


Ethan’s P.O.V

I awoke with the sun shining brightly onto my heavy-lidded eyes. I resented mornings ever since I was a youngster but today was different and that reason was River. Of course, I was also excited to know the gender of our baby and hopefully today we were going to find out.

I walked into the bathroom took a quick shower and in a matter of minutes, I was out looking fresh like a baby’s bum so I decided to call River hoping she did not forget or even worse was still sleeping. It rung a few times and a finally heard a hello but it wasn’t then I’m excited to hear from you hello it was the beaten down and tired hello.

/"Good morning angel did I wake you, /"I ask, grabbing my wallet off of my dresser.

/"Oh, good morning and no you didn’t./" She says yawning and I roll my eyes in disbelief.

/"Did you forget?/"

/"Forget what?/"

/"You literally forgot what today is?/"