
Paw Patrol: Final Wars

Warning: Contains Swearing, alcohol, blood and extreme action. When mining for a raw ore in space goes horribly wrong, Chase is suck in a alternate universe where his evil self, Chase 666, plans to conquer the multiverse and kill anyone that stands in his way. Now he must build an army of himself and his friends, along with some odd new friends, to stop Chase 666 from destroying all reality. A lot of people have help me to make this story, so I hope you enjoy.

Nothing2007 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

The Valley of Death part 3

Notice: This chapter is shorter then the others.

The platoon ran inside the temple and found Death glaring at them, with blood dripping from his mouth and nose.

"You..." growled Death as he was hit again by the rock chain and sent flying by Chase.

The group look over and saw Chase using the chains and the rock stuck to them as weapons and was smashing Death around.

After a while, the chains fall off of Chase's arms and he looked piss. That's when something strange happened.

He rise to the air, that was no strange thing, but what he did next shock them all.

He started to glow, rapidly too, until he crash into the floor, making a massive crater. He look normal, but his paws look corrupted with some unknown magic.

"It's time for you to die," said Chase as he wield a weapon they never seen before. His pickaxe.

Death knew this too and hop into a portal to escape. Chase leap into the portal, chasing him.

"Come on gang," said Marshall as he and the rest of the platoon hop into the portal, leaving the nightmare realm behind.

They fell through the air, falling into the bay at a rapid speed. By the time they crawled onto the beach, they were exhausted.

"I feel like I broke every bone in my body," said Roader as he lay next to Aid, who was also really tired.

"Incoming!" cried Chase 3 as he shove Marshall out of the way as Death crash to the earth at high speed.

He got right back up, but he was serious hurt.

He knew this way to well and started to run, with Chase running after him.

Cars and their drivers slam on their brakes as they try to manage to not hit the two pups running on the streets.

When Chase got closer to Death, he did a super jump that got Death by surprise and he tackled him to the ground.

Chase swung his sword to try to stab him, but Death manage to get free of his grasp and run away from him.

Chase howled and begin to chase him again, through a building and into the forest.

By this time, one of the civilians had called the Paw Patrol of this universe, while the platoon, leaded by Chase 3, walk to the edge, exhausted.

"I need some help," said Roader, showing them that he still had a arrow sticking out of his shoulder.

Aid and Marshall notice this and saw it was bleeding badly.

"We need tools, bandages and some pain killers," said Aid and Marshall. "Chase 3, go get them."

Chase 3 agree and ran off to get the supplies, while Aid and Marshall laid Roader against a rock.

Soon, unknown to them, the Paw Patrol had arrive on the scene and were asking the civilian when one of them noticed the group.

"Um, Ryder?' said Zuma. "There's a strange group of pups carrying weapons and one of them looks like he has a arrow in his shoulder."

Ryder look to were Zuma was talking about and saw he was correct. That's when Chase 3 reappeared with the supplies.

"Thanks for getting them, Chase 3" said Marshall. "Now let's fix him up."

While Marshall got the painkillers and the other stuff ready, it was Aid's job to pull the arrow out.

"Alright, buddy," says Aid. "This is going to hurt... a lot."

"Just do it," said Roader as Aid pulled the arrow out of his shoulder. It hurt like a besting.

"AHH! FUCK!" screamed Roader as he hold his shoulder in pain. Luckily for him, Marshall finish the preparations and gave him some pain killers to keep the pain down.

The Paw Patrol of this universe watch the operation in awe.

"Man, that pup sure has a foul mouth," said Ryder, watching them as Marshall put on a mask.

"Here Aid, put this on," said Marshall, giving Aid a mask too. "Let's get started."

Together, Marshall and Aid, they work on Roader, removing the shards of metal from Roader's shoulder.

When they were finish with the operation, Roader look and feel much better.

"Thanks for that," said Roader as Aid wrap a bandage around his shoulder. "You're a good friend."

Just then, Chase and Death reappear out of thin air and crashed into the pavement.

Death kept trying to stab Chase with his blade, but Chase block his attacks with his pickaxe.

Chase later throw Death into a nearby car, setting of the alarm. Death got back up, but he wobbled a bit.

Chase knew this his chance and charge his pickaxe with lighting, making the sky grow dark.

"What's he doing?" ask the civilian as his pickaxe glowed more and more with lighting.

Death notice this and try to run away, but Marshall hit him in the face and send him back to Chase.

He swung his pickaxe and got his back pretty good, making him howl in pain, as blood and flesh rip from his back.

Ryder cover Marshall's eyes as the others cover theirs. They had neither seen that much blood before.

Death wobbled before he collapse to the ground. He was dead in a minute from blood lost.

Chase walk over to his dead body to make sure he was dead. He was.

Just then, he covered his eyes as a bright portal open up and Thrasher and someone else came out.

"Chase," said Thrasher. "Chase 666 is invading Adventure Bay."