
Chapter 216: Relationships

"Your Majesty, we have finished providing food and supplies we gathered from the stores below to the horned ones through all of the ships." Said Charlotte as she approached Ruby standing beside Lita on the edge of the ship. 

Ruby smiled brightly upon hearing this. 

"That's great! Lara's suggestion turned out to work out great, especially since we were low on supplies." 

'But I suggested the same thing before her..' Charlotte thought to herself while putting up a smiling front. 

"That is right your majesty, it's a good thing she suggested it." 

Ruby nodded before glancing over at Lita. 

Lita wasn't saying anything, her eyes were shut and her presence was fickle. Completely unlike her playful and usual side. 

She was in her [Prophecy] mode. 

"Charlotte, how do you think the Labyrinth expedition is going so far?" Ruby asked.