
Chapter 183: Hostage.

[Pause Level 5: Authority Over Frozen Time.] 

"Break." He muttered. 

At that instant, the space ahead of him where the shadow had been standing cracked like a fragile piece of glass. It was on the verge of shattering right after he did so. 

[Break Executed.] 

"Unpause time." 

[The flow of time resumes.] 

Just as the shadow finished taking a step, it's entire head seemed to vanish as a strong gust of wind blew right through it. 


Holes formed all throughout his body as his attacks, delivered in the world of frozen time registered. 

Following that, the space where the shadow had been standing grew cracks all over it, said cracks spread throughout the shell of the shadow's corpse 

For a moment it seemed to be effective, but just as Gray expected, the holes created closed quickly after, leaving behind not even a trace of injury.