
Chapter 36

Clutching the padlock at my neck tightly, I crept along the far wall that led to Era's bedroom. With every step I took, the classical music grew louder. The violins and my heartbeat dueled to be the loudest sound in the house. Then I was right next to the open doorway, pressing myself flat against the wall. I dared a peek around the doorframe. The room was spacious, much larger than the kitchen. The red river of blood flowed from the floor of this room. Even the huge bed had a blood-red flower design on the bedspread.

No sign of Era. I peeked a little farther into the room. A closed set of white double doors adorned the opposite wall, and in a nearby corner was an overstuffed red, patterned chair. Across from the bed was another door. This one was slightly open and a light was on inside. A bathroom, maybe.