


Ethan P.O.V

I couldn’t believe what I heard it was unreal it shocked me to a point I was going to collapse on the ground. I could not believe her I knew that this was impossible. For over eight years we could not have a child and now after I contain no feelings for her, no emotion after I dislike her and her ways. After what was hidden behind the facade came out, she was pregnant. This was unbelievable. I had to get to the bottom of this I knew Diana was untrustworthy so I grabbed her arm and took her to the nearest hospital.

/"Ethan what the hell do you think you are doing. /"She asked, shaking her head in anger and I chuckled slightly.

/"Well, you say you’re pregnant did you not? /"I asked, stopping outside of the building and she locked eyes with me in more rage than ever.

/"Yes, I did and I am not afraid of the test-/"

/"Alright then prove it, /"I said squinting my eyes while pointing at her.