
Chapter 13

My betrayal pulled at my throat. It weighed on my bare feet with each heavy slap against the pavement. How could I have left Ryan behind like that?

The stitch in my side blazed with pain, but I gritted my teeth and tried to ignore it. It was nothing compared to all those resurfaced memories. Or that saving my own skin was more important than anyone else's. I hated that truth so much that it burned my stomach.

I cut across the parking lot of Jim's Pharmacy, then jumped in front of traffic. Horns blared at me as I sprang across the street.

Something in my ear crackled. "Jasmine! Where...?" Kendra's voice cut in and out through static.

"44th Street," I said between gasps. "Kendra, they got Ryan!"

All I heard in response was a burst of static.