
Chapter 41

"But Kendra has my mask now, and before that, it was in my room where it always is." Ryan shook his head, disbelief all over his pale face. "You're sure?"

"Positive. Let's find Kendra." I took his hand and led him toward the back fence deeper into the shadows.

We found her leaned against the passenger door of Ryan's car parked on the next street over, breathing deeply. Dressed all in black, she was nearly invisible against the midnight sky. She already had on a mask, though it wasn't her usual old one. This new mask made her look like she was in her forties.

"We have a problem," Ryan hissed as soon as she was in earshot. He gestured for us to get in.

"Already?" Kendra said and climbed into the back seat while I took the front with Ryan.

We explained the situation while Ryan drove.

She took the news well with lots of impressive cussing, but in English this time. "Why would someone steal your mask and then return it?"