
Paving My Way With Science In This Magical Universe

In the 22nd century, a scientist who dedicated his life to AI and analog microprocessors decided to spend more time with his wife after completing his project. However, a terrorist attack claimed the lives of him, his wife, and his AI friend. Born anew as a baby, he discovers himself in a universe filled with magic, where people use it in a primitive manner. He is confident that with just a bit of research, he can enhance the use of magic in this new world. However, his sole objective is to find his wife. To achieve this, he must grow stronger. With a scientific approach, he uses magic to make guns, computers, and AI. Will he succeed in reuniting with his wife in the end? If you dislike: An MC acts like a teenager, An MC wanders from fight to fight suicidally, Numerous unexplainable coincidences, A universe akin to Matryoshka dolls (There is always an upper realm, right?) People possessing an absurd amount of power (eg. demigods, true gods, amazing gods, or whatever) then this novel is to your liking. Note: Although this is technically a Sci-Fi novel, it incorporates elements of the magic and fantasy genres. And because this novel`s power system does not provide exponential growth to the MC, he will not be able to always grow stronger individually. He will have to make his country better with his knowledge. So kingdom building, advanced technology, and interstellar will have a substantial effect on the plot.

Weary_Engineer · Sci-fi
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11 Chs

Dual Soul Core

"What are you doing outside? All physicians, come here now!!!" He shouted. 

The physicians came inside the room and looked at the newborn prince. The king, on the other hand, has gone to his wife`s side and asked her with a caring voice "How are you, Sophia?"

She nodded first but asked with a slightly shaking voice "How is our child Henry? I could not hear his voice at all."

Henry took her hands in his hands and looked at the physicians. Having seen their king looking their way the physicians said with a slight trepidation "My king, although the prince did not cry and move, he breathes, and all other parameters show that he is asleep. One different thing is that according to pluo detection results his brain is as active as 3 years old which is strange."

"What!! What does it mean?" Henry retorted and took the baby in his embrace after that he put his hand on his head. In between his hand and the baby`s head, a pale blue light started to be seen. After a while, he also said "Strange."

The queen put her hand on his arm and said "Give him to me. Let us see if he will drink milk."

Having heard that, all the physicians except the female one went outside. Sophia took the prince in his embrace and offered him her breast and the prince started to suck milk. Having seen this everyone in the room heaved a sigh of relief.

Five days after the birth of the prince the news of the birth of an heir spread wide in the capital city. After today's morning assembly, Henry has gone to the harem to be with his wife and son. In front of the door, he saw Lily, her wife`s head servant, and got inside. After getting inside he first saw his four-year-old daughter looking at his son from outside the railings of the crib. After seeing his daughter Henry asked her "Alice how is your brother?"

Seeing his dad Alice ran to Henry`s embrace and said hastily "He sleeps, sleeps, and sleeps. He does not want to see me. He is always sleeping."

Hearing what she said Sophia said with a bitter smile "If you love your brother, he loves you too. However, he is sick right now and needs to sleep."

Henry asked, "What did the physicians say?" 

"They said he is no different than any other sleeping baby other than his huge appetite."

"Well, it truly is baffling. He is eating as many as five babies combined. I got Daniel to look for physicians who have seen this kind of sickness. I hope we will get results soon." Said Henry.

Alice shouted at that time "Mom, Mom, my brother is hot why?"

After hearing Alice`s voice Sophia attempted to stand up hastily, but Henry did not permit and said "You need rest. You did not even sleep peacefully all this time. Stay down. I will look at it" and called Lily inside.

"Lily, go call the physician. Be quick"

After a while, a physician came and checked the prince`s health and said "My king the prince has a slight fever, but it is not high enough to be a problem. However, his brain activity seems to increase even more."

At that moment Sophia got close to the crib and saw the baby. She said "Henry it seems he is hungry. Whenever he is hungry, he always purses his lips as if sucking. But he just sucked four wet nurses this morning. I am afraid they can no longer feed him enough." And took the baby to feed him herself.

At that moment Daniel came after knocking and said "My king, The former king is coming here. He may arrive any moment now."

Hearing that Henry sighed with relief and said "Okay, let him. You need to find five more wet nurses. Have them checked carefully I do not want any problem."

"Yes, my king," replied Daniel and retreated.

After a while, a burly man came inside with a speed not possible for normal human beings while shouting "Henry, you brat. What did you do to my grandson?"

"Sigh" "Father, where were you? We could not reach you for a month this time. Anyway, forget it. There are more important things to do."

"What happened?" asked William, the former king of the country.

And Henry recounted what happened concisely and asked "Father can you please check his soul core? Is his core active? I suspect his sleep problem has a relation to his soul core."

"Hmm, sure it is highly likely that it has something to do with his soul core," William looked around and continued "Everyone you can retreat. Take Alice with you, too. If there is a need, I will call you."

After everyone except Henry and Sophia exited the room. Henry showed a confused expression and was going to ask but William interjected "Henry do not ask me why I send them right now. It is a long story, but my travel plans were leaked. You should understand the severity of it. As for my grandson`s situation, I am afraid it may be something we need to conceal for now."

Henry`s confused expression turned to one of anger, but because of the state they were in he did not say anything. William walked near the prince and held him in his embrace with one hand and with the other hand he held the prince`s head. He shut his eyes and his whole body started to glow dazzlingly. After a while Prince`s body started to glow.

Both Henry and Sophia anxiously waited. In the end, William finished what he was doing and put the prince back. After a while sighed loudly and said "Henry, Sophia this may sound a little bad first you should know that he did not show any indications of the craziness. He was technically always asleep. So…"

Henry asked with a voice barely audible "Does he have two soul cores," it is as if if the question he asked is heard, he was afraid it will become true.

William said "Not only that his two cores are both active. In the history of our dynasty, I do not know such a case." And looked at the prince in the crib and said, "It seems we need to wait for him to awaken to conclude whether he will have a dual soul."