
Chapter 17

The kitchen was the size of my house, and four unsmiling maids bustled around, putting things in ovens and taking other things out of the humongous refrigerator.

Kendra handed me an apron from the top of the center island. "This is my routine on Saturdays. We bake all day and then we give the food away to the poor and the homeless. My parents started the tradition, and I chose to continue it."

"Wow," I breathed as I took the apron, truly impressed. "That's good of you."

She shrugged. "My parents always said that it's what you do that matters, not who you are. They believed in giving back to the city."

I tied the apron strings around my waist. "And so do you."

Kendra smiled. "So do I."

I decided right then and there that I liked Kendra. She had a big heart, and she wasn't afraid to wear it right out in the open for everyone to see. That took major guts.

"So what are we making today?" I asked.