

What is a doll? Tis' but a toy. It's shaped as a human but is created for the amusement of others. It's only real purpose is to be a plaything for others, to be used over and over again until it becomes too old, too ragged to be used anymore. You need but to dress it up and adorn it with jewels so it can be presentable to show off to others, but because of this it is replaceable, easily casted aside when it no longer has the beauty it once held. Is that what I must be? Is that all I and this crown were worth to you? These questions plagued my mind like a disease that threatened to swallow me whole as I battled with my heart to accept the bitter reality in front of me.

Betrayal. Loss. GREED. This is what it means to be blessed. No. This is what it means to be me, I don't want it. I don't need it. I'd rather be ignorant my whole life. I'd rather die now than live this nightmare a moment longer. Meeting you was the best and worst mistake of my life. You're the type of person to feed me poison while telling me that it was honey. What would you call it? I should have known, the craft of sugar and whip, I should have known it was meant for me. Its so maddening to say but given the choice a part of me might even after all this, would choose you again. You, the pain of my youth.

In a way you are also blameless, because I would have done anything; I did do everything and still.


Everyone who reads our story will make me the villain and you the savior, they'd never need to curse your name they will only praise it, my own people would praise everything you did to me. Those who knew me would justify your actions and in my death you'd get what you've always wanted, everything, and finally you will be free me. You would no longer see the face of the woman whom you grew to hate so much. You won't have to invent new ways to torture me anymore. if I survive this that silly, annoying and greedy little girl we both knew dies, I will kill her off in my mind because she sabotaged my fate. Maybe this is destiny, after all I was the little girl who deluded herself into thinking that the eternal freedom you promised was free. I asked for too much after all. I'll sell my soul in order to atone for this selfishness and in return I hope you SUFFER. Suffer a fate far worse than death itself for your deceit and lies, for the lives you took from me because of your thirst for power. This time I'll pay the appropriate amount. I'll pay it all. If that's all I ever achieve then I'll do what I should have done before, die as your puppet. No. Your doll. This time I'll pay the appropriate amount.