
Peace offering to the cursed prince

"My dear if there has been any misunderstanding between us, I apologize but I have always wanted the best for you, that is why I seem a little difficult at times," Regina said smoothly. She knew that if Ellen continued to talk the king might find out about her pretentious behavior. Ellen was rendered speechless by the queen's action. How could she continue complaining after the Queen apologized so smoothly? "Your highness, your craftiness is worthy of recognition" Ellen mentally praise the Queen. On her dying bed, Queen Agatha made her husband king George promised to marry her best friend, Regina. She knew that the royal council will put him under pressure to marry a new wife since she was unable to give him a son. She asked this of him because she felt her Regina will love and protect her daughter since they grew up like sisters. The king fulfills his promises to his late wife and married Regina. Queen Regina treat the little princess very well until she gave birth to a prince for the king. Once she felt her position as the queen was secured, she became vicious and maltreated Ellen. Years went by and Ellen lived under the unfair treatment of her stepmother and her children. Her father no longer cared for her, it seem Regina had him wrapped around her finger. When Ellen turned fifteen, war broke out between her kingdom and the kingdom of Avalo, The war lasted for three years, before the two kingdoms made a truce. Avalo demanded a marriage alliance to seal the truce. King George knew that his kingdom will lose if the war continues, he had no choice but to agree to their demands. If it were to marry any other prince Queen Regina would have favored her daughter but considering that it was the crown prince of Avalo, who was known to be the cursed prince. Princess Ellen was a perfect peace offering. How will Princess Ellen survive in a strange land, a kingdom where her husband is feared and hated by all his parents inclusive. How does the cursed prince treat her and why was he referred to as cursed?

Juliet_Omuadona · Fantasy
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579 Chs

His rightful place.

King George's bed chambers.

George woke up that morning, thinking about Ellen's action the previous day. It was the last thing he thought about before falling asleep. He tried not to read too much meaning to it but how was that possible, knowing there are lots of things going on in his daughter's mind. He wanted to ask her, but he was not sure if he was ready for her answers.

George reluctantly got off the bed. As a king, he had a lot of duties on his shoulders. When he was done with his morning necessities, he walked into his study and sat down. He thought of the event of last night.


After Regina left them, Ellen inquired him about the oracle of Shiva. At first, he did not think anything about it, so he explained things to her.

The god called Shiva is the God of fatality. Many years ago, no one is sure of the time the event took place but it was said that the crown prince at that time was rumored not to be the king's son just before the prince ascended the throne. People began to notice that he looked nothing like the king. As at that time it was only the oracle of Shiva that could be trusted to verify the rumors. So the priest to the oracle was asked to seek answers and It turned out that the rumor was true.

So since then, when the crown prince turned eighteen his hair and blood was taken to the oracle of Shiva to test if he is the son of the king.

"What about a princess?" Ellen asked with raised brows.

"It could also be verified, it just that kings never pay attention to their daughters. The main concern was always about the prince who will seat on the throne next, George replied.

" Hmm, Father, can we visit the oracle? I want to see how it works, Ellen said.

King George looked at her confused. He could never doubt that she was his daughter, after all, he trusted his late wife. But an alarm bell rang in his heart, when he thought of the possibility that Ellen was doubting that he was her father. He could not deny the fact that he had always sided with Ema whenever they had a fight. 'could she be doubtful because she thinks I acted bias' he asked himself.

He did that because he thought Ellen was older and should be more matured. He never thought of the fact that he could be hurting her feelings.

"Ellen, tell father the truth, why do you want to go there? king George decided to ask her.

" Honestly father, I just want to visit the oracle. I never knew such a thing existed. I am just curious that's all, Ellen answered innocently. She could not have guessed that her actions were creating ideas in her father's head.

"Fine, go get ready, I will ask the guard to prepare the carriage" the king gave in. He made up his mind to let her do as she will. Besides ,he was a bit curious about what was going on in her head.

Ellen left happily and got Richard's hair herself. She did not inform the king about what Ann said earlier, because she needed to verify it first before anything else. she wrapped the hair neatly in a small paper, then got some drops of his blood in a small bottle.

Ellen and the king made their journey to the oracle of Shiva. Although he could have summoned the priest, he decided to follow whatever Ellen said without much questions.

Once they got to the oracle, the king explained the reasons for their visit to the priest, who wasted no time in collecting the hair and blood from Ellen.

Ellen's heart was beating very fast and she felt weak knees since she was not sure her father will believe that the hair and blood was not hers, if the Oracle said the hair and Blood are unrelated to the royal blood.

She did not tell her father what Ann said, because she was scared that he would not believe it and it might get into the Queen's ears.

But the king saw her movement and noticed that she exchanged the hair. He could not understand what she was doing, but he decided to act like he saw nothing. After all, he could always get his answers when the time comes.

Back to the present.

The king had wondered about it all night. 'whose hair could have been with Ellen,' he asked himself. The hair color was the same as that of all his children. He was beginning to make the concussion that Ellen took the hair of Williams.

His reason is logical. Since prince William and Ellen have not been getting along for a long time. Moreover, he also thought that someone external was sowing a seed of discord among his children.

The king shove his thoughts behind his mind when he heard a knock on his door.

"Your majesty, a message from the oracle of Shiva," Attendant Tim, reported.

"Come in" king George replied. When Tim stepped in he bowed his head, while handing over the paper to him.

King George collected the paper. And sent him to ask Ellen to join him in his study. Tim bowed and left to deliver his message.

Ellen arrived at the study a few minutes later, she could already guess why the king sent for her since the priest promised to send words the next day.

"Father," Ellen announced her presence as soon as she stepped into the study. The king nodded his head and handed over the paper to her.

Ellen collected it and was surprised to see that her father handed it over without breaking the seal that was on it.

Ellen took a deep breath and unwrapped the seal to read the massage. She looked at her father then handed it over to him. The king looked at the paper and dropped it on the table. He really wanted to ask her whose hair it was, but he pulled his mouth into a tiny line instead to stop himself.

Ellen on the other hand did not know what to say. Now that it has been clarified that Richard is indeed her brother, she did not know what next to do. She wanted to tell the king, but she was scared that the Queen will harm him once she learned the truth.

Queen Regina has harmed her time and time again, when she is only a princess. Ellen dare not think the length she would go if the position of her son is been threatened.

She needed to protect her brother from the Queen but again she wanted him to take his rightful place.

"Father, I have something to tell you," Ellen said, after making up her mind.