple-haired fellow club member turned away from us and went straight into her book with a complicated look on her face.

(*A/N - Is this a coincidence? Hell no. I just like torturing Hiroki and making Karla aggressively hit on him.)

Seeing this, I couldn't help but think that Karla was way too forward and aggressive...Like seriously, it's getting kinda annoying...

Looking down at the troublesome girl on my lap, I couldn't stop the small frown from coming onto my face. But as if she didn't see it, Karla continued to smile and her hands kept playing with the hair on the back of my head.

...She may be annoying but having her play with my hair is pretty nice...No! Stop! Do not be seduced, Hiroki!

Resolving myself, I opened my mouth to speak, "Yuri-san and I were just having a conversation; Don't you think you were rude barging in like that, Kure-san?" my voice wasn't cold or harsh but the annoyance was very clear.

This gained Yuri's attention as she looked at me from the corner of her eye, surprise filling her purple eyes at the fact that I would even bring it up and want to talk to her instead of the girl so clearly smitten with me.

But in classic Karla fashion, the girl on my lap stayed completely oblivious to my annoyance and just continued smiling. However, despite her lack of reaction to my annoyance, I knew that she knew I was annoyed, which made her obliviousness even more frustrating. But she still answered me, but not with the answer I wanted.

"Hiroki-senpai, call me Karla, otherwise I'll get mad," her smile changed into a childish pout and one of her hands came down to my chest to 'playfully' hit me.

And when I say playfully, I mean she hit me with enough strength to break an average man's ribs and sternum. Luckily as you already know, I'm incredibly sturdy. My body's more like bio-metal than normal human flesh at this point.

But it didn't mean her doing so didn't annoy me, even if only a little bit.

"I don't think we know each other enough to be on a first name basis, Kure-san," she flinched a little at the slight edge to my voice and looked a bit taken aback like no one had ever gone against her wishes.

She was the great-granddaughter of the head of the Kure Clan, so she was no doubt a spoiled little princess who everyone doted on. I'm not so nice to just continue to go along with such selfish behavior.

When she went to speak, I cut her off.

"Kure-san, I'm fine with you flirting with me - in fact, I find it incredibly flattering. But you can't just use it as a reason to be rude like this," once again it seemed like she was being purposely ignorant but she stood up and sat on a chair of her own before looking between me and Yuri.

"You're right, Hiroki-senpai, I was rude just then. But I just can't seem to help myself around you!" she giggled as she said this before she looked a bit more seriously at me, "But I'll try if that's what you want, senpai."

Her serious and determined face was quite cute and I couldn't help but pat her head, "That's all I ask...Karla-san," when she heard me call her name, she smiled but I could see the displeasure about the fact that I still added the '-san' honorific. Though overall she seemed pretty thrilled that she'd made at least some progress.

Just when I was about to continue speaking to Yuri again, a solitary knock resounded around the club room before the door to the club slid open revealing a teen boy.

He was of average height with medium-short length black hair. His most prominent features are his set of dead fish-eyes and a short strand of hair that sticks upwards, usually known as an Ahoge in anime. He was wearing the school uniform all males wear but it looked a little baggy on him.

He wasn't too attractive but that wasn't because he was necessarily ugly but mainly because his facial expressions were set in a constant scowl or a cynical smile. In fact, he would be rather good-looking if it weren't for his horrible expressions.

Seeing him, I knew exactly who he was: He was Hachiman Hikigaya, the protagonist of OreGairu (or Snafu, depending on your preference).

Smiling at the guy, I stood up before looking at the rest of the people in the club, "Well, I've got some business to do, so I'll see you guys tomorrow," looking more specifically at Yuri, I winked at her, "You'll have to give me that book suggestion tomorrow, okay, Yuri-san?"

She only nodded at what I said before blushing and burying her head back in her book. Chuckling at her reaction, I could practically feel the animosity from Hachiman. Ignoring him for now, I turned to the others and gave them a quick wave before walking over to Hachiman who was just now realizing how tall and muscular I was.

It was safe to say he wasn't too intimidated on the surface but he definitely felt like I could squash him. Not that I would. I quite liked Hachiman when I watched his Anime. I just felt that he needed a friend to help pull him through his own shitty attitude.

And I wouldn't mind being that friend, given the chance.

Laughing, I looked over at him as we walked away from the club room, "'All popular people should go and die' is what's going through your mind, right?"

He heard my laughter and let out a scoffing sound before looking back at me with his rotten grey eyes.

"Not at all. I just wish they could go and be popular somewhere else," he did nothing to hide his disdain and it caused me to laugh. He looked up at me like I was an idiot for a minute before sighing, shaking his head and looking back in front of us.

Not wanting the conversation to die out just yet, I brought up a topic both of us could speak about.

"So, did Hiratsuka-sensei force you to join this club as well?" I grinned as I saw him flinch at the mention of a teacher the two of us had.

He looked left and then right before looking up at me with a slightly evil-looking grin, "Yep, that old hag said something to get me into the club...I would've said no but..." he looked over at me and I instantly knew what he was talking about:

He was scared she'd strong-arm him into the club via punching him.

I can't blame him. If it weren't for my unique genetics, I'd probably be scared of her punches as well.

Without thinking about it, I put a hand on his shoulder and consoled him, "Don't worry, she's a brute and she did the same thing to me."

Though, she made me feel bad by pleading me to join...

Hachiman seemed genuinely surprised by the contact and had probably been under the impression that I was just like everyone else and thought he was gross or something. But I wasn't and thank god for foreknowledge from the Anime otherwise I'd probably have thought he was weird or something.

His surprise didn't last long, however, and he subtly shifted my hand off of his shoulder but he still had his grin on his face as he reveled in the fact at least one person didn't think he was weird.

I didn't want to burst his bubble but I decided to carry on talking anyway.

"Oh, and the name's Hiroki Kurosawa. Nice to meet ya, let's get along," despite us walking, I stuck a hand toward him, offering a handshake.

Yet again, Hachiman was surprised but he didn't let it ruffle him as he kept his composure and grabbed my hand, completing the handshake, "Likewise, Kurosawa-san. My name's Hachiman Hikigaya."

We kept up some light conversation while we walked. The basics; what year we were in, did the other have any hobbies - stuff like that. He even went on to ask why a big guy like me was joining the Literature Club which was unusual for Hachiman; He usually stayed out of other people's business.

"Uhh, I guess I joined it because I want to read books and discuss them with others who hold similar interests. Plus being in a sports club would be too boring," I casually replied to him and he seemed to think over my answer, analyzing it for anything he could use. Guess that's Hachiman for you, always analyzing people and finding weak points in their armor so he can hurt them if he needs to.

Not that I really minded him doing so. In fact, I admired him for it. There's nothing wrong with preparing yourself against possible enemies. Though I do think Hachiman could learn to relax a little.

And though I didn't tell him my main reason for joining the Literature Club, I have to say that what I told him isn't a lie. I do want to discuss books, poems and other forms of literature with the club members - it'd be fun.

Hachiman, finishing his analyzing of my reply, looked at me with a curious face before voicing that curiosity, "What do you mean boring? Don't you like sports or something?" his suspicion was clear and he could no doubt see my muscular body - so he knew I was physically fit and probably worked out a lot (though he didn't know that this was purely to do with genetics, his assumption was pretty sound anyway).

After thinking for a few seconds on how to say this and not sound incredibly arrogant, I gave up and just said it how it is.

"No, I quite like sports and most physical activities," my statement only confused him further, but I carried on speaking, ignoring his confusion, "but I'd simply crush anyone I came up against. Whether it's in terms of physical ability or talent, I'd remain unbeaten. It'd be boring because I'd lack any kind of opposition. Books, as long as you find something just right, won't get boring. So, my choice is pretty obvious when you think of it like that," I finished my lengthy answer and just looked ahead, ignoring Hachiman's raised eyebrow at my arrogance.

We continue walking as I sensed Hachiman trying to figure out how to reply to my comment. At first, I could see that he wanted to call me out on my arrogance but as he looked at my body, he could tell that what I was saying wasn't completely full of arrogance.

In the end, he settled with this, "Well, at least you know your strengths. Though I think you would be surprised if you actually joined the clubs instead of just making assumptions that you'd crush everyone you came across. You're not the only talented person in the world," he didn't mean offense by what he said. It was purely what he thought from an objective point of view.

Laughing, I slapped him on the back, knocking the air out of him and making stumble forward a bit, "Ha! I guess you're right, Hikigaya-san. But don't worry, I'm not arrogant enough to think I'm unmatched in the world. Yet."

Smiling, I laughed once more before Hachiman came to a stop next to a door in front of his. I could see the grin on his face and I knew I was on my way to befriending him. Or at the very least getting him intrigued with me before finally becoming friends with him.

I was bound to be surrounded by girls, so I needed some bros and Hachiman was definitely worthy of such a title. I knew at least that he wouldn't betray me, and quite frankly that's all I need.

He slid the door open and walked in. I walked in shortly after him and saw two people waiting for us.

One of them I recognized immediately as Hiratsuka, who looked over at me with a slightly guilty look on her face.

The other one was both unfamiliar and familiar to me. What I saw was a beautiful teenage girl with waist-length black hair which is tied with two red ribbons by each shoulder and angular blue eyes. She was currently sat down on a table opposite Hiratsuka, looking down at a book.

She had a cold facial expression, yet it didn't take away from her beautiful appearance. She had a definite female figure despite having a small-ish chest, with his hips being wide and her waist being thin. She was extremely attractive.

She gave off a weird vibe as she felt both petite and fragile while giving off the impression that she was big and strong. It was quite a weird thing to look at but oddly enough it added to her beauty, making her seem like royalty or something.

When she looked up at me, her sharp and cold blue eyes cut through me and I felt my heart beat a bit quicker.

...Man, I must have something wrong with me if I'm feeling something for this ice-cold chick...!

So, as you might of guessed, that's Yukino Yukinoshita from the same anime as Hachiman. She's one of Hachiman's love interests but I'm gonna have Hiroki swoop in and take her. Not out of spite but mainly because I think she's a real beauty.

Plus, if you couldn't guess, Hiroki got the hots for her as soon as he saw her~

Don't worry, Hachiman will still get Yui, so he'll have his own happiness~

DevourerOfBookscreators' thoughts